Broken and burned » « The lowering of standards A caution Heh. I missed Michael Nugent’s comment on that “playful” incident in the Dáil during the abortion bill debate. Irish Government Health Warning Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditGoogleMoreEmailPrint Broken and burned » « The lowering of standards
A Hermit says July 16, 2013 at 2:39 pm Cue the Menz Chorus! “It was just a joke. He was just flirting. He’s socially awkward. If it was so bad why didn’t she call the police?” Women in Saudi Arabia can’t even vote why aren’t you talking about that instead! And of course, if it weren’t for the fact that it was actually caught on video they’d be denying it happened at all…
Cue the Menz Chorus!
“It was just a joke.
He was just flirting.
He’s socially awkward.
If it was so bad why didn’t she call the police?”
Women in Saudi Arabia can’t even vote why aren’t you talking about that instead!
And of course, if it weren’t for the fact that it was actually caught on video they’d be denying it happened at all…