The latest Carnival of Evolution is at Evolving Thoughts, hosted by that guy Wilkins who usually covers the philosophical beat…but we’ll let him out of that cage this one time.
The Carnival of Evolution 48 will be held right here, on Pharyngula. You can submit entries via the carnival widget; get them in before 1 June, or I’ll ignore them and they’ll be passed on to the next carnival host, who doesn’t exist. And therefore doesn’t have a blog. Which means your carefully crafted science post will be shipped off to dev:null. So you might also consider volunteering for the hosting duties some time. The electrons you save might be your own.
(Also on Sb)
Sunday Afternoon says
That’s an ugly background at the webpage hosting the submission widget!
carlie says
I wonder how on earth the paleo diet story got in there. It’s just a commercial for bunkus that reads like a Dr. Oz/Oprah bit.
fastlane says
It says something (not sure what) about where my mind is when I read the title as ‘Carnal Evolution’….
PZ, I think I see a new post topic!
rtp10 says
Gives new meaning to Karn Evil 9!
alvintheaardvark says
Surely ‘/dev/null’?
voss says
Inappropriate octopus response:
Octopodi from 2007
johnwilkins says
carlie, everybody knows that newspapers do not fact check any more as facts are so pre-postmodern. The dietary post was submitted by the author, and it was not obviously wrong or off topic, so it got in (one didn’t, because it was stupid). As editor I take the same degree of responsibility every editor now takes: to whit, none whatsoever.