But you know what is a little more like a slow loading healthcare website, happened under the Bush WH, and has also cost in the neighborhood of a trillion tax-bucks? It’s not web pages that time out, like the WordPress edit screen, Youtube, and pretty much every other site I visit on a daily basis. It’s this blast from the recent past:
Daily Kos –Looking back on it, the public’s turnaround from initial rejection to growing support for Part D was understandable. The unfunded $400 billion program that President Bush signed into law in December 2003 was needlessly complex for seniors and unnecessarily expensive for taxpayers. Rather than having the government negotiate prices directly with pharmaceutical firms and add drug coverage into the traditional Medicare program, President Bush and his Republican allies in Congress instead gave recipients subsidies to purchase plans from private insurers.
Making matters worse, millions of “dual eligible” already receiving drug coverage from Medicaid had to switch to the new scheme, a process that left millions unable to pay for their prescriptions for weeks in early 2006. But for tens of millions of American seniors, Part D was better than the alternative: nothing. As the Bush administration’s bureaucratic bungles were ironed out over time (aided in large part by governors who stepped into provide resources, support and cash), public support increased.
There’s another rather relevant contrast: creepy progressive zillionaires didn’t pay off democratic sociopaths to knee-cap Medicare Part D, trick beneficiaries into not using it, or cast those who did as terrorist nazi socialist leeches. But other than all that … they’re virtually identical.
Oh my yes, I remember 2006… and Silverscript seems to work well, since things were ironed out.
It was Hurricane Katrina, right? Since it wasn’t initially caused by human decisions. (Why no, that isn’t my final answer.)
hummmmmm…… Maybe your insurance company is UnitedHealthCare? The insurance company that is “reorganizing and optimizing it’s provider network in order to provide better service to it’s members” (direct quote from numerous UHC telephone answerers – apparently the party line) by dropping two of my “health providers” (doctors) from their in-network provider list? Doctors I have been with for years and years? (26 years and 17 years).
Needless to say, I am not a member of UnitedHealthCare, I am a customer, soon to be an EX-customer, effective January 1, 2014.