Free thinker humanist Avijit Roy was killed by Islamic terrorists today.

Avijit Roy (42) was an engineer, science writer, blogger, atheist, feminist, humanist, human rights activist, courageous defender of reason and free speech, and the founder of Mukto-Mona free-thought blogging site for Bengali and South Asian freethinkers. He lived in the USA, but arrived in Bangladesh to attend the inauguration ceremony of his new books at the national book fair in Dhaka. After the ceremony tonight, he and his wife left the book fair at around 8.30 pm.

On their way home, and not far from the book fair, Islamic fanatics hacked Avijit to death. His wife has been severely injured.

Avijit’s father, Dr Ajoy Roy, is a former professor of physics at the Dhaka university. He is also a writer and free thinker.


Avijit Roy was an extraordinarily talented person. He dedicated his life to enlightening those who live in the darkness of ignorance. I knew him since the mid ’90s. I admired him for his relentless efforts to spread a scientific temperament in the world. It is extremely painful to come to terms with his loss. Bangladesh has become a safe haven for Islamists where they can do whatever they like. They can kill people with no qualms whatsoever. Avijit Roy has been killed the way other free thinking writers were killed in Bangladesh. No free thinker is safe in that country.


  1. Melissa Mccrea says

    “No chance, Fundy Islamic bed-wetting types. I burst my pimples at you and call your door-opening request a silly thing, you tiny-brained wipers of other people’s bottoms! Yes, depart a lot at this time, and cut the approaching any more or we fire arrows at the tops of your heads and make castanets out of your testicles already! Ha ha haaa ha! And now, remain gone, illegitimate-faced bugger-folk! And, if you think you got a nasty taunting this time, you ain’t heard nothing yet, dappy Middle-Eastern k-nnniggets! Thpppt! Your father smelt of elderberries and you mother was a hamster”

  2. Subhrajit says

    This is barbaric…inhumane…let us all stand and shout…ABHIJIT ROY,WE ALL ARE WITH YOU….let us all really feel the pain and anger of his Wife,his Parents…..let us,really…

  3. noshsor says

    its so painful to explain how we are losing all the freethinker in our country. its time to rise your voice, words against those fanatics. please save our nation from this type of religious fanatics.

  4. dibakar chakraborty says

    Bangladesh has become a haven for terrorists of all denominations. Not only it has become a breeding ground for the Islamic terrorists but also it has turned itself into a safe shelter for all terror groups of all hues, who are raging a proxy war against neighbouing India. Be it ULFA, NDFB, KPLT, Kamatapuris, Garo terrorists, Khasi terrorists etc. etc. It has, therefore, become obvious that the Govt. of Bangladesh has scant control over affairs of maintaining its national security. The Bangladeshi Govt. for reasons best known to it, is covertly compromising with Islamic extremists for its existence (alas). And the Islamists have a vested interest in siding with the enemies of the land of infidels, viz. India (they are, in fact, enemies of mankind). Consequently, the country called Bangladesh which came into existence as a result of immeasurable sacrifice of millions of men and women, managed to become a free roaming ground for the enemies humanity. Expressing your opinion, it seems, has become terribly dangerous in that country. Darkness from all sides, sadly but surely, is enveloping the country. If Islam is not confronted with the same brute force by which it is striking the moral core of Bangladesh, the day is not far when the country will be governed by forces like ISIS (it is a serious possibility). A war, therefore, needs to be waged against the barbarians, an all out war. Pay them back with their own coins. REMOVE THE EVIL OF INVASIVE RELIGION. Who says pigs cannot be slaughtered? Bloody brutes.
    My deepest condolences for Avijit Roy, his family and friends. এই মৃত্যু অপরাজেয়।

  5. says

    I didn’t know about him when he was alive, sorry, and I am sorry there is such a mental sickness amongst the Muslims that they go insane in large groups committing murder and also raping children. They probably suffer from all the arsenic in their water, but then the Hindus behave like normal people. I don’t have an explanation. But Islamic terrorists are vile excuses for human life. They a lesser form of life for sure. They lack a key ingredient for being human which is a conscience. If you don’t have this you can’t understand what it is. But know that I know what Avijit Roy stood for and that he was willing to inoffensively make his ideas known, even where he is outnumbered by thoughtless barbarians, I want to read all of his books. I am sad and disturbed that he died and his wife has to suffer without him. Those bastards that did this need to be delivered the darkest wrath justice can serve.

  6. Azim Ahmad says

    No of killings By Naxalite
    Since 2002: 5,005 civilians killed
    10,000+ killed overall (1980–2011)
    Buy hey!! they are just “TERRORISTS” or some call them “EXTREMISTS”. Nobody calls them “Hindu Terrorists”.
    Non-Jewish victims of broader Nazi crimes, In total, approximately 11 million people were killed, including approximately one million Jewish children
    Does this mean Nazis were “Christian Terrorists”? Or just “Terrorists”, Or “Freedom Fighters”
    Well this is just history, Lets talk about the present,
    Damini gets raped in a bus in Delhi, Victims Namely Ram Singh,Mukesh Singh,Vinay Sharma,Pawan Gupta,Akshay Thakur.
    And there are more incidents that have happened and happen everyday SO,
    Its so unfortunate to see that so many educated people still think like people in dark ages and don’t understand the fact that its not the religion that should be blamed, but its the person who commited the crime.
    And Here’s One more fact The word Islam is derived from the Arabic root “Salema”meaning: peace, purity, submission and obedience. So Would you still call them “ISLAMIC TERRORISTS” ??
    Please straightenout your thoughts.
    And if you need help to know Islam better you are welcomed. #peace

    • dibakar chakraborty says

      When barbarians find solace under a philosophy, its called the philosophy of the barbarians. If the philosophy is Islam, then Islam is surely the barbarians’ philosophy no matter where the word Islam is derived from. Get it Mr. Azim Ahmed? And as a human I have nothing, repeat nothing against you. Don’t act as a Mullah, be human.

      • says

        Before commenting any Mr Chakravarty,remember the faces of Islam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus & Muhammad, donot blame any religion because of some criminals.

  7. Salma KIrtonkhola says

    Avijit you are in our spirit and we will be stronger with our secular belief ever.
    We can not let these coward extremists to grow on our land.

  8. Aaron sha says

    I m sure if he was a free thinker nd a
    humanist he wud call them terrorists not
    islamic terrorists.

  9. says

    So sad ……when I see someone go on vacation backhome where he born and raised now it took his life . What’s wrong with our country ????. Everyday something is happening some where . Whats wrong with our people . Killing someone from back is not a bravery that is cowardness we all know that . What they get out of this or want to prove . These people should be punished as soon as possible so that no other innocent life has to face this type of cruel death . My request to our priminister also our police department please find out the killer asap and give them punishment badly so that they don’t dare to kill someone like this anymore anywhere . We want a crime free country please ….

  10. Pratip Kumar Das says

    Shame on that terrorist who killed Mr. Avijit Roy… I couldn’t say deeply yet say that very long. But I wanna say this only one sentence – “Every Muslim Are Not Terrorist But Every Terrorist Are Muslim” sorry to say this but it’s universal truth…. @Pratip

  11. says

    No doubt the woman is extreme courageous. I personally admire her and hope she will carry the messages that her husband trying to give the society for his entire life.


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