Apparently in Australia they do prosecute FGM, or at least attempt to, or at least have made one such attempt. From the Sydney Morning Herald:
A Sydney father has been charged by police over the alleged genital mutilation of his infant daughter while they were holidaying overseas.
Police said the man and his family were on a holiday in February 2012 when the father allegedly organised for his nine-month-old daughter to undergo a procedure known as female circumcision.
About six months later, the child’s mother took her daughter to a doctor for treatment, and the NSW Police Child Abuse Squad was alerted.
That sounds like a hidden story. One imagines the mother’s reaction after the genital mutilation which she apparently had not agreed to. One imagines what condition she sought treatment for six months later. One shudders.
Police would not say in which country the family was holidaying at the time of the alleged incident.
How tactful.
H/t Ian.
I’ve heard of withholding the name of the child to protect her identity but protecting a country is ridiculous.
Yes, there’s definitely some info missing in this case, or it’s an example of excessive PC.
I’m going to guess Indonesia, Australia’s populous near northern neighbour and very much influenced by moslem extremists. Relations with Indonesia are strained at the best of time and critcising them at the moment is likely to unleash a shit storm of abuse and cancelled contracts.
See here for example.
Follow the money trail you see. Australia sells a lot of beef there, apart from the issue of asylum seekers travelling to Australia via Indonesia.
In an article linked from the SMH report, the NSW Community Services Minister Pru Goward is quoted as having said:.
“I think what does need to happen is that our immigration authorities have to get much more vigilant about advising communities that it is not lawful in Australia.
“We need to change attitudes and culture. That’s a much slower process than changing the law.”
Catch-22: the best way to do that is via prosecuting a few cases and letting rip the publicity and debate. But the culture discourages women from informing authorities, and the girl victims even more so.
The other reason why they don’t name the country could be that they’re from a small minority group and that the information could be enough to identify the family.
The girls themselves are the core victim of the political correctness. People are so afraid of being “muscular liberals” that this just gets swept under the rug. Seriously, do we ever prosecute it here, because I cannot recall reading about it.
As the child of immigrants, you know what would get people’s attention: getting sent the fuck back to the old country if you are caught doing this to your daughter. Deportation and loss of citizenship/immigration status makes waves. Frankly a person that would do this deserves no place in a modern society. Unless they are a natural born citizen, GTFO. They are just taking up a place for more deserving immigrants from societies that at least can refrain from mutilating girls genitals.
No reason to assume it’s indonesia. This is primarily an African practice, and in local regions does not vary by religion. Moreover, I don’t think that a strong trade relationship is necessary for the government to feel the need to avoid naming the country.
Crip Dyke
Examples of the practice continuing there are easy to find and Indonesia is much more of a political hot potato for Australia than any African country, but I admit it’s my speculation only as to the reason for suppression in this particular case.
Katherine @ #6:
Muslim immigrants want to go to Australia, W. Europe and N. America because of the usual reasons: opportunities for kids, relaxed lifestyle, affluence, etc. The Islam they subscribe to is a pretty effective brake on economic development and highly likely to remain so in their countries of origin. and any they gain control over.
The most eager Islamists among them look forward to Islam taking the western world over by higher rates of Islamic immigrant population growth, whereupon eventually the world will be wall to wall with mosques, hijabs, bourkers and all the rest of it; probably stonings of apostates and other sinners every Friday after prayers.
Until that glorious time comes, their task is to try to keep the immigrant communities as uncontaminated by western influence as possible.
So sending Musli lawbreakers back to their countries of origin, while desirable in my view, depends on their NOT having been granted citizenship before commission of the crime.
“Christians will recognize the truth and accept Jesus عليه السلام as a Muslim Prophet and Messenger of God. The religion of God (Islam) will justly rule the World. There will be no more oppression or wars, and peace will prevail. Furthermore, there will be no need to collect Jizyah (tax levied on Christians & Jews in Islamic states) because Christianity and Judaism will end. Every human being will be financially well-off and no one will accept charity. Jesus عليه السلام will perform Hajj (pilgrimage), marry, begets [sic] children, and die after living on Earth. His death will signal the beginning of the last days for humanity before the Day of Judgment.”
@ Crip Dyke etc, #7
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is by no means an “African” practice only, see the list at Wikipedia. It is, however, often restricted to ethnic groups (e.G. Kurds), but widely practiced in Indonesia, where up to 80% of muslim women undergo the procedure. It is performed en masse at “khitanan massal”.
@ Omar Puhleez, #8
Both offsprings from Jewish monotheism, Islam as well as Christianity, entertain dreams of final world domination. For the Christian side see Math 28:18 to 20, or, if you dare, that “Book of Revelation”. Not a big difference to the apologetic Islam site you cited. But of course, like all those “scriptural” future projections, that is pure moot. Both Christianity and Islam have long ago passed their zenith, and are far away from converting every human being to their obscure beliefs. Second, a world-wide economy based on Sharia law would have to be basically rural, unable to feed 7.2 billion people. Keep in mind that Capitalism and lending at fixed rates are haram, and “Islamic science” failed to contribute anything worth looking at over the last 600 years…
Finally, the “Muslim fertility” argument is not in line with what we know about Muslim migrant behavior in secular states – on an average local higher living and child raising costs lead to rapidly declining birth rates in the second and third migrant generation. Don’t be hysteric…
@Crip Dyke
Why the defense of Indonesia (and religion)?
I looked it up and female genital mutilation does occur in Southeast Asia, exclusively in a Islamic context. Whatever the situation in Africa where I guess some Christians do it too, let’s not pretend its overall pattern is not chiefly linked to one religion.
A good post.
“…Both Christianity and Islam have long ago passed their zenith, and are far away from converting every human being to their obscure beliefs…”
Maybe so. Though by practice in many Muslim countries, one is a Muslim or one is dead. Christianity is the biggest religion globally by population, and Islam the second biggest, with 31.5% and 23.2% respectively of the world’s population identifying as adherents. (Us polytheists don’t get a look in. ;-))
“… Second, a world-wide economy based on Sharia law would have to be basically rural, unable to feed 7.2 billion people. Keep in mind that Capitalism and lending at fixed rates are haram, and ‘Islamic science’ failed to contribute anything worth looking at over the last 600 years…”
That may be so, but since when have practicalities like those dampened the zeal of zealots?
“Finally, the ‘Muslim fertility’ argument is not in line with what we know about Muslim migrant behavior in secular states – on an average local higher living and child raising costs lead to rapidly declining birth rates in the second and third migrant generation.
Your source for that?
Increasingly, wars and resource crises in the Islamic world (which has more than its fair share of failed states) are likely to lead to increased numbers of Muslims seeking to migrate to western countries, and to seek to impose their own cultural standards after arrival. Witness attempts to impose Sharia law in France, Britain, Holland etc.
@ 11 Katherine Woo
Crip Dyke didn’t defend Indonesia or religion. She cautioned against jumping to conclusions.
There is a difference between a reticence to draw conclusions from insufficient evidence (good), and “hyperskepticism” a.k.a. denialism – a refusal to draw conclusions despite overwhelming evidence (bad).
@ 6 Katherine Woo
No. One rule for “natural born citizens” and one rule for immigrant citizens is bigotry. (And Australia’s had enough of that in the past.)
@ Omar Puhleez, #12
(1)The Zeal of Zealots…
IMO it’s not the zeal that counts – in the end, Zealots always lose their wars. Especially there is no need for counter-zeal – just living our many different western ways of life is attractive enough. And I say this as someone who has lived in the Turkish/Muslim populated parts of Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen for years.
And, regrettably, in Lahore, Pakistan , too.
(2)Your source for that? (Muslim Fertility)
Sorry, German only: German Gov’t research report on Migrant integration Page 6:
“The fertility rates of women with an immigrant background are at all time points below that of the reference population in the country of origin and they go back drastically among all nationalities. After a migration the family formation process begins later and the number of children born per woman is lower. During the migration, the cost of children rise and the possibilities for their substantive contribution (to family income) fall. This means that the birth rate among immigrant women usually declines. The generative behavior is characterized by a sharp drop in births of higher parity, the speed depends on the migration career and the education level of immigrant women. According to expert commission of the Sixth Family Report, the generative behavior resembles rapidly that of the host society, although this change is not accompanied by a change in values in relation to children and education”.
The German numbers are based on the biggest population of foreigners in the EU, 9.8 million, among them 4.3 million Sunni Muslims , mostly of Turkish descent. The findings are similar for Denmark and the Netherlands, as far as I can see.
Foreign birth rates are a highly emotional theme in Britain, although the absolute numbers and rates seem to be comparable.
steffp @#14:
“The fertility rates of women with an immigrant background are at all time points below that of the reference population in the country of origin….”
That may well be. But what are they in the countries of destination, relative to the fertility rates among the host populations there?
As I see it, the attempts at immigration from the Islamic world to the relatively prosperous West can only increase. The more succesful the attempts at migration are, the greater will be the incentive (‘pull factor’) for others to follow. The recent history of fishing boats crossing from Indonesia to Australia loaded with (mainly Muslim) males seeking to claim refugee status would appear to bear this out. It certainly was a strong factor influencing the electors last year to dump the Labor government.