The delegate math for tonight

Our friends at Fox News have posted a great primer of how the delegate math works for Alabama and Mississippi this evening. These states aren’t terribly complex compared to some, but the math isn’t simple representative wins by district or percentage either. There’s more to it than simple statewide vote totals. It has combinations of district thresholds, open delegates, and winner take all provisions. Confused? See below [Read more…]

MS and AL primary voters believe Obama is Muslim and evolution is false

It’s not exactly a surprise that on the right, in the two states holding primaries tomorrow, Mississippi and Alabama, the anti-science Teaparty ignoramuses run the show. But data from the PPP poll on voter preferences below also held some interesting data about evolution and Obama that really drive home just how out of touch these voters are. [Read more…]

The science of anti-science

On almost every post where conservative denial of science rears its unwelcome head, a fascinating question breaks out in comments: do they really believe it or are they just being cynical assholes? The traditional response is “I can’t read people’s minds …but”. Now, thanks to the rapidly growing field of neurophysiology, we’re starting to get insight into the cerebral activities that rise and fall when someone is confronted by strong counter arguments to their beliefs. Defacto mind reading?  It’s a complicated subject, way out of my league as a writer. But luckily, I happen to have in my hot little hands a review copy for a new book due out in April by noted science writer Chris Mooney called The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Don’t Believe in Science. [Read more…]

James Inhofe says God decreed there will be no Global Warming

See that chart up there compiled by NASA of ground and ocean surface temperature readings over the last century? Fear not, for Senator James Inhofe (R-bugfuck) assures us all, every one, that God is on the case, and in fact He has been from the very beginning when the univserse was created lo those few thousand years ago. It says so in Genesis: [Read more…]