Je suis une femme

Tina Nguyen at Medialite reports on the photographic obliteration of women who had the temerity to be visible in the Paris march on Sunday. These brazen hussies were merely the chancellor of Germany and the mayor of Paris and the EU foreign policy chief, so what the hell did they think they were doing out there with the grown-ups?

Yesterday’s historic march across Paris included over 40 world leaders expressing solidarity for France after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, but if you read this Haredi newspaper, you’d believe that none of them were women.

The image that ran on the front page of the Israeli newspaper The Announcer edited two female world leaders out of the image, originally provided by wire service GPO: German Chancellor Angela Merkel and EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.

A third, in a blue scarf is Anne Hidalgo, the Mayor of Paris.

You have to go to the original, which has the real photo and the faked one and a third pointing out all the traces of the photoshopping.



  1. says

    Wow, that’s even more despicable than editing Hillary Clinton out of the photo of top US officials hearing about the Bin Laden op. These right-wing assholes are capitalizing on a bigoted religious attack on free speech, and publishing photos that deny the presence of HEADS OF STATE — in accordance with another bigoted religion’s dictates.

    This whole “Je Suis Charlie” movement is starting to get thoroughly infested with hypocricy and cynical exploitation, at all levels. It’s starting to be embarrassing to be on CH’s side.

  2. Crimson Clupeidae says

    So wait….an article that’s (hypothetically) supportive of the march, which in itself was largely about freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, and they edit out the women?

    The point, you haz missed it!

  3. Bernard Bumner says

    This is disgraceful, and I would interested to know (if anyone can read it) whether the women are similarly obliterated from the text.

    Running the original text from through translate reveals (slightly mangles) this commentary:

    Some of the papers also refrain from publishing the names of women, even when it comes to women known as the Knesset members, and make do with writing the last name only.

    I wonder what the published spin on the story is? Is that a write-up about solidarity and free speech?

  4. PatrickG says

    @ Raging Bee:

    It’s starting to be embarrassing to be on CH’s side.

    Were you ever on their side? I mean, if an Orthodox newspaper editing women out of pictures (not exactly a new thing, by the way!) can cause you associative embarrassment, I’d say probably not.

    Keep in mind CH very much doesn’t want a lot of people on their side. They’ve been pretty vocal about it.

  5. moarscienceplz says

    Dear Israel,
    The best way to fight against Nazis and intolerant islamists and antisemites is NOT by trying to emulate them.

  6. Scr... Archivist says

    wirephoto 1.11.15 reporting eurasian thoughtcrime demo refs unpersons shoop fullwise upsub antefiling

  7. leni says

    Well, it’s a “good” thing they didn’t have to remove more than a handful of women from the pictures.

    Because that would have been a terrible burden on the Heredi.

    They will undoubtedly similarly erase female victims of the attack.

  8. says

    Well, it’s a “good” thing they didn’t have to remove more than a handful of women from the pictures.

    Because that would have been a terrible burden on the Heredi.

    I was thinking the same thing. They don’t actually look all that different.

  9. sambarge says

    They will undoubtedly similarly erase female victims of the attack.

    The female police officer will be ignored for sure – not only a woman, but a WOC. I wonder if they reported on the one female victim of the CH staff, Elsa Cayat, who was also Jewish.

    I suspect she won’t get the lionizing they’ll impart on the 4 Jewish men killed at the grocery, if she’s mentioned at all. They’ll be heroes and she’ll be invisible to this paper.

    Actually, it’s interesting that the 4 men killed at the grocery store were flown to Israel for burial, in concern that their graves would be desecrated but Cayat was not.

  10. otrame says

    I think they just find the photo obscene. Women, standing right next to men. Actually holding hands with men who are not their husbands. They want to get in on the international outrage at this terrible thing, but they will not stoop so low as to show women acting like fully human beings and being leaders and such like.

  11. ema says

    [Binyamin Lipkin, editor of Hamevaser] also said he did not want to tarnish the memories of people killed in the attacks.

    “Including a picture of a woman into something so sacred, as far as we are concerned, it can desecrate the memory of the martyrs and not the other way around,” he said.

  12. sambarge says

    “Including a picture of a woman into something so sacred, as far as we are concerned, it can desecrate the memory of the martyrs and not the other way around,” he said.

    Well. I suppose that answers the question about whether or not Elsa Cayat will be included in any tributes or stories by Hamevaser.

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