There is a strange liquid substance falling from the sky in Texas. Analysis reveals dihydrogen oxide saturated with free diatomic Oxygen and Nitrogen, trace amounts of CO2, Argon, and a smattering of various hydrocarbons are present. I’m not sure what to make of it.
Here in South Austin we went out & got soaking wet & played with the rushing water in the gutter. Well, my kids did. I just got soaking wet & enjoyed it. This morning, they were still so fascinated by the rain that they ate breakfast on the porch.
Does that mean that Perry’s prayers have been answered? A bit late for the farmers and too little to fill Lake Travis.
How widespread is the potential zone of contamination for this dihydrogen oxide? Would you recommend evacuations at any local or district-wide scale?
I wondered what the hell that stuff was. It’s coming down hard here in San Antonio. It seems to have a cooling effect on the air temperature. We won’t make it to 90 today if this keeps up. Not sure if we have the facilities to deal with a change like that.
all the other freethought blogs are talking about hitchens’ visit to texas…clearly there is only one possible conclusion here.
Perry’s prayers have been answered. Sorry. I thought he had led thousands in prayer that Autumn would arrive on schedule.
Bah html filtering. Please add [looks back …] after first sentence.
clearly there is only one possible conclusion here.
Coincidence? I Think YES!
It may not even make it to 70 today in San Antonio. Winter has arrived!
Some of these crazy South Texans break out their coats when the temp falls below 70. The first time I saw that, in McAllen, I couldn’t believe it. 67 and you’re wearing a coat? Seriously? I wear shorts and mini-skirts until it’s in the 30s. I might–might–put on a sweater if it’s windy in the 40s.
I love the cold.
Be careful–this dihydrogen oxide substance is so caustic, scientists sometimes refer to it as the “universal solvent.” Seriously, this stuff can dissolve practically anything, including rock, given time.
It can also impair breathing functions when inhaled.
All Texans are asked to please stay indoors and pray for this to end.
You think THAT’s crazy?
Come on up here to Wisconsin – for six months out of the year, that compound falls from the sky as a DRY PRECIPITATE.
HORRIFYING! It clogs the streets so much they have to use heavy equipment to clear them! All the time! When will the people stop being exposed to this dangerous chemical? WHEN?
It’s decades since I read Dune, but even so I know that it’s spelled Kwisatz Haderach. Beware the wrath of the SF nerd.
Does this mean the God-Emperor of Texas will allow clemency for those convicted of making adobe bricks?