Every Saturday Daily Kos published some of the funnier hate mail we get. Markos calls it the hate-mail-a-palooza. One of the best began with Dear Liberal Fuckstick. But this one received last week may be be another instant classic:
Bet your pretty pisseed off that Michelle Bachmann Won the Iowa poll?! you wanted to get your secret liberal plant Romneye to win so thst the election would be between two leftist assholes? Guess waht? Romney got fucking DESTROYED!! If you thinkthat AMERICAN consrevatives ar going to nominate some leftwing homo lover from TAXACHUSETS your seriousky fucking mistaken!!!
You keep attakcing Bachmann becuase your FUCKING AFRAID!!! Well guess what! Bachmann will win and you SHOULD be fucking afraid you fucking sissy little quer! your taxpayer funded “job” sucking cock for the goverment will be cut! your Special fucking tax breaks for faggots will also be cut! NO MORE TAXPAYER FUNDED ABORTIONS!!! NO MORE TAXES!!! Guess what DailyFAG? Fuck you DailyFAG!!! I bet your boyfriend Romney will let you suck his cock if you ask nicely! that shuld make you feel better! Yum yum romney-cock!!!!
No idea if it’s legit or something a friendly reader made up for fun. But it’s a good time to remind readers that bloggers here reserve the right to republish any email sent, typos and mangled sentences intact, right up to and including your email address.