Sausage outrage

Yes really: sausage outrage. No, not the sausage=penis kind of outrage, the other kind.

Reham Khan, the former BBC presenter who recently married ex-cricketer and politician Imran Khan, has sparked a backlash in Pakistan after footage emerged of her cooking and selling pork sausages.

There they go again – she “sparked outrage.”

The 41-year-old TV star, who is herself of British-Pakistani decent, can purportedly be seen frying the religiously restricted meat at a country fair in West Sussex for the BBC South Today show in 2011, The Times reports.

In Islamic dietary jurisprudence, the consumption of pork is considered ‘haram’, or ‘unlawful’.

In what? “Dietary jurisprudence”? What the fuck is that? Jurisprudence refers to actual law, real world law, secular law, law that applies to everyone within the borders. Religious boffins would love to make their rules as binding as real laws, but in places that aren’t Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, they can’t. I have to wonder why the Independent is presenting a religious taboo as if it were a genuine state law.

During the film, which, alongside other footage apparently showing Khan wearing “revealing” outfits, has been prolifically viewed in Pakistan over the last week, she is reportedly seen learning how to make and prepare the meat dish by two-time national sausage making champion David Bell.

The horror.


  1. Anne Fenwick says

    Well, if she’s British and she lives in Britain and she wants to eat sausages, the Pakistanis will just have to fuck off, won’t they.

  2. quixote says

    When I saw the headline, I assumed she’d set up the fry station inide a mosque in Pakistan.

    I wonder how far outside an easily-offended mind this dietary “jurisprudence” has the force of law. Clearly, it extends to picnics on the other side of the planet. But how about when we have colonies on Mars? Or Titan. Will Titan be far enough away? Or how about the Oort Cloud?

    (Where did all these loonies come from? I’ve travelled through Pakistan, fercryinoutloud. Nice, sensible, intelligent people. All the ones I met.)

  3. says

    So, this is because she’s married to a Pakistani politician, therefore Pakistan still owns her, therefore she’s expected to toe the line as a proper Pakistani Muslim — even when she’s in England?

    Some people really need to learn to keep their noses out of other people’s business. But then, their noses were appointed by God to be stuck in where they’re neither needed nor wanted, weren’t they? Holy Noses!

  4. says

    We need to stop pretending that religious laws don’t affect anyone but their religious adherents. It should come as no surprise that pork isn’t featured in restaurants in Malaysia and it’s not exactly easy to get beer with your meal. And why is that? I haven’t gone back to Salt Lake City, UT since the late 90s but when I was there last, the Thai restaurant where I ate dinner had some weird rules surrounding beer, and the price of the beer was exorbitant. So, yes, you had Mormon religious observance being inflicted on a Maryland resident eating at a Thai restaurant – none of us the slightest bit Mormon. Nor, when I was in Malaysia, did I feel the slightest bit Muslim though I was being subjected to their religious observances whether I believed or not. When I was in Saudi(*) I had no choice at all about being expected to walk away from my half-eaten meal when there was a call to prayer.

    Compared to chopping our heads off or burning us at the stake like they would have cheerfully done in the “good old days” religionists certainly expect nonbelievers to kowtow to their political control. And, if someone refused to kowtow it would trigger a doubling-down of the political control. Fuck religion.

    (* I will never voluntarily go back there)

  5. anat says

    When I lived in Rehovot in the 90s there were 2 local McDonald’s places: The one that was out of town opened on Shabbat and had the full menu whereas the one in town was closed on Shabbat, did not serve any dairy products and had kosher certification. IIRC Jerusalem also had a similar arrangement.

  6. Holms says

    During the film, which, alongside other footage apparently showing Khan wearing “revealing” outfits, has been prolifically viewed in Pakistan over the last week, she is reportedly seen learning how to make and prepare the meat dish by two-time national sausage making champion David Bell.


  7. says

    Not that you need religion to upset people with what you cook. Imagine the howls of outrage if Rachel Ray was shown on US TV cooking dog in a restaurant in one of those places/cultures eating dog is acceptable. People are good at creating meaningless taboos.

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