One more horror

One more horror out of the many every hour of every day.

Dr. Rou’aa Diab was a dentist in the Deir ez-Zor Governate city of Al-Mayadeen, located on the border of Iraq.  Two days ago, she [was] arrested by the Islamic State, along with 4 others, and summarily executed. The reasoning for the execution was under the crime of “treating male patients” – a crime she was not tried for in a court room. Dr. Diab’s death has sparked anger in the historical city of Al-Mayadeen, an area where the Islamic State continues to assert its governance over.

A dentist – murdered for treating patients. You know what life would be like without dentists? Very nasty, that’s what.



  1. chigau (違う) says

    I am female.
    I have three male dentists involved in my mouth.
    Without them, I might be dead.
    so, yeah

  2. sc_770d159609e0f8deaa72849e3731a29d says

    The reasoning for the execution was under the crime of “treating male patients” – a crime she was not tried for in a court room.

    Would it be any more acceptable to kill her for this if she had been tried in a court room?

  3. John Morales says

    sc_770d159609e0f8deaa72849e3731a29d @2, yes, not least because trials supposedly offer an opportunity (however slim) for exoneration.

    This was, essentially, a lynching.

    (Execution after trial is bad, execution without trial is worse)

  4. Omar Puhleez says

    Support for ISIS does not seem to have gained much detectable traction among the usual suspects in the Pro-totalitarian Left of the West. Perhaps ISIS is not sufficiently anti; anti-liberal, antidemocratic, anti-American…

  5. Derec A says

    Would it be any more acceptable to kill her for this if she had been tried in a court room?

    sc_770d159609e0f8deaa72849e3731a29d @2, yes, not least because trials supposedly offer an opportunity (however slim) for exoneration.
    This was, essentially, a lynching.
    (Execution after trial is bad, execution without trial is worse)

    OMG! After that whole Dawkins kurfuffle I thought we weren’t supposed to be comparing things like this in some kind of hierarchy (execution with trial is bad but execution without trial is worse). In this case executing the female dentist is clearly wrong both ethically and morally whether or not she was given a trail or not. She was executed simply because she was a woman doctor treating male patients. But it seems as if you wouldn’t have a problem with her execution if only she had had a trial and was found guilty of the heinous crime of “treating male patients while being female”.

  6. lorn says

    I guess the claim that the patients were male bu the teeth were female didn’t carry the day.

    A little dark humor.

    Sad. I really try to understand and wrap my head around the way other people think, but I still don’t get how anyone can kill a dentist for treating opposite sex patients. About the only thing I can come up with is that she had something someone in power wanted or she had enemies. The whole treating male patients sound more like a charge of convenience against someone you wanted an excuse to murder. Kind of like the Salem witch trials which were essentially land grabs by way of church sanctioned murder.

    Teeth are pretty asexual, and absolutely everyone needs dental care. Recent, in the last decade or two, (showing my age) poor dental health has been linked with all sorts of diseases. Killing people for doing their job trying to help people. I guess it is like they say: every [abomination] is possible with God on your side.

  7. John Morales says

    Derec @5, obviously, you thought wrong about what “we” are supposed to do.

    But it seems as if you wouldn’t have a problem with her execution if only she had had a trial and was found guilty of the heinous crime of “treating male patients while being female”.

    Really? It seems to me you don’t distinguish between mobs and States any more than you distinguish between judicial and extrajudicial killings.

    (Etiology matters)

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