Shame on women!

Even educated women still practice various customs, cultures and traditions that are anti-women.

A woman wears Mangalsutra, a black beads necklace, for her husband’s health and well-being. Would a man wear a Mangalsutra for his wife’s health and well-being? Hell no!


Married women wear vermilion or Sindoor on the forehead and along the hair parting line. The Sindoor symbolizes the deep respect, devotion and dedication of a Hindu woman to her husband. Would a married man wear Sindoor on his forehead for the same purpose? Hell no!

Sankha Pola Loha

Married women wear bangles: Sankha, Pola and Loha for husband’s health. Did a man ever wear Sankha, Pola, or Loha for his wife’s health? Hell no!

Bhai Phota

‘Bhai Phota’ is performed by women. They fast and put an auspicious mark with sandal wood paste on their brothers’ foreheads, feed them sweets, give them gifts and pray for their health, happiness and prosperity. Is there a system that a man also fast and put an auspicious mark on his sister’s forehead and pray for her health, happiness and prosperity? Hell no!

Karwa Chauth

People still believe that abstaining from meals, or fasting, can prolong the life of a loved one. Women fast for 24 hours to ensure that their husbands live long lives. Do men do the same for their wives? Hell no!

Touching husband’s feet

A woman bows her head, touches her husband’s feet, takes the dust from the feet and put them on her head on her wedding day to show her submission to her husband. Would a man ever do this? Hell no!

Jamai Sasthi or Son-in-law Day

Jamai Sasthi ritual is celebrated for health and well-being of son-in-law. The son-in-law is invited to a grand celebration in the house of his in-laws. He is served delicious food. Is it possible to have a similar celebration for health and well-being of daughter-in-law? Hell no!

There are hundreds of anti-women rituals that Hindu women perform without questioning. It is alarming that women still perform these rituals in the 21st century. Throughout history sane people have made many misogynistic cultures go extinct. But in some countries, patriarchal traditions are celebrated more ceremoniously than ever. You may say only illiterate women do it, women’s education will solve all the problems. But the truth is, educated women perform anti-women patriarchal rituals more perfectly than illiterate women, because educated women have better learning capacity. They learn every small details of patriarchy that illiterate women can not learn.

Who will fight misogynistic tradition if modern women remain busy practicing it? A few reformist men in the 19th century fought for abolishing Suttee (widow burning), for women’s education, and for widows’ remarriage. In the 21st century, a new set of enlightened revolutionary men is probably needed to save women from the darkness.


  1. leni says

    It would be sweet if the gestures were returned, but without that reciprocity it does seem grotesque. And depressing.

  2. Ned Champlain says

    All because they were born in the wrong country. Not that other traditions are any better, but at least in an open society the bonds are more easily broken.

  3. Cuttlefish says

    How much choice do they have? (not a rhetorical question–I am genuinely curious) What are the consequences if a woman should choose not to engage in these rituals?

    • says

      Women financially dependent on husbands have limited choices. But women who are educated and financially independent have a choice to say NO. But unfortunately not many independent women stop practicing anti-women rituals.

      • says

        If women are independent financialy and have power to influence society or their male counterpart even they are following their tradition, then what’s wrong in it? Tradition which dosnt affect life in wrong way should be followed.if it is forcefully then it shouldn’t be.

        • says

          The children are watching their mothers do this. Children are watching their fathers not reciprocating. Girls are learning they are worth less than boys. If you don’t see the harm, you’re just not looking hard enough.

          • Taru Dutt says

            Taslimadi, You are absolutely right. I have met any number of highly educated Indian women who insist on wearing the shakha and pola (bangles signifying that a woman is married) as well as huge splashes of sindoor (vermilion signifying the women is married) in the parting of their hair. When I asked some why they did this, they told me: “this is my personal choice.” Or “this is our culture.” These women are not only educated, but often have good jobs as well. Some of them do not even live in India, but abroad.

            Bravo! A “personal” choice of such political implications! Shame on us women, too, who teach our sons and daughters and the future generations to come that just because a custom is part of someone’s “culture” it cannot be challenged or questioned. That saying something is a “personal choice” somehow means it must be immune to criticism.

            When I was handed the vermilion powder to wear at my own wedding reception, I smeared some of it on my husband’s head, saying: “If I am married, is he not married to me too? Then let him wear something to show it!”

            To this day I wear nothing but a plain wedding ring – something I have borrowed from the Western tradition, realizing sadly – and with no little frustration and disappointment – that Indian culture has nothing similar to offer a woman who does not wish to celebrate being “owned” by a man. My husband wears the same. No vermilion powder, no bangles, no mangalsutra, no nothing for me. And while other women may choose to wear these things, making all manner of excuses and justifications, nothing says I have to endorse their choice.

            I do not.

      • Trishna Devi says

        Madam Taslima,
        While there are many defects on hindu marriage you should note that its has its valid ceremonies. Tell me which custom of which society doesn’t have flaws. Tell me one. If you do I will provide its flaws as well its beauty, benefits and validity. It is in very poor taste of you to critisize the custom of others without really knowing the meanings or reasons behind them. I wonder have you ever read the meanings behind the rituals in a hindu marriage.
        The mangalsutra isn’t just a thread. When the groom ties the mangalsutra he says to the bride that the thread is a symbol of his life. From today onwards my life is yours. You are the caretaker of my life. Wear this as a symbol that I trust my life with yours. Same is for sindoor for sindoor represents blood or lifeforce of the groom. The mantras uttered by the couple mean that. Isn ‘t it beautiful.
        About your bhaipota and kaurwa chauth all hindus dont follow that. In my region we don’t do that. It is especially done in some regions.
        However brothers are a sister’s protector and he does everything and must do everything to make his sister happy. For a person who will put your own life above his and your needs above his prauing to GOD and being hungry for just a few hours a day to pray for his long life on just a day of the year seems a very small price to repay them. I have brothers and I know for a fact that they will do anything and everything for me amd they have done so in the past. So why would I not pray for their long life
        I would request you to really learn the meanings between the traditions and customs of hinduism. I am sure the customs you find so anti women will make sense to you
        I have nothinh more to say except if some one follows traditions by their own will and it is not haeming them you should leave it be. Force to obserbe tradition is obviously never good however it can happen in any community or customs

      • Ankeet Bhatt says

        I always find Muslims always have problems with others culture dear Taslima ji it is our cultural belief so don’t spoil our girl if you care about women then go and look after your own religion wear women and men don’t enter same place for prayer women wear hijab as compulsory will men also wear hijab no shame on Muslim on Muslim women .
        Don’t create havoc on our culture values .

        In us many men also keep TILAK.

      • says

        I’m an independent women who chooses not to follow this practice. The result is my loving boyfriend of 6 years turned into a husband that fights with me every day because of issues like this. Every time I step out of my house I get questioned about my bangles and I am given free advices. My in laws almost stopped talking to me over this, and even my educated friends shame me.

      • Hari says

        Taslima mam…..First you need to fight on burkhas why only women wears it ? Why men can’t wear it? I think you can understand it well. So first get well acceptable conclusion for burkhas and then fight with other religion’s culture.

  4. Katabolic says

    I do not think it is wrong for people to want to show support for others through customs like these. When I was a child (late 1950s and early 1960s in the US), it was a custom for a man to open and hold the door when a woman was entering or leaving a room; a man who did not do so would be shamed. By the time I became a teenager and young wife (late 1960s and early 1970s), the feminist movement was well established, and I purposefully adopted a policy that I would open and hold a door for a person behind me every time I was the first to reach it, regardless of if it was a man or woman. Many men reacted poorly to this at first, but I was not the only woman who independently decided on this door-opening policy, and over the next decade the custom started to change. These days it is not unusual for a woman to hold a door for a man, who will also express thanks instead of an apology when reaching the door. That is, the custom is changing so that opening and holding a door for the next person is just a common courtesy independent of gender.

    Perhaps changes in how these Hindu customs of devotional fasting are performed could be started by enlightened wives and sisters insisting on reciprocity. For example, a younger sister could fast for her brother, while soliciting a commitment from the brother to fast for the sister at some future date; an older sister could suggest that she will gladly fast for her brother, but only after he has fasted in her honor. Similar reciprocal arrangements might be made between husbands and wives. Husbands might at first be considered by other men to be hen-pecked or otherwise too submissive to their wives, but if the husbands insist on showing pride in this devotion, or other men’s wives start asking their husbands why they are not so devoted as so-and-so’s husband, then the modified custom has a lot of potential to spread.

    What do you think of this idea?

    • Liesmith says

      I’m in my late 20’s, so I think I missed the height of the “chivalry” period of Americana. Holding a door open for a woman, but not a man, sounds almost alien to me…I was raised to just hold a door for anyone behind me as a courtesy.

      It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I dated an older woman who insisted that I open car doors for her, and pull out her chair, and stand when she approached a table.

      It’s odd to think that two people from the same region and similar socioeconomic situations, raised less than a generation apart, could have such completely different concepts of common courtesy. It makes me wonder how much America, or perhaps more importantly the cultures that Taslima described, can change in another 20 years.

    • says

      I think it’d be awesome if these signs of respect/adoration/ect were expected to be shown to each other (as opposed to only women showing it to men) I dont know how much we can do to influence the process since pointing it out and saying this is wrong as (for me personally) a white american tends to generate a lot of claims of being a cultural elitist and cultural imperialism, but Im definitely right there with you on this.

  5. Dawn says

    These are cultural wives traditions- I do not see them as anti-woman at all. The are pro husband certainly… but in the Hindu context marriage is very important and the keystone to marriage and family is the woman. Marriage is a very spiritual thing for the Hindu people- these are just manifestations of that spirituality. I am sorry that you do not understand the social and spiritual context. But these things are not anti-woman. Please focus on the actual harmful anti-woman practices around the world.

    • Indrani Das says

      I’m sorry to say that you fail to understand what marriage is. Marriage has got nothing to do with spirituality. It is purely based on love & understanding between two people. Anything that doesn’t revolve around them or their love is not worth considering. These customs were made by Hindu Brahmins in Vedic age so that they can rule upon women. Oldest civilization of India, i.e. Indus Valley civilization was matriarchal & not patriarchal. Please get your facts right before commenting such things.

      • Mahesh says

        I would suggest you to get your facts straight in the first place. Is there a proof that Indus Valley civilization was matriarchal? And regarding the Brahmins in the Vedic age, none of these are mentioned in the Vedas. Certainly not “sati” system or the horrible widowhood is required out of women. They developed later, during the Muslim invasions of India (by Ghazni and Ghori and later, the Mughals). The reason was, that after the battle, if the Muslims won, they would come and carry away the wives of the fallen Hindus forcefully and the women wished to avoid it. But later, it became a practice and then a bane to the society. Anyway, it has been nearly abolished for good.
        And Indus Valley civilization is NOT the oldest civilization in India. There are many archelogical, linguistic and presently genetic proof regarding this. Please read some of Prof. Kazanas’ papers in history journals or conferences for reference.
        As to marriage. Marriage is certainly love between two people and there has to be a lot of understanding. And often, it is out of this deep sense of love that women (and I know men who reciprocate) do things like wearing a mangalsutra. At that stage, it doesn’t really matter whether the husband or the wife is reciprocating every thing one does for the other. It suffices that one knows the other loves you as much as you do her/him. And it certainly doesn’t matter what the society thinks, either what the feminists think or what the fundamentalists think.

        • Shamie says

          Well explained Mahesh.

          Very well written. Wether I agree with it or not…. your comment seems the most fair out of them all.

        • Anindita says

          Dear Mahesh,
          Out of sheer curiosity; wearing mangalsutras and sindoors are done out of deep love, you say; what about the deep love sense of men then? If someone loves you, u love either love that person back or u don’t…and if you love back, you usually show it….however i don’t see any men wearing sindoor, mangalsutra etc. ever, then are u trying to imply that men are incapable of such deep love or simply they don’t love enough? Is it really a fair exchange? What say u?

          And as for the part where what the society, feminist, fundamentalists thinks doesn’t matter, well guess then only the opinion of the patriarchy matters, huh..(LOL) or is it that you have never experienced living in rural india, where love doesn’t matter at all; all that matters are wretched old customs of ghunghat, shakha, shindoor…. to be followed without question, otherwise facing social rejection, or simply physical violence ( easiest way) for the “pati parmeshwar” ( the Lord Hushand) to subjugate the woman….what is your opinion on this matter?

        • Plum says

          Whether or not Indus Valley civilisation was matriarchal is irrelevant. It is a fact that many societies have been deeply patriarchal. However, that does not mean men and women should not strive for women’s equality. In India, while it is true that a lot of women do the rituals out of love, they really should ask their husbands to reciprocate to make the bond sweeter. And if the husband does not make an effort, then perhaps it’s not as loving a bond as one thought. It’s really a question of empathy, and one should neither be bothered about feminism or any other ism. But if you are not getting what is due to you, it may be time to draw a line, which is better for both the husband and the wife and their future growth. It does not matter whether such drawing of the line falls within some “ism” or not.

    • says

      Dawn, I’m not sure that arguing that these rituals aren’t anti-woman because a Hindu woman’s place is, after all, in the home, is as compelling as you might think.

    • Ysanne says

      if marriage is very important and the wife is so important to the marriage, could you please point to rituals and customs that signify the husband’s appreciation of his wife and his devotion to her?

  6. manishmishra says

    I do not know how trivial it will look to you but rituals change from time to time, and believe me they follow a definite pattern throughout the world. “Baggie pant and T-shirts” were common in 90s, but now they look awkward, isn’t it. Females in India have also changed their styles phenomenally to not only to look better but also to look smart.So change is the phenomena of life.There are enormous numbers of behavioral patterns a woman follow to please/impress a man (not necessarily her Husband), and a man does to please a woman (not necessarily his wife),and they have to do it because we are not living in isolation, and we have to show what we posses (instead of boasting about it which seems un-mannered). A man wears a Rolex watch on a premium textured suit, drives in Rolls-Royce and keeps a high priced leather wallet, just to show that he is more successful, than those who don’t have it. By seeing such a person, a man definitely will envy him, but women will say “Wow”, what a luxury. This is behavioral pattern which demands investment of energy and brain and in turn shows that you are having a better DNA inside you. According to Darwin, a Trait (Gene) which seems fit in present, may not be in future. If an Tsunami/Quake comes and leaves nothing behind, a person with more wild traits will only survive. Anyway we do many things unknowingly (and please do remember more than 95% of your body’s functions are out of your control, and controlled by concentration of some molecules. alas!!). You yourself has wore Sari on many occasions (don’t you think its also a stigma on woman), and you indeed have got compliment for it “That you are looking beautiful”. Have you ever thought, why do we all (let alone humans) in the world try to look beautiful and strong and smart? There is an inherent genetic basis to all these, which we have evolved through ~3 billions of years of evolution. And I will request you to go through some books on Animal Behavior and Sociobiolgy, I am sure you will get answers to many intriguing questions of yours. Please let me exemplify it: Why do a woman wears a vermilion ? It shows that you are married, this means you will invite fight with a man if you dare touch this woman. And you know females have always been a rare friend to posses, they not only take care of you, your family but also help you to multiply you DNA (so Selfish Genes again)and males do fight for females in almost all mammalian species is an established fact. So you might ask, why don’t man wear vermilion, well he wears a beard, moustache, a rogue look on face and a well build body to show to other man that don’t fight me. Those who don’t posses these are really vulnerable in wild (a Laborour will not hesitate to beat Mukesh Ambani if both of them have to survive in wild). But now the scenarios have changed woman can show their capability and smartness by several other means and similarly man can also, and they are doing it. I know many woman who don’t really wear any vermilion (or wear it in a way almost invisible, so that they can look unmarried to others). You have to have a knowledge of behavioral biology to understand many of things which look stigmas or rituals to you. I do agree very many rituals today are devised by some fanatics having no scientific background, but are changing drastically as anything which is unnatural and unbearable will automatically be discarded. Nature and life are very conservative, it cannot posses anythings which requires input of energy but no output. ( We die naturally when the outputs becomes negative). The world is changing and it is always welcomed by a Geneticist. And if you don’t agree with me, then you have to have behave like a Sanyasi. Keep with you the things which are necessary for survival. Don’t wear expensive ornaments, watches, saris, bangles either; don’t drive in a luxury vehicle, live in posh colonies and costly bungalows.You will then truly become a spirited soul that day. With all respect to you, Can you do it Madam??.

  7. Apurva Kumar says

    I have never heard a man going to the court of law for divorce on the ground of having a wife who is reluctant to wear Mangalsutra or sindoor. Then what’s the big deal? Women are free to move ahead and do whatever they like!

    • blondeintokyo says

      Are you saying there’s no social pressure or shaming happening to women in India? In the US, we’re perfectly free not to get married or have a baby. But most women do regardless of their personal wants or needs be ause there is such pressure. Constantly being shamed, told you are less of a woman, or ostracised- these things happen to any woman who doesn’t fit in. I’f you say India is different, I’ll be very surprised indeed.

      • Dee says

        In the US, women are the one’s pushing for marriage and shaming men into it. U.S. women are complaining about how men are avoiding marriage.

      • Taru Dutt says

        India isn’t different at all. Plenty of shaming and pressure and to spare. Any Indian who says otherwise is a liar, just as any European-American who says the U.S. is “post-racial” is a liar.

  8. Graham Martin-Royle says

    Unfortunately most societies have traditional rituals that are anti-women; just consider a traditional wedding in the west, even a secular one, it is still considered normal for the father to accompany the bride to the ceremony and then hand her over to the groom. Most brides want their fathers to play this role even though it symbolises the woman as a piece of property. I think it will take some time before we extinguish this type of ritual.

    • dipanjana pandit says

      @Graham: Don’t you think a father handing the bride to the groom on wedding is a sweet gesture which symbolizing the groom has to take care of her princess after marriage just like the he did previously.

      Wearing vermilion looks beautiful and once I get married I will surely wear it because I think it will beautify me, but I would not pierce my nose because it will be painful even though it will also beautify the face. Piercing the nose post marriage is also in Indian culture, whereas in the west is considered modern and the western women get piercings just to look fashionable. Would you ask a woman in the US going for nose-piercing the same question? So it all lies in the personal choice.. If the wearer is comfortable in doing a thing I think others should not interfere and just mind their own business..

      A general note: Finding fault in everything is a psychological disorder, please get yourself checked if you cannot see a good reason in anything!

  9. Lovebird says

    //Why should not financially independent women choose to follow what they “like”?//

    1. The “like” factor is mainly because of conforming to the standard, and not to risk reputation. Otherwise, it is not much of a “sweet”personal choice.
    The place where vermilion is kept continuously – gets itchy – goes slightly bald – sweats badly in tropical weather,
    Mangal sutra does not actually suit all kinds of wear, and people hide it using pins- really, why then wear? –
    Metti (“mandatory” toe-ring for Tamilians) is the ultimate torture-

    2. Financial independence in the middle class Indian family – does not actually translate to “independence” – there is lot of pressure from parents/in-laws. I married into a well educated family and am financially super-independent. But still my mom-in-law put so much pressure on me to do all this stupidity(I believe these are irritating rituals- especially in South India, you are not supposed to remove mangalsutra for even taking bath). Polite refusals did not work. So I had to scowl and be a baddie.

    Not many women want to be baddie in family – and when really independent women(there is a continuous increase in this sector) “choose” to continue this, the stupidity stays publicly alive and creates issues for women who want to opt out of it.

    And why people talk so much about “choice”, when these are so blatantly patriarchal-stupid-meaningless stuff? How/when will things change for better ? At least when these people do such stuff – if they let ppl know that this is a fashion statement, then it is okay – but if they just flaunt their “piety”/obsequiousness (just judging by – TV sitcoms/movies etc.) – then it really nonsense. Choice of the privilege keeps racking the lives of the underprivileged.

    Okay – this is just assuming that women really “choose” to do these.
    Seriously, out of some 500 women I’ve met so far in “my” life, there is hardly somebody for whom – this junk is “pure choice”.

    • KK says

      I agree with you. Almost all women are being forced to do these stupid things. If anyone says it’s a choice, then they are cheating themselves.

      I’m well-educated, newly married n living with my husband, away from my inlaws. I used to work, but now staying at home because of my health issues. Before marriage, when I asked my husband if there would be any restictions regarding my dressing etc, he said “You can wear whatever you want. You can be yourself”etc etc.

      But I found this not at all true while we were travelling to the in-laws just after marriage. My sisters-in-law kept forcing me to wear red bindi instead of black bindi. Since I was a child, I hated red bindi. They said since I’m married now, I should not wear black anymore n always wear bangles, even when travelling n it is uncomfortable. My husband simply sat there n said nothing. Oh yeah, he said something..To wear the red bindi. He said he doesn’t want any fights within his family, so I have to go along with their customs. That one week at my in-laws was really a nightmare. Though I helped my inlaws in all housechores, that was not enough. My husband kept nagging and scolding me to go n help every second. He knew I was tired n not feeling well n still..

      Here in our house, his behaviour is completely different. He helps me with cooking sometimes when he’s free. He won’t mind if I dont wear bindi at all. But when we go to inlaws, the devil comes out.

      My inlaws are away, but they call us daily n ask if I’m doing all the cooking n stuff properly and I’m supposed to be obedient, or else my husband becomes very defensive about his family. The only thing I dont understand is, who am I? Am I not his family? This daily torture is taking toll on my health n I dont think I’ll be healthy again.

      Now I have to go there tomorrow n I dont know what will happen this time. I’m thinking of being myself this time n see what they will do. I was always a soft spoken n sensitive girl, n now I’ve to become harsh I guess. Also I have to become financially independent again. When I tell anyone all these, they advise me to adjust n this revolutionary behaviour is not good for relations.

      • Mama says

        Same thing with me but we girls can’t do anything in India bcoz our mother in-law who is also a female is the main culprit

  10. Stray Data Point says

    Hello, first time commentor here.

    I understand why you find these traditions wrong and abhorrent and I’m with you on that. I also understand your desire for them to get away and your frustration with women that perpetuate them.

    That being said, I find your post kinda offensive and women-shaming (d’uh, since you put it in the title).

    While it is true that women that have acces to education and financial independence have a greater freedom and a higher responsibility to society to break away from anti-women traditions, there is still a cost to doing so. Women that would refuse to participate in all this theater would be regarded as unfeminine, or “bitches” and would have their social lives complicated. I think subversion and opposition is the morally ok thing to do for me, and I think the costs are worth it. However, feminism shouldn’t be about shaming women, making light of their struggles, or telling them they are “not good enough”, or that they are responsible for misogyny and oppression. Women have to deal with a lot of shit just by being women (and feminist women get even more shit), they shouldn’t get additional shit for not being good enough at feminism.

    It is especially disturbing that you end your post with a remark about how enlighted men should do the liberating for them silly ladiez with their macho manly skillz or something (I still hope you were being sarcastic).

    I’m not trying to say that you were being anti-women in your post, and I am most definetely not trying to attack you. I respect your work, but I think in this particular case your anger and frustration made you attack the wrong group.

    • says

      So it’s unacceptable woman-shaming to say women are responsible for ending misogyny, it’s sexist to say that men are responsible for ending misogyny.

      Who is left, then?

      • Stray Data Point says

        It’s sexist to say enlighted men should end discramination _for_ women. The onus falls on sexist organizations and sexist men. They have the responsibility to change. Of course, these things won’t change by themselves, and they only ever change as a result of pressure from women and feminists. I prefer my feminism with encouregement and safe-space creation, rather than shaming, but Taslima is right that educated women can and should apply this kind of pressure.
        So, my problem is more a matter of framing, than of what should happen.

        I guess I was really disturbed by the ending, which is all kinds of wrong and plays right into a “male-washing” of feminism, that I’ve encountered way too often and am sick of.
        There is also some “upper-class washing”. Mainstream feminism already has a huge problem with neglecting the contributions of poor uneducated women.

        But I really empathize with the feeling. I am not familiar with these particular traditions, but my blood boils when highly-educated, financially independent women I know just go ahead with taking their husband’s name, because it’s just tradition and it doesn’t mean anything. It means a lot and it contributes to a culture that sees these things as norm. Sigh

        • says

          I think that the point she was making was that so-called ‘enlightened’ men still engage in these practices, and therefore that ‘enlightened’ men need to lead by example. Just like here we’d say it doesn’t matter how progressive a man, if he still expects his wife to do all the housework. It’s calling out hypocrisy.

          • Stray Data Point says

            Sorry, away from the internet for too long.
            I didn’t understand what Taslima was saying. Of course I agree, men should stop engaging in misogyny.

  11. Sanjeev K Jha says

    We worship our women also; see her as goddess, mother, and we believe that they are power of universe. In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, in fact a superior position to, men. In fact we believe that all men power comes from the feminine. And we didn’t think that if I am doing this you also must do this. This give and take formula is just a debauchery.

  12. S Babu says

    There is also the Bengali custom of ‘Jamai Shosthi’ where parents honour their daughter’s husband (Jamai). There is of course, no reciprocal ceremony where parents honour their son’s wife (bou-ma). She only exists to be tormented and used like an unpaid servant. Oh, and give them grandsons, of course.

  13. says

    sorry to reach out via a twisted way, but i work with google, and if you DM me i can figure out a way to escalate things internally re: your account. please catch me at [ sbora at google dot com ] and i will try to help.

  14. says

    once i have read on Taslima’s tweet that though she is not married woman she wears ‘mangalsootra’. i want to ask you if you don’t mind why do you wear it?

  15. Taru Dutt says

    “Marriage is a very spiritual thing for the Hindu people – these are just manifestations of that spirituality.” — Dawn

    This is bollocks. Marriage is a very misogynist and patriarchal thing for the Hindu people – as it has been and is in many other cultures – and these are actually manifestations of that very misogyny, that very patriarchy.

    This sort of defence is common as it’s false. It’s the same as when Islamists attempt to defend the burka and other anti-women practices in Islam, the most common defence being: “A woman in a hijab is like a pearl in her shell.”

    Bollocks. Balderdash. Tommyrot. Nonsense. Rubbish. Gammon and spinnage. Bunkum.

    Spirituality my arse. The Hindu tradition – ay, and moi qui vous parle am brought up in the same tradition – can at its best be humanistic and inclusive, but at the same time is deeply rooted in the most horrible misogyny. This isn’t the first time slavery is being justified in the name of “spirituality” “religion” “culture” “custom” “tradition” and any number of other shibboleths. There is no justification true enough to cover the shame of treating one half of the human race as less than human. Shame, shame upon such defenders. Show some guts, people.

    Thank you, Taslimadi, for boldly pointing out the ugly truth. For airing our dirty linen. If women such as you do not do so from time to time, these apologists and defenders of misogyny will go unchallenged. Our daughters will continue to learn that they are inferior, and they will pass along that ghastly lesson to their daughters.

    Thank you for breaking the cycle.

  16. Sharmistha says

    Any religion compels women to be subordinate to their male counterparts and does it in a guise of spirituality, devotion etc etc. Almost in every part of the globe family is considered as a bloodline of man where a woman needs to act as a mere child producing machine, free cook, maid servant etc. Almost every ritual is intended to glorify ‘MAN’. Its the girl’s parents who needs to pay dowry (except for a few classes). Prior to marriage a girl carries her father’s surname and then her husband’s. People glorifying Hinduism should know that it describes a woman to be a property of her father during childhood, in her youth she belongs to her husband (as the shackle is symbolized by vermillion, conch shell, mangal sutra and so on). In the ancient period after wars the victorious side used to seize the valuable goods, property and women from the defeated. Then the aseized women were smeared with the blood of their near and dear ones to mark them as the property of the victors. This is the origin of so called, hugely glorified sindoor. It just shows that the ownership of the girl is transferred from the father to the husband.And if these rituals are so auspicious then men should perform them equaly.

    I personally feel there are people who understands the argument but not have courage and integrity enugh to swim against the current. People now supporting these religious rites might also have been supported Sati burning ritual had not it been abolished. Religion has a great power to solemnize an inhuman act to be pro-cultural, pro-society.

    Women still following these worthless and self-disgracing customs must know that 150 years back it was shameful for a girl to be literate, show her face to any unknown man or to be unmarried after 15. All these are obsolete now. If so called modern women are so respectful to their culture then they should follow the rules mentioned above. Religion never gets evolutionized and so are some self centred people who can reap the fruit of other people’s struggle but terms them as “characterless” . Shame on such hypocrits.

  17. poulami says

    U forgot to mention “poite” or “upanayan”,there is not a single ceremony to celebrate or pamper girls and women,think of widowhood,according to traditions,what a woman does if the husband dies, she gets rid of all her clothes,jewellery,colors,meat,fish,onion,garlic or anything that might add some happiness or prosperity for the rest of her life,that includes finding a new husband and live like that till her last breath, and what a man does?
    he starts looking for a new wife or enjoy the new found bachelorhood. The discrimination disgusts me to no end.The sad part is, in-spite of reforms,the age old crap is still going strong in many “bonedi” families who are just insufferably incapable of getting rid of medieval-ism from their lives and minds.

  18. taniya says says

    well everythin doesnt end in feminism .. i am a very independant person n my husband knows dat.. my in laws r villagers who think it necessary to wear all these stuff n i dont blame them.. i wear it in frnt of them for their happiness n open it later wen my husband is only around n he ds nt mind.. if that makes them happy well enough.. my in laws sacrifice a lot for me studies my career .. cnt i do dis much.. i dont wear it wen i go out.. its all on how you balance.. if your country is like this then you have to find out a way to extract your happiness in your way.. so that you and every1else remains happy.. i might be wrong for some people .. n some may criticise me bt in everyday life we do this bt just dont accept n name it feminism..

  19. siri says

    i think these traditions kept women occupied in past there was nothing significant to do ….anyway i can see now none of my frnds follow any of these except wearing mangalsutra

  20. Preeti says

    Sometimes educated and uneducated hardly makes difference…We are forced to do certain things and just for the concern and respect and to avoid big fight women follow whether it sounds good to her or not…In my community we have to wear saree whether we are comfortable or not..we have to have ghughat…If we try to go against that, not even our parents stood by our side..Husbands who already belongs to his own family never go against their parents…He always wish to adjust overselves according to their family requirement not his family to make some respective changes..
    We married should have freedom to choose our dressing and all after marriage…Strict laws can only help us…

  21. Rashmi says

    I’m Indian woman financially stable living in US. I’ve not even changed my last name after marriage but I still wear MangalSutra. Wearing MangalSutra does reflect our culture and has nothing to do with women being inferior. Won’t western women wear a diamond pendent if her hubby lovingly buys it ?

    I don’t know, what problem do you’ve with MangalSutra ?. If you want to wear it fine, or don’t wear it. Things will be bad only if it’s forced upon. Western women always change their last name after marriage and why anyone is not asking men to change name instead ? Liberation doesn’t come just by the way you dress up. If any woman enjoys the way she does, leave her alone.

    • Shamie says

      Amen!! That is real feminism… the freedom to do what you choose.

      If a woman chooses to wear a mangalstura…etc… and others condemn her for doing so… is that not taking away her freedom?

      Feminism is about freedom….not about going against traditions for the sake of it.

    • Huma says

      you are missing the whole point here, dear. it’s not about “choice”, it’s about society. many women “choose ” to NOT WEAR a mangalsutra but they are FORCED and PRESSURIZED to do so by society/in-laws/parents/relatives and even strangers who have NO RIGHT TO POKE THEIR NOSE IN SOMEONE ELSE’S PERSONAL LIFE!! I’m not married, I’m not even hindu but i am an Indian. my family is Muslim and as you might know Muslims don’t have mangalsutra ritual but still many married Muslim women wear it and some even look down and dirtily on other married Muslim women who don’t wear it. they try to command her and talk in an angry tone like she owns her! they don’t even know it’s not necessary in Islam to wear a mangalsutra. this is where the “choice” Comes in : a girl whose religion doesn’t makes wearing mangalsutra necessary can choose whether she wants to wear it or not. BUT, if her in-laws (and some other poky nosers) believes in mangalsutra ritual then they will force her to wear one, no matter what she “chooses”. so as you can see now, it’s really not a “choice”, but rather a way of letting people know she is married and booked so don’t look at her, where as men don’t have to wear anything that screams out loud “I’m married” and gives licence to “other” attractive women to throw themselves on your husband and giving him reasons for not protesting it by giving the reason to her wife “she thought i was single”. I’m not wearing a mangalsutra for sure; but I’ll wear it if my (future) husband wears one too. it’s good to know what rituals the family believes in beforehand.

      • dipanjana pandit says

        Huma Ji.. with due respect I request you to please talk about Burkha, before questioning Hindu culture… Please would you do it?

  22. Shree says

    I wear mangalsutra most of the time. My husband doesn’t mind if I remove it. Even I have asked him to put the mangalsutra on his neck and he has done it many times while we are at home and even when we go out. When I go out with him wearing t-shirt and jeans, I remove my mangalsutra and keep it inside my jeans’ front pocket. I usually don’t carry any handbag / secure the handbag in the car. One day, when I took my mobile phone out of my pocket, the mangalsutra fell out of the pocket. Luckily I noticed it after few seconds. From then on, I give it to my husband to wear it if he is wearing a shirt. The mangalsutra doesn’t pop out of the shirt and no one passerby will be able to guess he is wearing one.

  23. aniket arya says

    U JUST A COPY CAT………………….

    • says

      bloody Aniket,
      you need a tifght slap on both of your cheeks, before calling Taslima Nasrin a copy cat, pls do some homework if you have a web connection. what is the origin of Sindur? i dont think tha Ramayan and the Mahabharat came after the Mughal dynasty.

      • hinduwoman says

        Nitpicking —
        Sindoor is not mentioned in older Sanskrit versions of Ramayana and Mahabharata; it came in later in regional versions.

      • dipanjana pandit says

        @Smriti Mukherjee.. “Copy cat” is way too better than calling someone Bloody.. and tight slap?? not a good thing to say.. Aniket used one wrong word and you used two.. so who is worse??

  24. aniket arya says


  25. aniket arya says


  26. aniket arya says



    • says

      Aniket Arya
      how incorrigeably ridiculous you are, and how pathetic. I have forgotten that you do bonfota staying in fast every week.. your father does carba chawt for your mother and he wears sindoor mangalsutra for your mother’s well being. dont you think your sister or mother or wife also have health to be taken care of by you men through sindur or upbas? shame on you man. why dont you go to hell?

  27. aniket arya says


    • Anindita says

      Oh! men wearing bangles made up of shell(shakha), pola (coral), loha (iron) look stupid..??
      You r quite the fashion expert are’nt u?hehe
      men in hawai, islands of asia, usually wear bangles/bracelets made of shell, coral…….really these men must learn the better fashion from u..
      Since loha is usually worn by sikhs as well, Guess den all sikh men must luk stupid to u…ri8?
      why dont you trying telling this at their faces in front of a gurudwara ….. i would loveeee to note the reaction you receive as a token of your appreciation….I’am rooting for u…

      P.s… in 2nd to 3rd standard speak better english…..plz take tuition from dem at least, before commenting again..might save you from the embarrassment!

      • dipanjana pandit says

        Anindita… So you agree that Sikh men wear loha so no bias right? Most of the Ornaments worn by women post marriage are for her own health benefits because she is the one gonna give birth to a baby and most of the ornaments are for her reproductive health.. Most of us have already stopped wearing shankha pola..I am not sure about the health benefits of Shankha-pola but loha surely has some health benefits and to look fashionable we (bengali women) usually cover it with gold plating and wear it.. Wearing sindoor looks beautiful don’t you think so? It also has some health benefits for women..
        Women in South-India wear toe-ring as a sign of marriage and it comes with health benefits too.. Please google the benefits before commenting negative on something..
        PS: We are too interested in correcting someone’s English rather than discussing on the topic in hand.. English is not an our mother tongue and there is no way you should make someone feel embarrassed because he/she is not as good as you in speaking a foreign language.. I don’t speak Chinese and I am not embarrassed for it…

  28. says

    you the insane taslima recollect ur knowledge u shit s the mangal sutra are the money bank of past present women for any of dsre bad dayz they look beautiful in that wat u islamic black boxed women can understand ur mother or grandma must be made wet by some hindu men which make u mens against our great indian religion u islamik witch go and take ur burka and than hot ur huby bed and kicked off by saying talak3 times unsafe in the society of heart less cruel miltant momdans

  29. Jyoti says

    Shame on the author for trivializing our culture. Every woman has the right to chose what she wants to do. If she chooses to show respect and love thru age old customs, it’s her choice. There should be no shame but pride in showing respect in a relationship. She should not be judged or forced to follow these customs. May be not these rituals but men also do things to show love and respect to their spouse. Women reciprocate in their own way.

    • says

      women do not reciprocate in their own way. this way of wearing sindoor, sankha, pola is pressed upon us. we do not say anything because we do not want to hurt social sentiment.if you have the option of your own choice, then choices would have differred woman to woman. its really very funny that we will wear bangles in our hands and many such things make ourselves beautiful in the eyes of male counterparts in general and cry why we are not given equal rights. if we really want to get equal rights, we should be more human, than being women. try to go for some martial arts classes and learn some fighting skills which can give you protection. sindoor is really not a good idea for protection.

      • dipanjana pandit says

        So one day ppl like you would say why should the wife give birth to a baby, why not the husband? If you want reciprocation in every act you have to become homosexuals!

    • hinduwoman says

      It is not actual choice if everyone around you is telling you that you are a a bad wife and a disgrace to your parents as well if you don’t wear these things to signify you are taken.

      Just a reminder: sati is glorified but those who have become ‘sat’— husbands who committed suicide after their wive’s deaths (yes happened a few times) are not honoured at all for their devotion.

      Pati ka dasi is good; jaru ka gulam is a slur.

  30. Divyanka says

    Dear Taslima Nasreen,

    I cannot believe it; there’s yet another human being on this earth, on the face of this planet, who’s blood boils when such matters are addressed. I thought I was the only one; the ugliness against females has drenched me of all energy, as any talk about ‘female this’ and ‘female that’ enrages me so much, one would think I have ‘anger management issues’ or ‘short temper’. Hah. Ridiculous.

    I am a follower of Sanatana Vedic Dharma, which is known as Hinduism today. If GOD really did create such dirty ‘rituals’ that oppress women, because they DO and there’s NO denying of it through ANY excuse possible, then I will fight GOD. And if GOD did not create it, which I’m sure HE didn’t, then I am at peace, for the worldly thoughts don’t bother me. The world is a place of trash and junk called people, and the shitty ‘social ‘norms” they impose, hmm, I wonder why on WOMEN, mean nothing.

    I wanted to also include that Sanatana Vedic Dharma doesn’t really have any such practice against women. Sindoor, mangalsutra, were never meant to be the garbage people are making out of them today. I strongly believe GOD wouldn’t create partiality and bias in HIS creation. Sindoor is also known as kum kum and is used on GOD murtis during formal prayer. Some corrupt moron may have decided to ‘invent’ sindoor as some trash women ‘must put’ on their stupid heads, otherwise the ‘husband’ will ‘die’. Well, that’s pretty weanie, isn’t it? And the mangalsutra was probably some other thing too, worn by BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. Remember, all HUMANS (women AND men) used to wear jewelry before. Ancient kings and all. Everything else in kaliyuga is worse, so it makes sense someone decided to use this junk to oppress women.

    My point is, oppressing women is NOT part of Sanatana Vedic Dharma. This shit is part of FILTHY social norms, dirty-minded, ugly, stupid, trashy, worthless, low-life people. ‘Norms’ that say women are ‘impure’, whatever the hell THAT is, during their ‘period’ (although periods are the reason life exists), that say women are ‘this’ and women ‘should do that’. Well you know what morons? It’s supposed to be HUMANS do this and HUMANS do that. There’s no ‘woman’. And if there IS ‘woman’, then she is GOD, because without HER, there is nothing. Face it; periods as early as age 9; a friggin year of carrying another human body in a body; that human body coming OUT of another human body; yea, men aint the ones here, in case ya didn’t notice.

    Continue your strong stance, Talisma. You are wonderful and a great blessing. But don’t count on any real change in real time, on large scale. The world is bound to get worse and uglier, and your unfortunate exile is proof of it. Good things are shat on, whereas bad things are honoured. I have experience…being from that typical brown family with that typical, STUPID, narrow-minded, dumb mother…

    Keep it up!

    • says

      I just want interrupt you once, that her name isnot Talisma. She is TASLIMA NASRIN, a reputed Bengali writer, who is forced out of her native land by the orthodox fanatics of Bangladesh. And it would be really great if you call her Taslima didi, by just not calling her Taslima. thank you.

  31. Divyanka says

    Jyoti; I have not seen a comment any stupider than yours. The only kind of people I see in the world are HUMANS. I never noticed ‘women’ or ‘men’. Cuz that’s how it is; everyone’s a HUMAN. There doesn’t EXST any ‘women reciprocate in their own way’. If sindoor is some ‘age old custom’ for ‘women’, then it’s an ‘age old custom’ for MEN. Does this make sense to you? Probably not. No one is more traditional than me. And sindoor and mangalsutra are NOT part of Sanatana Vedic Dharma. If you want to follow your culture PROPERLY, then go practice meditation and bhakti so you can get moksha. According to you, women have the ‘choice’, right?? Well, sorry babe, it ain’t so simple. Women are FORCED, PRESSURED, and BOTHERED into putting that JUNK on THEIR bodies. And if you’re gonna claim now, that you’re a woman who CHOSE to wear it, I can’t say anything but that you’re pathetic. It’s very very simple; if ‘women’ do it? MEN do it. Period. This is NOT culture and the author is NOT ‘trivializing’ this culture. But of course, YOU would think so because you’re probably from some narrow minded, pathetic Indian village. ‘Men’ do things? Really? Not ONE of the trash the author mentioned is something ‘made for men’. Do men do karva chaut? Well, do they? Don’t think so, eh?

    Oh, Talisma, you didn’t include Sawan ki somwari. Some other garbage based on the dirty idea that ‘women NEED men’ and that ‘good husbands’ are very necessary. This pathetic practice doesn’t seem to think that MEN would ‘need good WIVES’. ‘Saawan ki Somwari’ should be the right spelling for this 🙂

    • Nishtha says

      I am so glad to know your thoughts Divyanka for I totally agree with them. Infact, I felt that you have actually written my thoughts and this motivated me to reply you.

      I am fed up of reading and listening to these rituals of how important ” marriage symbols” are for a married women ! And I am fed of reading/listening to jokes/conversation about distinction between man and women. We all are human, with good/bad with in and are on this planet to help each other survive, make contributions and define ourself from our deeds.

      I fail to understand that how can symbolising yourself for a man whom you would promise to spend you life with, would help in a stronger bond than to actually love him ?

      Its nice that you mentioned about Sanatana Dharma, wherein self-knowledge was given importance, but it is sad that our country, instead of realising education/knowledge being the sole culture of life are driven towards superstitions/rituals.

      I hope marriages to be just plain and simple and there should be no materialistic attributes attached to them.

  32. Anushka says

    I disagree with the original article. And to prove my point without takind up too much space I would like you to read this article which shows tells why indian women put sindoor in their hair and bindi’s on their foreheads. It has a lot to do with the chakras and such matters.I highly encourage you to read most of the article even though it is quite lengthy and detailed.

  33. smriti mukherjee says

    I want to marry a boy who is younger to me by four years. i am a financially independent girl and try to support my family as far as I can. the man I love is a writer and therefore does not have a regular earning. he is from otherwise a poor but educated family. his mother is seek and his sister has brought him up. my family had not left a single stone unturned to stop me loving this man. but, now they have agreed with an air as if they are obliging us and forcing us to abide by the bullshit social customs. we just want a registry marriage with no guests other than our family members, but they want do “saat pake ghora”, “sindoor daan”,”samprodaan” etc etc. They are emotionally blackmailing us saying we do not care for them. They are even blaming my lover for my changing attitude, even though they know about my anti-orthodox beliefs. my father who used to be a communist has become a devoted Hindu and now they are not paying any heed to our requests. Am I wrong? Should I listen to them? I am just bleeding in my heart. I dont want to listen to them.

  34. nikhil says

    well said madam, these all thing are wrong for women create a barrier…….And one thing u also add what is the need of post like husband or wife…..why not man or woman chosse their mate like day in week…….And what is need to create family system and relation like brother, sister, mother, father..etc……..why not we all move to aadimanav kaal which is good for both man and woman too………..

  35. Alex Nandini says

    I’m a Hindu woman, and my research into Hindu culture shows tht I
    In the pre Islamic and pre Victorian(British) times men also wore kadas, necklaces, tilak, and janiu which are the male equivalent of sindoor bangles and mangalsutra. The mangalsutra was often made of the same string as the man’s janiu. When the Muslims and British came to India they made men act more accordingly to their customs. These fasts were also done in the olden days to conserve food, because if
    One person gave up a meal then the others in the house could eat more plentifully. The only customs that are sexist are the Jamai Sashti and the fact that the wife is the only one touching the feet of their spouse.

  36. Rogue258 says

    Here above is the real reason why Indian(Hindu) women wear sindoor (vermilion) on their head. Indian rituals have a lot of scientific value behind them and unlike western traditions they are aren’t solely based on the whims of people.
    So please stop being ignorant and do your research first before posting such misandry….just because internet is free and you have freedom of speech, doesn’t mean you act all self righteous when, your intellectual capacity isn’t a percent of a person who should in reality be commenting on this topic, every tradition isn’t out there to malign women and certainly just because you got a voice now doesn’t mean you have to be stupid….
    Infact the real reason shows that women do a lot more difficult work(the one you will understand if your read the short article in the link above)….so stop amplifying your ignorance to the level of stupidity.

  37. Rogue258 says

    Also if you check on the other facts they too will have some scientific value to it rather than them jsut being some sort of powerplay men exercise on women….
    Also like the one where the wife touches the husband’s feet…..That is because in our culture we are taught to touch someone’s feet(generally of our relatives) when they are older to us… that maybe any person who is older than us…..and since all the marriages were(in the olden times…and even most of them today) are the ones in which the guys is older than the girl…that’s y they touch the feet…..Also doesn’t the husband always seek his mother-in-laws blessings when they meet???
    That’s because this is an age thing and not a gender thing….

  38. palita says

    bangali educated married woman still wears shankha sindur pola loha i surprised do you belive in london . shame on you

  39. [alita says

    why only woman wear shakha sindur pola loha not man. i think it is the time woman stand on your feet and say it is shame for an educated woman wear all those things after marriage while man thinks that they are superior therefor they marked their wife with all those things as a kukur chhagal birhal ect.

  40. palita says

    educated bangali woman think they are so modern because they wear jean skirt etc all western dresses eat western food. but when they get married they become ideal badhu they wear shakha pola loha etc for there husband .still there is a kanyadan not putradan . for a woman stay in her in low’s house is very honorable but for a man it is shame why ?

  41. nishtha chopra says

    To Rogue258 …. So Sir/Madam, you are suggesting that the BRAHMA-RANDHRA & PERINEUM is missing in males, hence they don’t wear sindoor ? Do you even have scientific references to your assertions or do you just love to bullshit ? If you read actual scientific journal papers, you would realise mercury is actually toxic ! People like you , who know a thing or two about internet, typing and reading spread dumbness amongst the genuine ignorants. Well, even if I agree with you to some extent…in the fake name of think men cannot apply sindoor and gain the so called calmness/intelligence. I think in your case, you seriously need sindoor. Okay, lets leave the sindoor just for my sanity, what about mangalsutra, kanyadaan and more if you wish to add ! Oh yes, touching the feet, well for the sake of argument doesn’t the hindu marriage sanctify men & women (the wife) as equal companions…I think there are some vows taken with the same meaning. Also, did you happen to forget, like a man touches his parents – in – laws’ feet, in the same way women does ! Then why is there a need to make her companion (the husband) god alike ? Okay, I say if the man is god alike, lets assume…. then aren’t we have women goddesses! So sir/madam please stop ranting shit and think fairly & logically !

  42. Skpandit says

    You are 100% a little child,who,when they hungry eat food and never worries about how food come to him.Before abusing hindu man,study our all hindu epic which are derivaited from ved.The creator god makes law for both men and women to live with high pleasure.I can’t told you why,how in few words.

  43. alex berg says

    Of course while there should not be double standards since women and men are human beings capable of the same sins, society has a double standard, and most men and women agree to it. Would a women give up her right of social acceptance to wear dresses,skirts,makeup,jewelry,etc because men don’t. Do you see most men feeling deprived of that right for the most part, no.

    I think if the husband loves his wife and treats her fairly and they love eachother , theres nothing wrong with those rituals and clothing and accessories, some folks may find it cute.

  44. says

    Yes I put sindoor n mangalasutra when I go to office. Though ours is a love marriage and I am 5 years older to my hubby but at home I make him wear and put sindoor on her head. Mutual consent. Enjoyingg yhe life.

  45. says

    Yes I put sindoor n mangalasutra when I go to office. Though ours is a love marriage and I am 5 years older to my hubby but at home I make him wear and put sindoor on his head. Mutual consent. Enjoyingg yhe life.

  46. hinduwoman says

    What those who insist that these rituals are about love and devotion is missing the simple fact that definitely in older times and even now in many cases a woman’s economic well-being and social identity is bound up up with the husband. The man provides for her food, shelter and clothing and ensures social respect. It is therefore vital to pray for the husband’s good health in order not to lose all those things. Spirituality has nothing to do with it.
    But a husband do not have to do these things because he is the centre of the family. He also do not have to wear anything showing he is married because he is free to have as many wives as he likes while the woman must display her mark of being taken. (Polygamy in Hinduism became illegal only after independance).

    • Anindita says

      That’s the most misogynist mindless comment in this whole section. How dense can u get?
      I don’t understand why a mother would discriminate against any of her own flesh and blood? If religion is our home, then god is our sole parent… Parents dont prefer their sons Over their daughters, and if they do, they are nothing but bad parents.
      God is fundamentally. The essence of good. Then do u still think, god would actually advocate discrimination amongst his/her children?
      Religion in the first place was meant to keep its followers from committing ethically depraved actions. It was people themselves who corrupted its true purpose for their own selfish gains. And thanks to this country’s relatively unstable cultural development and illiteracy , the effects were even more pronounced.
      We are human beings, members of the same species, both men and women, then how come we are so different from each other….

  47. Mouli says

    My boyfriend want to change me…we are in this relation from 4years..I love him nd he loves me too….but the problem is tht his family is too much traditional..he said if I wanted to marry with him then I hv to forget my western outfits for ever nd I have to wear cloths like Saree or Salwar Suit…I hv to change my food habit bcz they eat only veg..I wake up at 11am nd go to bed at 3am..but they wake up at 5am..he said if I wnted to marry with him then I hv to wake up early nd help his mom..but I live a relaxable life nd don’t wanna change.I can not understand what to do…I want a clam full life nd want a happy married life with him…Plz u guys suggest me wht should I do?

    • Anindita Moitra says

      Irrespective of what the world says, Ask ur heart…are you ready to compromise so much for someone else? can you bear the consequences?Is he worth the compromise and the pain ? Is he capable of compromising for you as much as you would for him? Is he looking up to you?
      If so, then do it! Else get out of that relationship..there is no place for hesitation.

  48. Chaco sravan says

    A women (hindu) with out sindhur ,ear rings and bangles is equal to widow even she was married.

  49. जय सोनी says

    मैं अपनी पत्नी के लिए मंगलसूत्र पहन

    ना चाहता हूँ साथ ही टो रिंग भी सुझाव दें क्या यह ठीक है ?

    • जय सोनी says

      जय बिल्कुल सही है । मैं भी अपनी पत्नी के लिए मंगल सूत्र पहनता हूँ । चाहें तो मेरे मेल में बात कर सकते हैं

    • जय सोनी says

      बिल्कुल सही है जय भाई । संयोग से मैं भी जय सोनी हूँ
      मैं अपनी पत्नी के लिए मंगलसूत्र पहनता हूँ ।
      मुझे लगता है सभी को पहनना चाहिए जो भी अपनी पत्नी से प्रेम करता है

  50. Balakrishna Chappidi says

    May be all civilization caused this, as woman is physically weak than man, man is visually attracted to women’s beauty probably could be the reason man has though woman as an asset, and woman is kind of weak at the stage of labors and needs man’s help… and Man has a tendency to grow his off springs, perhaps woman too.

    Probably to control all such things the highly talented priests invented the concept of marriage, god, and holistic customs to tie man and woman together… Mangalsutra for woman is tied by a man means its his wife, and he is her husband, perhaps may be it would be man’s turn to wear Mangal sutra, but the reason it went to woman is because Man is stronger than woman and kind of ruler / designed to be leader of the family by the society in those ancient times.

    These questions were not coming to women about few centuries ago, as Education and freedom in women is growing all such realizing questions are coming in place.

    If Woman is not really liking to wear the ornaments/strings/ear rings/whatever that are viewed as holistic symbols, probably the marriage is going to loose its own importance.

    Why should a man tied to a woman for his whole life, when he has a natural tendency of visually getting attracted to more than one woman? in terms of sex, not sure about woman if they have same natural tendency…
    I believe hence the clever priests made all these arrangements…

    Though I hope modern girls are looking mangal sutra as barely a fancy gold ornament and some working women are even taking it off…I am not commenting on any one here, is my general observation.

    My gut feeling all the importance of these priest/high talented portion of ancient society’s invention of marriage get ruined and loose all its importance in next 5 to 10 centuries.

  51. Robert Munyui Kamunyu says

    THE BUTCHERS OF WOMANHOOD- FGM ( THE COVENANT OF THE FLESH). When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he circumcised all the male children and he was circumcised. The message was direct and in plain language. GENESIS 17: 1-27. The agreement was strategically initiated and the male child grew beholding daily his agreement with God at every call of nature throughout his married life. The covenant of the flesh for a man is with ease to behold with no ill feelings or regrets without medication required afterwards in life. When God told Moses that the Children of Israel shall not circumcise girls, the message was well understood and was given in a spiritual language which bears two warnings, Leviticus19:29-29. The Israelis parents shall not sexually mutilate daughters and fathers we commanded not have carnal knowledge (incest) of daughters making them prostitutes. Fgm prostitution is a prime satanic sacrifice for a woman, of secrecy with miseries and constrains of disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases of traumatic child delivery requiring medication. Fgm sin of crime of honor humiliation for womanhood persists for many girls globally. There is no open fold of a foreskin in a sexual organ of a woman to cut round that hides dirty stuffs that stinks. There are no undue growths that warrant cutting and scrapping in her sexual organ. There is no part of her sexual organ that rots as she grows old from childhood. Those who justify fgm benefits in any form are mare agents of satan in sheep skin. There are blunt lies of those women anointed by satan to propagate fgm when they claim women that are not cut stinks. Homes ,cities and countries where fgm is not practiced would have been stinking hell if their claim is true which would have been an open truth known by all. The devil is the father of lies and his accomplished do the falsehood. Fgm falsehood taught has remained guarded and guided in shrewd cover up of honored falsehood in fgm justification. If fgm which leaves a girl child bathing wounds from the evil cut with her own urine as antiseptic is a level of cleanness, then cleanness and holiness have lost reference value to some parents and men. There is no beauty of holiness in fgm to behold. There is Divine Holiness that belongs to children of God and Christians must know the truth to be free from being trapped in greatly justified fgm falsehood taught ,Ephesians4:11-14 Fgm is the most horrible heart breaking tribute to satanic sacrifice in parenthood accepted and appreciated by many communities. They have given parents prime choice of terror in fgm prostitution castration curse positive face value with wholesome none existent cleanliness which is mockery to wisdom and Word of truth unearthed today in plain language regarding the tear of the helm of womanhood in fgm. Fgm classified evils and justified satanic heinous atrocities held by cultural elites pundit are the hard issues of formidable sin of horror of honor firmly held in terror that reign on globally for many girls which many parents are unable to do away with in life in satanic cultural sacrifice justification. Can parents live to deliver dignified Holy honor to a girl child or they access and assert a girl child is sexually demonically born wild thus the need to sexually tame her in fgm the fruit of cultural atrocities and honored cultural religious prostitution castration. The messy treacherous carnage seat of satan in fgm by parents should not be given any form of cover up in loved fgm honor. If all of us who handle fgm eradication do it without hypocritical morality then there will be no fgm atrocities cover up and many young men will not be ill informed on fgm benefits. The consequences of fgm hidden crises and sufferings that spring out in which appears as normal marital life style are easily dismissed but never nullified in faceless honor in fgm. Satan has kept the strategic plan to keep fgm cultural sexual slavery as beneficial to man so as men can give in to a positive weird verdict to fgm castration atrocities without Divine wisdom or knowledgeable fear in God being the ground of sorrow for womanhood. The principal fertile grounded goal in legitimizing the culturally bounded and blinding fgm castration atrocities for satanic cultural religious morality control goals achieved is to honor fgm sexually crippling evils cerebrated by men demands. Medes and Persians kings had enacted a law punishable to death for anybody who attempted to gain access to the king seated at inner court of the palace without appointed time. Even Kings’ wives and concubines were subjected to the same law which had sexual control on womanhood, Esther4: 1-17. Only the king’s favour on a wife’s uninvited paid visit would save her from eminent death punishment by his held out golden scepter an act of favour and approval. From the fall of man from the garden of Aden man’s further fall from grace was subjected to demonic competitive lust to womanhood in polygamous marriage ( which later turned to enmity against womanhood also in form of fgm) which was not in favour with God and He reduced his old age to 120yrs Genesis 6:1-7. Satan has convinced men and parents to shift girls’ natural Divine onset to maturity from monthly period to fgm castration in honor of the dead. As far as parents remain the relentless heinous bedrock of fgm pursuing ensured satanic cultural sacrifice honor offered, there is no equal reprieve for girls from onslaught on womanhood in honor of the dead by parents hell bent on executing falsely claimed benefits in fgm to men in deviated demonically controlled sexual life style in marriage. It is the most sadly unfortunate tragedy for Christians parents being involved in fgm satanic cultural sacrificial goals honored which sin will follow them beyond the grave unless they repent and get saved. I have heard men say women like children and in Christians marriages women encourage the brides to take their husbands as their first born. Initially the two statements were too contradictory to each other and crushing in my mind but I found women forthright and forthcoming. The bridegroom is first satisfied with her blessed fountain of love and her breasts before any child birth. Proverbs 5:18-19. Fgm dehumanized and deforms womanhood being the worst satanic cultural religious sacrifice of honor for the dead taxed on womanhood globally.
    Today those women who favour crippling the heartbeat of womanhood in fgm and in fear of their marriages being endangered under attack by unfolding truth on falsified physical and spiritual beneficial issues acclaimed in fgm, all they have is to keep their husbands mentally caged in epic cultural lies and remain relevant to their husbands without divine knowledge. Today it will be double tragedy for girls who have undergone fgm when men change their sexual orientation in favor of girls without the evil cultural cut. Even when some advocate for not cutting much for her benefits and the husband benefit ,this vindicate the opening door of intended sexual deprivation and suppression for the girl child bearing all the shortcomings of fgm. When some women vouch for safe mother child delivery, the devil is in front with others women in destroying the very gate way of safe mother child delivery system in fgm making the sexual organs of girls the arena of social morality without iota of remorse. Parents pay homage to satan in fgm. In old days old women who had undergone fgm used to pass direct messages to young men initiates that a woman once she grows old the man if he wants and wishes to marry another woman he should do so and not disturb her. It was clear message for the young men that past child bearing age they were not readily available for their husbands at their matrimonial bed. It were as though women were more for procreation value only. If uncircumcised was married, they called for her circumcision since she was sexually like a strong magnet to their husband and they needed him less of her. At a time in life when economic reality and faith in God turned men away from cultural way of live, some women left the matrimonial abode. Was it a secret? No. During the transformation and the transition period for the Christianity , the effects of abandoning polygamous marriages for Christians were clear evidence known. Women spent time to visit their married children and left the husbands abandoned alone. It was a sacrifice the early Christian husbands who were in monogamous marriages had to bear. The clergy would call women not to leave husbands behind. The matrimonial issues affecting the women due to fgm were put under the carpet for the deserving wises parents to discern. Women were literally running away from their matrimonial homes. Some women ended in unexplained controversial marital conflicts with husbands in their old age for men ended in undue marital frustrations. This brought the impetuous for the wise deserving Christian parents to abandon fgm prostitution castration carnage. Women in polygamous marriages passed the burden of fgm prostitution castration generation curse to young married women. Parents virtually determine the full aspiration of satanic goals in the old age prostitution castration honor. Fgm perpetuated atrocities accommodated, honored and cerebrated cannot be accepted as holiness foundations for girls which dehumanize and deface womanhood with cultural respected honor in fgm. It is a sin and culturally demonically wrong for parents to place girls virginity and holiness under control in bondage of cultural mutilating blades. Remove cultural satanic honor in fgm , and fgm legacy loses all values to man and womanhood which will lead the world out of much evils suffered in honor of the dead. A man is blinded by fgm culturally offered honor in sharing a wife with satan in fgm. We must remain temple of Holy God. I Corinthians 3-16 -23
    Fgm destroys the natural glorious lustrous beauty of womanhood which turns her to a frigid and rocky mess and the man is demonically strained in having the marriage supper in darkness. During fgm initiation ceremonies, immoral cultural songs are accepted and openly sang for a satanic banquet. Fgm remains the formidable honorable sin of choice favored by many parents globally enslaved by satan. Let men love those ladies who have under gone the awful risk of unkind cut in Christ’s Love that bonds on love. Let those ladies get saved, forgive them for them for their fgm atrocities and not condemn themselves . Let them abound in dignified liberty that is in Christ Jesus and enjoy full life and do away with satanic barbaric fgm for their daughters. Fgm castration is done without Divine dignity for womanhood but more hedged on man’s satanic sexual superiority sort endeavors in perfecting horror of justified atrocities in fgm. The devil has his own even among the smart elites in every society that will justify various forms of fgm atrocities at religious and medical levels at all costs. Falsehoods based on fgm evils clarified and justified by elites are the hardest issues to deal with and come out of them in life. Fgm is a demonic act associated with the existent of parenthood and the devil who has given it a religious backing a cover up of deceptive acceptance in destroying the bridge of womanhood. There are women who have undergone fgm and they hold and tell the bear truth on issues based on fgm. May God Almighty shower them with blessings of fortitude of grace to forbear the deprivations done in fgm. In fgm prostitution persecution castration parents are engaged in a clear active respectable satanic open sacrifice. They indulge themselves in orgy of mutilating the very womanhood of their own girl child for none existing morality for God. Fgm is the smart satanic strategic morality sacrifice hidden tragically and endorsed by many parents across all social status around the world. Parents have their own zeal of faith in fgm and have established their own righteousness not according to righteousness of God in the knowledge of his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Parents spearhead the immoral act in fgm which is a covenant of flesh and blood with satan for society morality acceptance whereby girls loose the natural thread and tread of lustrous beauty of womanhood to satan. Many fathers are bonded and bound by it and sink to abyss of solemn silence even when children and youth raise a protest the battle of minds against the terror of fgm castration persecution. Satan has for generations perfectly cushioned fgm in many families parenthood which is an institution of tender care and love as the acceptable way of life. It is the time Satan tragically prevails in honor in parenthood. Fgm is the parental dear paradox regarding girls chastity at their approved sexual disability for the girls. On fgm sin enslavement , fathers play the pivot role in sexually crippling their daughters behind the scene having been entangled and snared by Satan as it were with Eve and Adam in garden of Aden. There are parents comfortably settled down on defending mutilating their young girls for community social acceptance and honor at families managed altar of satan. This defeats any iota of holy love and care for the girl child under felony of fgm, bawling for mercy when heaped on her shoulders empty promises bearing the burden of the family and the society morality placed on her very womanhood in the heinous destructive fgm operation of honor.
    By instinct man’s hand lands at the garden of love and joy to prop it up at Divine state. The Israelis brethren never married women who had the evil cut from altars of Satan. Israelis women remained lively and delivered goodly children easily a state known to Pharaoh. Exodus 1:15-22.That knowledge on the difference between a circumcised woman and a woman who had not faced the evil cut was exploited by the Hebrew Midwives, Shiphrah and Puah as their reason for saving the men children alive contrary to the King of Egypt instructions for their ultimate death at birth for they were easily and lively delivered. Pharaoh was aware that the Egyptians women went through Pharaonic circumcision or infibulations and the difficulties they faced in delivering children were known to him thus he agreed with the midwives’ answer. God has promised our beloved sister save child delivery as she continue in faith, charity and holiness with sobriety, 1Timothy 2: 15 .Girls who had the evil cut cannot pass the threshold of Divine virginity since they sacrificed their fresh to demonic world. Their virginity in marriage is according to satanic standards since they have been defiled with humanity demonic practices. All traditional fgm mutilator die poor for Satan keep them poor to their trade. The girl child holds no battle field of faith in her defiled crippled sexual state. She is sexually excavated, sexually muted and sexually crippled. Girls who face the evil cut are leftovers from the altar of Satan and for a man marrying her is equal to sharing a wife with Satan. Man takes the marriage supper the left over from the altar of Satan us the dictate of demonic cultures. FGM is a form of partial castration for a womanhood. Man is commanded by GOD to give his wife her conjugal wrights and also the woman to the same for its a shared joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4.How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver joy in Divine state to her husband while sexual joy was removed from her in FGM. Circumcision in man does not alter his sexual ability articulations . In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to have their daughters play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice offered in satanic honor in fgm cerebrated.
    In fgm operation, parents are heartless and lack ornaments of a holly heart. The formidable focused aggressive force against womanhood in fgm from her very parent is beyond many girls ability to withstand as the gilrl child is dispossessed of her womanhood. The mother’s love towards her girl child, in change of events is full of momentarily intimidation to her uncut state seen as unclean . They are faithful dependable apostles and ministers of satan bound in perpetuating fgm who taunt young girls on their uncut status which is a state of social mental torture for some hard to bear. Finally some face the martyrdom of womanhood in fgm for demonic cultural purity cleansing acceptance . To them, immorality is put to an end. The devil’s strike on womanhood is immortalized in a cultural religious ceremony given a cover up of wholesome acceptance by elders present us custodian pillars of demonic cultural sexual slavery. No earthly education and knowledge can save an ill-fated girl child from fgm with satanic fgm supper elites supporters beside her who have institutionalized women and their sex organs as the center of all evils on earth. It takes two to tangle. Men should stop having holy than though attitude and stop back setting all evils to womanhood in order to justify fgm as Adam did in the Garden of Aden when he blamed God and Eve for his sin. The filth of fgm honor is in the hands of parents and men. Men ought to seek holiness and all cleanness in Divine state. Fgm is a wrong and a sin on earth and in heaven. There is a narrow highway for Christian to follow in righteousness. There is no love or justice in fgm. Men have sought satanic refuge in fgm for their weak incompatible immoral sexual stand. In fgm, men’s protracted fear of women sexuality in Divine order is waged in fgm atrocities. They assert that God is wrong for providing girls with more active evil sexual organs not equal to men and the demonic mission of taming girls and women sexually is hatched by men for satanic cultural immoral quest for righteousness in God. Effectively men who support fgm have morally justified themselves as sexual weaklings before God and women sexual joy from a girl child with no remorse. Girls who face the evil cut become prostitutes on altar of satan sadly without their consent which pollutes the land. Magicians and witches in the world do not make girls prostitutes. But parents by subjecting girls to fgm make them prostitutes and are worse than them. Parents have soiled their hands in fgm prostitution honorary from time immemorial . Humanity has been subject to satanic celebrated sacrifice in fgm prostitution beyond imaginations in many families among generations. The evil cutting is done in honor of the dead. Leviticus 19:28-29. This type of prostitution cannot be cleansed in marriage life . She bought her prostitution with her flesh, bone and blood on altar of Satan while still In her flower age when facing all evil forces under her parental care. Unless she gets saved (call upon the blood of CHRIST to cleanse her.John3:16-18, Isaiah1:18) she shall go to her grave a prostitute . Thus there were no sexual mutilations among the Israelis women. Parents zeal uphold the present atrocities in fgm sexual cultural slavery even when in Christian Churches. The great social value of fgm virginity by parents is purely demonically shared. Fgm stands out as the cultural religious souvenir iconic idol for parents and men a testimony in satanic world. Men hold the final fate for girls in fgm abandonment. Time is up know for Christians to consolidate firm actions to end satanic sacrifice rituals in fgm globally. Fgm crippling atrocities bring undue tensions and strains in normal married Christian life. From onset God requires man to be ravished always with her love vitality without fgm and the fountain of marriage to be honorably blessed in all and the bed UN-defiled without the husband being treacherous to his wife,Proverb5:18-19, Malachi2:14-16. The sanctuary sanctifies the sacrifice and the sanctuary and the sacrifice are sanctified to God. Hebrew 13:4. Mothers should not complain if fathers decide to go back to bed with their mutilated daughters since they are crowning satanic sacrifice offered.
    The Girl child was bought up in divine order leaving the petals and stay of love intact for a beloved wise husband core co-benefits. She remained a garden fenced , a spring shut up and blessed in sealed divine state. A woman to man she is a garden and a fountain. The man plants a seed and a child grows in the womb and is born. The man quench his marital thirst with her in shared joy for woman is a keeper at home. A fountain with a cover has more flesh safe water than uncovered well. A fenced garden has a defense and is a safe comfort. Song of Solomon 5:1-2. Song of Solomon 4:12, Proverbs 5:18-19. The banner of love is at even state over the garden of love at Divine state when his hand lands at the garden of love to prop it up undisturbed as the king of marriage mark and flag the fleshy coals for un intimate marital relationship in common joy. Song of Solomon 2:2-5. Man is instructed by God not to be immoral or do any severe harm to his wife of his youth and give her conjugal wrights and benefits in shared joy as one body in common control. Malachi2;12-17. 1 Corinthians7:1-5. The devil has vested harbored honorable demonic powers to some parents to permanently control and deform girls sexual organs in fgm castration atrocities before marriage for demonic chastity status acceptance which leaves man sexually morally dry and at a loose. Circumcision in man does not destroy his body integrity and his sexual ability articulation base remains intact ready for joy. Fgm remains a deadly liability to girls’ spiritual and physical live. Nothing more satisfying against fgm than hearing present generation of fathers say that they will never allow their daughters to be mutilated and forfeit their marital joy. Fgm lacks Godly Holy Spiritual integrity of parents and reflects men dedicated atrocities on womanhood with no compassion for womanhood. The issue of Christian men against fgm is not an affront confrontation on wives measure to sexual expectation of their husbands but a reality. A woman is not only a woman by her looks but by her Divine sexual prospects based integrity bestowed upon her that are destroyed in satanic shrines of fgm . In fgm, a girl child is widowed of her womanhood for satanic cultural cleansing. Open Christian discussion on marital issues have resulted on elderly Christians men confessing clearly they have difficult love relationship with women who had gone fgm. When the redemption and sanctification of men is completed from spiritual poverty and slavery in fgm, girls who had the evil cut will be socially disadvantaged. Christian men do not put any Christian value to fgm. In Christian meetings women become agitated and extremely restless to the present of husbands during fgm eradication teachings. If fgm had any value to their husbands, they would not resent husbands being present. Men must fanatically remain mentally caged in cultural fgm slavery for women who had the evil cut to maintain safely cultural polygamous marriages. To end fgm, it requires full engagement of men in open discussion to put to a worthless dead end required perceived fgm cultural atrocities benefits by men in marriages . The devil has directed women to undergo soft bone and thick dense muscles mutilation. God directed a foreskin removal for man as a covenant for him and God. Fgm remains an idol to man and sacrilege to womanhood in honor of the dead. This is the unfortunate sad spiritual reality bare before our eyes hard to bear to believe. Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter who justify evils for rewards, Isaiah 5; 20-23.
    Does it require governments to ban fgm for parents to realize they commit grave honorable abomination in fgm? Can parents understand that fgm from its conception and inception was a crime against womanhood in nature? Up to when will parents linger on honorable fgm prostitution castration of young girls? In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to remove the blanket of etiquette and prepare their daughters to play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. Let mothers who say daughters are brave enough to face the evil cut have the final honor and have the daughter brave enough to meet fathers at the conception beds and give satan a due complete sacrifice without sanction. The community should not judge fathers as evil if they did not judge fathers as evil for allowing the evil cut on their daughters. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice. Fgm is an insult and assault to womanhood by parents. Let parents pride themselves in complete evils. The petals and stay of love are left strewn at altars of Satan. The sparkles of love cannot be rekindled. In natural world a door is provided for knocking before entry and an aerial is provided for effective communication so is the same for the girl child body by nature. Fgm prostitution is not done for the love of the girl child .This is misconception of love. There is no barbaric action done in love. Fgm prostitution is done when the sex organ of a girl child is viewed as a source of all immoralities and a center of all evils that engulf a community to satisfy men honored demonic cultural sexual whims. It is done as satanic sacrificial proactive cleansing of a society from immoralities as demanded by men. They view mutilated sex organ of a girl child as clean and holy thus up rifting it’s status to satanic reverence. Fgm is pure satanic injustice to manhood when the king of marriage resting fleshy cushions are excavated and the alert notification fleshy aerial is scrap in out in fgm thus leaving the king of marriage as an intruder.
    Love does not seek its own benefits, 1Corinthians 13:1-13. Prostitutes made by parents in fgm prostitution are honored and encouraged . Us no man can miss the mouth even when eating in total darkness, so shall man falter in search of the marital coals removed in sexual mutilation how foolish he is. From the family parliament man becomes a slave of satan . Fgm prostitution keeps man out of natural way of life in marriage .Song of Solomon 2:6-7. After fgm is done there are no boughs for man to hold since the woman was subjected to sexual excavation and torture of honor in fgm rampage by satan . Song of Solomon 7:1-8. Girls subjected to fgm is a reflection of man’s moral decay which leaves fgm atrocities flying back to his face. Men must decide and channel their spiritual morality command zeal for God eventually sealed in great dignity of personal love for God and not stayed in fgm. In fgm prostitution castration ceremonies parental authority is enhanced and preserved in funding sustained satanic professional priests black bloody economic proceeds.
    When the wife at the family parliament loses esteemed value to her husband due to fgm , all that pertains to the family losses value to him and this is the widest wild gate for the man that leads to lack of burden of responsibility for the family that opens the highway of family destruction by the devil. Even higher university education may not save a girl child in hands of parents gripped by satan in fgm slavery. Fgm lays social foundations for unstable marital lives. Parents are highly entrenched in prostitution with their girl child. When in demonic world parents say fgm prostitution makes a girl child clean but God says she defiled and made a prostitute. Fgm remains the annual mass overwhelming celebrated parental satanic human sacrifice for the mankind under cover of social morality ever witnessed. Ironically these parents are active in the Church who shoulder burdens for the church but with continuous unresolved marital problems a dilemma to the clergy. They are workers of Satan who have camouflaged as believers in the Church of Christ. How do they differ from magicians and witches ? Fgm prostitution castration remains the coveted sin of choice by many parents for a satanic sexual morality held in deceptive assault, insult and abuse of a girls sexual integrity held in cultural cerebrated religious manner. They pollute the land in prostitution and the land becomes full of all evils. How can a father be obsessed with the sexual organ of his daughter as a bearer of holiness in the mutilated state? It is hypocritical for him to be in a place where GOD is worshiped. Why should parents be obsessed to place the family uprightness and the country holiness in the mutilated sex organ of their girl child? After fgm is done ,the girl child is highly esteemed and it is a demonic cover up of the plight of evils done. The underworld of unlimited miseries in fgm thrives with stubborn mothers energetically engaged in executing fgm in disguise for their daughters love which leave fathers subdued, desolated and disoriented when mothers declare that they cannot stand having uncut girls beside them when satan rule supreme in womanhood. Where are the wise loving brothers to stand up without fear that will not feast and cerebrate when their dear sisters are sacrificed to satanic under world in fgm prostitution castration by their own parents? Fgm was authored in Egypt by Pharaoh as Satanic sacrifice to increase pain and wailing in child birth . The fleshy sexual coals are excavated leaving her frigid and rocky thus denying her for live time Divine marital gift which she requires in marriage for a lively marital relationship with her husband. How stupid a man may be, by instinct a man will falter in search of the fleshy coals removed in fgm thus leaving him at moral loose for unfulfilled marital mission not achievement which may end up in frustrations and unusual marital conflicts. The fleshy coals are provided for the benefits of their marriage life. 1Corithians7: 9. The fleshy coals help a woman in marriage to lock in emotionally with her husband in a cordial cushy marital sexual relationship. Some parents send their daughters far away to close relatives for retrogressive fgm as a cover up without the girl child knowledge of the adverse side effects on her body and spirit. The onus of the honored satanic fgm defilement prostitution castration is more honorary in parents hands held captive by culture as the power house of demonic oppressive honored culture.
    The Royal Priesthood of Jesus Christ should not be spiritually comfortable when fgm satanic crafted sacrifice which continue to flourish is not sideshow or walk over by parents which is destabilizing the Church of Christ in well-organized underground demonic manner globally. The hidden seasoned ills resulting from fgm satanic rituals atrocities are hostile to Christian marriages globally. Fgm is satanically tooled for cultural polygamous marriages slavery embodiment. Today in Church of Christ even women who claimed fgm was part of their culture won’t like to hear their husband can go back to polygamous marriages. The highly educated woman with fgm inclination support do not add polygamous marriage to her life style. The worst enemy to a woman remains a woman with honored satanic affinity life style and stands who lure women to satanic world. Women give birth and they face life threating challenges men will never under go. Fgm support should go hand in hand with polygamous marriage which has pillars in fgm. Men know about it. You either support fgm and leave free your husbands to un adulterous promiscuous life style and dream not of having monogamous Christian marriage. Let those women who support fgm support polygamous marriage and call it their culture under attack. Women deserve to be understood for their unspoken in depth fear of unstable families which can result from husbands resenting being fooled in satanic fgm sacrifices . We call husbands to maintain and love wives in Christ’s love. The Church has to deal firmly against fgm satanic sacrifice wrap in cultural religious honor without the preaching fraternity down playing fgm atrocities by parents. The preaching fraternity should not allow the demonic world to teach Christians any form of etiquette in life. In every platform there should be Spirited vision and mission among Christians to enhanced eradication of fgm satanic Sacrifice offered and honored.
    Man has a natural sexual desire at play with a bride at divine natural state of womanhood . Men must assert final authority against fgm in face of taunting incredible forces of demonic honored cultures. There is nothing more annoying than hearing in Christian discussion in place of worship of a learned uncouth sadist man declare that the clitoris which is well above the virginal opening obstruct man in intercourse. Nothing more unkind to truth than falsehood unearthed in fgm foul evil act by using truth in plain language only to be declared fouls course language by those who have holy than thou attitude. They view naked truth that can eliminate fgm overnight as a threat to their cash cow as fgm fighters. They black list truth as dangerous to their trade pretending it hurts more those who had the evil cut. This is the way the devil fights back. Those who teach the truth about fgm are not for character assassination. It is a an agonizing hair raising sensational experience encounter with a learned ardent fgm cultured man heaving angrily for an almost physical confrontation with those who are opposed to fgm prostitution castration on defenseless innocent young girls.
    In the Church of Christ, let fathers not exercise the dead terror of silence which has allowed satan to raid and rain terror on young girls in fgm. Let fathers stand up for the divine rights of their daughters in marriage. Where Christian mothers pride themselves in fgm , let them have their husbands know their daughters before they pass on from earth as the final functional triggered banquet for satan without sanction. This will give satan the deserved complete sacrifice . Parents owe their sons in laws lifetime gratitude for agreeing to marry their daughters whom they sexually assaulted, muted and sexually crippled. God has never asked parents to sexually cripple their daughters so as to remain virgins and holly. Is holiness attained by sexually crippling a girl child acceptable to God purposes for her live destiny entity? No! There is holiness that pertains to children of God. Fgm is direct mitigated assault and insult to her real womanhood benefits. The sex organ of a girl child cannot be manipulated through sexual mutilations as a gate way for man to heaven. Parents owe their daughters a life time apology for their inhuman acts which robbed them their divine marital gifts. Parents who force their daughters to undergo Fgm exercise the most dignified unreserved beastly cultural atrocities on the girl child with man child at the receiving end as beneficially in marriage. Parents owe their sons in laws lifetime gratitude for agreeing to marry their daughters whom they sexually assaulted, sexually muted and sexually crippled. God has never asked parents to sexually cripple their daughters so as to remain virgins and holly. Is holiness attained by sexually crippling a girl child acceptable to God purposes for her live destiny entity? Where God has created for the man a luxurious marital hotel between two sewerage systems, the increase of fistula complications due to fgm will leave man taking the marriage supper in sewerage blinded in fgm honor. Fgm cultural honor defuse notion of satanic sacrifice in fgm. A girl child cannot survive the course of fgm atrocities when parents are honored and obsessed in cultural interest qualified in satanic fgm. Will the girl child takes humbly low fgm rooted satanic cultural castration slavery in honor of womanhood? It will only take Brothers in Christ to have a standoff with satan in fgm to have Christians parents blinded in fgm honor realize their abomination in fgm. Tragically girls do not own their sexual organs in culture . Their bodies are more of parents properties shared by relatives and the wider community commanded by men as they dig in and make headway to mess them up in culturally valid satanic invitation in fgm prostitution castration honor.
    Fgm remains the tested brutal cultural yard stick for girls sexual excavation in honor of the dead in cultural morality preservation goals. The livelihood of devil’s priest in fgm is enhanced by parents with no remorse. Parents who perform the grand satanic sacrifice of fgm are sources of families marital instabilities and of great evils to the land. When their daughters face marital problems originating from their family parliaments, they offer themselves as prayer partners with their daughters before God interceding for stability and peace for their families. They do not count themselves as the cause of the marital problems affecting their daughters marriage, for they remain acceptable social criminals in life for breaking and dismantling the defense and the fences of the marriage courts in fgm. The grandmothers and aunts are in a more canning defensive hypocritical state buying time for their daughter to bring up girls just to storm in unto them demanding sex mutilation mayhem as an exercise of honor for them to behold. Their fgm celebration should be extended when fathers put t daughters to bed and give satan a complete deserved sacrifice Paul told Timothy not to heed unholy stories from old women. 1Timothy4:7. In such deceptive manner unfortunately the cycle of demonic fgm prostitution repeats itself all again. Do they ever learn anything destructive in fgm or they are spiritually blind folded as they abound more in prayers? Fgm remains the most horrible trap of agony for the girl child ever chosen by parents for perceived benefits for the man child in marriage life . A foolish woman destroys her own house with her own hands Proverbs14:1-2. Some say fgm is done by parents out of love which is hypocritically wrong. Let parents face the truth and know that they demonize the sex organs of their girls in Divine state as sexually wild and source of immoralities in the society thus the need for them to castrate their girls in all forms of fgm to gain control over their sexuality. They should not be redeemed from fgm shameful carnage act in cover up of disguise of an act of love for the girl child. The realization of distraught mistrust brought by fgm between parents and some of their intelligent daughters has brought some on a mission to salvage parents in fgm castration atrocities as un act of love to safely salvage daughters to parents tainted sore relationship. Intelligent inquisitive girls have taken into tusks parents for their beastly act in fgm. Christian youths have torn apart and addressed the cultural barrier in fgm which leaves parents haunted by their beastly act in their old age. Christians women who had the evil cut orchestrated by mothers are not thanking them in their old age for sacrificing their womanhood to satan . Mothers in their old age have only to respond that they were not aware that they were committing sin and atrocities for an act of fgm that is so brutal and cruel as the only face saving value before their own children.. This has put parents at crossroad of faith as they dare affirm they performed the beastly fgm atrocities in love of their culture but cannot associate fgm with the Church of Jesus Christ. Children should live in peaceful harmony in love with their parents but not bound in satanic sacrifices. It all sum up in fgm to bane of contention concealed in deceptive manner of honor sort out by parents in girls sexuality from birth to marriage live in a religious manner. Events of fgm evil acts are purposely determined for cultural sexual purification castration for girls. The devil is always behind this deceptive allusion in fgm act as a Godly requirement acted by parents in love. Parents have reacted as an act of undressing them into open public shame to brethren who have told them of their abomination in fgm before God . We care for them spiritually in love of Christ that calls for repentant and reconciliation to their daughters. Where is even the spiritual virginity of girls mutilated by men in martyrdom of womanhood? There are tares and wheat in the field of fighting fgm. You cannot miss Judas Iscariot in the field. Tares have intertwined roots with wheat. Let them grow together lest you uproot wheat together with tare . God is delivering victory against fgm with the remnant faithful few who do not worry about their own honor and stomachs. In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to remove the blanket of etiquette and prepare their daughters to play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. Let mothers have the final honor and pride themselves in remaking the conception beds of their daughters and prepare their husbands to know their daughters and give satan a due complete sacrifice. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice. Fgm is an insult and heinous assault to womanhood by parents for men perceived sexual benefits . Let parents pride themselves in complete evils. The petals and stay of love are left strewn at altar of Satan and the girl child is dethroned of her womanhood in honor of the dead in satanic world. There is no room for fgm in Christianity for parents culturally at no fault honorary ordained by satan.
    Parents should sincerely repent to God and ask for re-conciliatory forgiveness from their daughters without beating the bush. Let our beloved sister forgive them in Christ’s love and free them to freedom from hidden anger of cultural turmoil. It is unbelievable bearable that fgm satanic heinous act can be practiced by parents in Churches. It is not a home coming event for a girl child to release she has been sacrificed to satan in fgm in honor of the dead by her own parents. We are not demonizing parents and creating wedges and rifts between daughters and parents by calling unto parents to face the real reality diligently in due plain truth for their awful injustices in beastly fgm castration officiated by satan. It is more sickening for parents in their old to realize they had no clear warning from the clergy as pertaining to satanic sacrifice in fgm. We are just telling parents openly to stop prostituting honorably with their daughters in fgm and get saved for dear relationship with God. Christians Churches and information medias are now more vocal against fgm. Grandparents are at pain and suffering quietly of being accused by daughters for sacrificing them to satanic world in fgm while in Churches. Will parents tell daughters they are wright in fgm and justify it when Governments have burned fgm? Girls have come out to question the immoral act of fgm atrocities operation directed by parents which has caused cold blood between daughters and parents. In the spirit world parents spy their daughters and are envious of their marital bed enjoyment which they visualize bound to immorality unless castrated thus they raid the marriage court in fgm acts carnage. They view their daughters in Divine state us sexually wild and immoral children who have to be sexually tamed in fgm to gain moral control over sexuality before and after marriage. They have viewed their daughters as sexually wild without sexual moral s even in married life. But who is weak? Men or women. Is the immorality one sided based on women among themselves only? Is the girl child sexually immoral and wild to herself in her Divine state? Who is fooling who? Is the sexual organ of a girl child the pillar of immorality and evils in any given society? Fgm is the cold unjust satanic sacrifice involving blood ,flesh and bone which enhances parents more entrenchment in demonic world. Can men penis heads be cut to be near equal with women who have lost their clitoris in fgm castration? In Fgm, parents are more than a curse to their daughter and to a nation. In fgm parents craft and draw holiness for themselves and for the whole family together with the community from fgm thus they cleanse and protect themselves from immoralities in the blood of their daughters clothed in religious attires. The burden of family and the community holiness is pegged and delivered from the mutilated sex organ of a girl child. It is a complete demonic way of life. manner . This pertain more to human satanic sacrifice and worship than many would like not to believe they are more submerged in demonic world. Parents have subjected their children to satanic slavery in fgm without remorse. Fgm was designed to deliver sexual crippling effect on a girl child from her very womanhood. The liberation straggle must start with the young men as the deciding factor in fgm eradication and abandonment. Fgm prostitution castration is done for them and on their behalves which is demonically wrong. Youths have to free themselves from cultural sexual slavery in fgm prostitution banqueted for them by old generation for their none existent spiritual and physical stability benefits . In fgm prostitution parents are honorary in satanic world together with witches and magicians turning the sexual organ of woman into an institution of satanic reverence. The devil footstool in fgm fuels men beastly carnage in societies. After fgm is done in honor of the dead, at a time in life , all evils come to the land and no other are better placed by satan to deliver the evils more than men. The purpose of excess of fgm brutality destroys the girl child sexually and the excess of the naked plain truth taught Spiritually in the Holly Bible about fgm leaves agitated camouflaged demonic collaborators in the dark underground world jittery worried and wounded in their honor. Their in-depth fear of men culturally blinded in vail of demonic culture in fgm releasing of being fooled socially and cornered by satan on benefits of fgm in marital life and the negative devastating counter reactions upheaval of men in marriages is real. We handle fgm in Christ’s love for mankind which is an eye opener for wise Christians to keep off fgm satanic sacrificial shrines.
    It is hypocritical and mockery for parents in Church of Christ to spend patiently their early marriage live in double standards life to perpetuate FGM and live in their twilight years as devoted loving caring parents close to the clergy having soiled their hands with the blood of their daughters in a planned time staged managed shedding of blood and flesh of their daughters in fgm in early marriage life as she wade through the jungle of life for demonic chastity sacrifice acceptance. Can any wise God fearing parents subject their daughters to fgm to justify in a religious manner the sin of grandfathers for their past historical generation sexual immorality dynasty pacification cover up? Fgm remains the grandfathers generation to generation curse and sexual social slavery for culturally battered women. As far as parents remain appreciated in spectacular honored motivated prostitution in fgm they will never fathom from the bottom of their hearts the unjust physical and spiritual injuries inflicted in fgm onslaught on womanhood? The girl child is deprived of her authority and integrity of her womanhood to demonic world and men who believe in their objective holiness gain for earthly humanity gains based on her precarious live in fgm. Parents pride themselves in fgm for tearing down the defense and fences of the marriage court a sacrifice to Satan. Women and girls are given to demonic world morality and will of men which is the hid out of satan. They do not pride and delight themselves in God. But GOD can never be mocked. Some men force their daughters to undergo fgm under the mothers pressure and pleasure forgetting there are no curses for those in Christ Jesus. Galatians3:10-14, Proverb26:1-2. It is quite evident parents are under cultural moral slavery siege and ready to sacrifice their daughters in fgm at alter of demonic cultures for community social acceptance. Fgm is the historical prostitution and plunder of womanhood bound in cultural respect and honor. Evil committed by parents in fgm cannot be justified by existent of time done or by one’s sacrificial faith to do it willingly at peace. Fgm embedded cultural sexual slavery is fortified by parents lack of due love for the girl child.
    Men must soberly disengage themselves honorary behind the scene for being the custodian pillars of sin of fgm making the sex organs of women as the moral battle fields of faith in God and call fgm the bygone unjust case of mayhem. Fgm foe must be purged from the battle field of minds and hearts of men in order of give girls social justice and enable women to overcome fgm. Youth must diligently determine the breaking and leveling of grandfathers extra ordinary generation curse in fgm grip to enable girls walk over it to freedom. This is the present single generation gigantic cultural crush win for youth to freedom from shackles of cultural sexual slavery in fgm. Train men to do away with fgm and there will be no fgm. Men form the bedrock of fgm. Man cannot seek Holy Almighty God in mirror of fgm castration. Can a man kneel before God and support fgm? It is awkward to hear men say what is good for a woman and not say what God says is good for a woman and him. It seems some men want to craft a way of holy life from the sex organ of women for themselves in name of purity for God. When God told Moses that the Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to fgm in honor of the dead or have sex with them, He did not leave any form of fgm for a girl child. To suggest there can be mild form of FGM is not acceptable before God. Leviticus 19:28-29. FGM is the annual mass satanic sacrifice done honorably by parents. Once the blood of a girl child is shed in fgm the land is polluted and the country becomes full of all evils. Mothers are the accomplished with devils’ priests due diligent in satanic sacrifice of honor who mutilates the sex organs of young girls with full expressed active acknowledgment of fathers enslaved by satan.
    Youth in unique spiritual flight must dislodge themselves from the yoke of fgm prostitution slavery offered honorary by parents in satanic sacrifice. They are dependable defensive force for young girls who cannot be ignored. Let brothers give our beloved sister a heart of change with helping hand against fgm. How would parents commit their daughters to fgm so us someone can have food for the mouth calling it their trade of life? How could someone say it was done in honor of religion where God is mentioned and the clergy exist? How would parents commit their daughters to fgm so us someone can have food for the mouth calling it their trade of life? How will ever be girls compensated who are forced to fgm in their flower age after abandoning the evil trade? Parents and the clergy should know that the mutilated injured defenseless girls remain and the wounded souls and spirit in anguish of their heart cry to Almighty God. Fgm prostitution is a satanic prime reward sacrifice more tied to man as the enforcer but he does not bear the physical scaring scars sufferings women go through silently with physiological scars and no Christian should apply it in life. Christian should eliminate FGM with ability given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for in him there are no generation curses. Christians must redeem the time and not be foolish in daily life. The sex organ of a woman is not a battle field of faith for man in God. Men must purge social evils from within the depth their hearts, minds and not from the sexual organs of women in fgm operation ruins. Fgm was started by men and they must battle it to a dead end. It is a deeply rooted cultural faith they can win overnight. It takes less than two hrs to teach men and women on Biblical perspective of fgm ills to bring it to a dead end. And this is the Lord doing. Can wise knowledgeable youth forgo the pertinent tool of sexual oppression and suppression in fgm held dearly in slavery by dedicated old respected cultural elites?. Middle aged fathers have to come in and break the yoke of satan in fgm slavery that is held dearly by the old die hard cultural elites.
    Laws to ban fgm may not eliminate fgm since it can be done clinically at home. Parents require deliverance of their souls and spirits to God. In their liberated hearts their will not suffer any loose for abandoning fgm for their trust in God is paramount. Let all Children of Abraham by faith face the full real reality of life that there is no fgm with God. God bless you all united against this demonic cultural practice called fgm, a hard nut to crack preserved and hidden in parenthood for honorary acceptance. It is the time the promises in fgm die out and the demonic world open her gates wide for the girl child and closes its’ behind her as she leaves the alter of Satan empty handed for the rest of her life time. This is satanic torture for a girl child has to face to satisfy the demonic world cultural purity. Can the young men and girls muscle enough will power and do away with fgm prostitution forced down their lives by the old generation? Yes, they can since they are strong with open clear minds. They have the divine provision of a happy marriage within their reach. Their marriages belong to them and not to their parents. Youths obedience to parents stays within the confines of Godly practiced boundaries. God says you are strong and you can overcome the wicked one. 1 John2:14. We must hold the Word of God within its content and contest lest or we be found to have contempt for the Word of God. Fgm prostitution defeats any Godly purpose for it. The survival of young girls from fgm is in the hands of men who must salvage girls from fgm in the hands wicked culturally enslaved women. Their hands are washed with innocent blood of young girls sacrificed to satan in fgm. Fgm betrays and dwindle the full dignity of men in faith in God. When parents advance in age they present themselves as faithful model of faith full of prayers which is a mere mockery to devotional integrity of a holy faith in God having well planned to accomplish honorary executed fgm for all of their daughters in early marriage life. Many parents are still stuck in wilderness of demonic cultures though in institutions of Godly worship. Who will pull out parents stuck in the wilderness of demonic cultures with love and care? Let all Children of Abraham by faith face the full reality of the demands in their faith in God. God bless us all united against this demonic cultural practice called FGM.
    Some men say when women are sexually crippled, men and women remain faithful but to who? Which men are sexually crippled for women to remain holy? Is the sexual organ of a woman an institution of worship for men? GOD IS HOLLY. Men shouldn’t have defiled faith in God based on crippled sexual organ of a woman. Men should love God with a pure heart. The sexual organs of women are not stays for men to anchor their faith in God. Should a man share a wife with the devil? Fgm is ill tagged as a benefit to a man child by those who perpetuate this demonic sacrifice. Men who view their holiness in God through the mutilated sexual organ of a woman put their faith in God in demonic practices perspectives Fgm prostitution is a satanic prime reward sacrifice more tied to man as the enforcer but he does not bear the physical scaring scars sufferings women go through silently with physiological scars and no Christian should apply it in life. The sex organ of a woman is not a battle field of faith for man in God. Fgm was started by men and they must battle it to a dead end. It is a deeply rooted cultural battle field they can win overnight. It takes less than two hrs to teach men and women on Biblical perspective of fgm ills to bring it to a dead end. The survival of young girls from fgm is in the hands of parents and men whose souls and minds are liberated from satanic cultural of fgm . Men must salvage girls from fgm in the hands culturally battered enslaved women. Their hands are washed with innocent blood of young girls sacrificed to satan in fgm. Fgm betrays and dwindle the full dignity of men in faith in God. The young girls fate in fgm hangs of balance since she cannot count on rescue even from her dear brothers. Her fate is sealed in dying hourly hope held by those who thirst and hunger for her flesh and blood since the injustice her beloved parents is awful cruel. It is in the hour of need when a father turns a cold shoulder to a girl child and commit her to Satan in fgm prostitution castration curse persecution of honor . The girl child lives with unresolved burning personal reserved resentments against her parents but all they see is well to their eyes. The dark embarrassing day of losing her womanhood in fgm remains vivid to her mind. Parents will have their daughters physically but emotionally detached from them in their old age a dilemma and a surprise for them to unravel. Their silent heart acre of lack of mutual trust between their daughters will go down to their old age. It is the dare devil fight win for the youths against the respected old culture elites who offer girls for satanic sacrifice in fgm. Once fgm is offered as a satanic sacrifice for men ,then they remain the deadly aggressive brutal force against womanhood and humanity at large. Young men become the scaring fire balls of satan in honor against humanity. When finally the devil unleashes social upheavals, the very people in fro front perpetuating satanic fgm usher to the sympathetic pictures of suffering in need of help.
    Legend has it that men were going for wars for a very long time against others communities and on return they found their beautiful young wives and girls were sexually molested and impregnated by the old men that were left behind . Sexual depression and deprivation were introduced in fgm as a tool of sexual suppression oppression. The macabre of fgm castration by parents was left settled by satan in prime hands of women so as appear as women affairs. Can any wise God fearing parents subject their daughters to fgm to justify in a religious manner the sin of grandfathers for their past historical generation sexual immorality dynasty pacification cover up? Fgm remains the grandfathers generation to generation curse and sexual social slavery for culturally battered women. Men must soberly disengage themselves honorary behind the scene for being the custodian pillars of sin of fgm making the sex organs of women as the moral battle fields of faith in God and call fgm the bygone unjust case of mayhem. Fgm foe must be purged from the battle field of minds and hearts of men in order of give girls social justice and enable women to overcome fgm. Youth must diligently determine the breaking and leveling of grandfathers extra ordinary generation curse in formidable sin of honor in fgm filthy firm grip to enable girls walk over it to freedom. This is the present single generation gigantic cultural crush win for youth to freedom from shackles of fathers faults in disgrace of cultural sexual slavery in fgm. Culturally women who had gone FGM as they passed child bearing age and hung up the plough, the old man would marry another young woman who had gone fgm referred to us the wife of his old age with desires to have children. No eyes blow were raised against the wife by the other wives since they understood their frigid morbid rocky sexual state as the aged. Their sexual live was thrown into disarray by fgm. They were not a joy to have as wives in their old age. Love to them was like surgery awake and they acknowledged the sexually active state of their husband. It was a time their husband was like a sexual beast to them. They sexually off loaded themselves through their husband’s young wife of his old aged thus shifting the burden of the fgm curse to the younger woman. If a man has to be circumcised in the Church of Christ, he should join our sisters in spiritual circumcision for all that is salvation. Colossians 2: 8-12. Roman2:28-29. Can a wise man pride himself before God counting the benefits of marrying a prostitute? In Church of Christ, only uncultured men in Godly practices, uncouth, no witty and demonic sadist will applaud sexual mutilation of young girls.
    Men must break free overnight from long overdue cultural desert edge of fgm atrocities and roll back the sheet of fgm loose to historical events. Youths are on a race against time whether to subject their marriages to generations prostitution in fgm. Parents can socially lose their children in their old age with phenomenal of being neglected by their children becoming more apparent. Fgm condemns a girl child to a life time of sexual cultural slavery. This is the misery bestowed upon her by her own parents in honor of the dead which they hold dear to their hearts. Parents pride themselves in fgm prostitution since they receive their communities social recognition and acceptance at a price of permanently sexually deforming their girls in fgm which they can view in a mirror. God says a woman is strong like merchants ships but the same easily destroyed and she has to submit to her husband who is supposed dwell with her in knowledge and love her as she navigate the stormy sea of live heavily loaded. This very strong vessel in waters of life called woman who can carry heavily in abundance is easily destroyed like merchants ships which have to navigate storms, rocks and remain without holes or eroding rusty floors to remain afloat in water .Ephesians5:22-25, Proverbs31:10-17. Parents have no rights in deforming and destroying the fountain of marriage. Proverb5:18-19. A virtuous woman girds her loins with strength and thinks of no harming her husband. The word weaker vessel Peter 3:1-7 is an illustration of being easily destroyed irrespective of her great strength in carrying capacity.
    Some parents are in Sodom of their own even in places of worship. Laws to ban FGM may not eliminate fgm since it can be done clinically at home. Even from time of old women can perform all types of evils counting on their husbands full support. Israelis women in the Bible told Jeremiah the Prophet that the sacrifices they offered to queen of heaven they did so with the support and knowledge of their husbands. Jeremiah 44:15-22. Even today women who force their daughters to undergo fgm count on their husbands endorsed full support. They confirm their husbands are part of Satanic sacrifice performed on their daughters in fgm when they disregard Godly advice and truth concerning fgm ill side effects. Parents require redemption and deliverance of their souls and spirit to God. In their liberated hearts they will not suffer any loose for abandoning fgm for their trust in God is paramount. God Himself told Moses that the Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to fgm in honor of the dead or have sex with them making them prostitutes, Leviticus 19:28-29. In honored sin fgm prostitution, parents plant the seed of all evils which is watered and guarded by them in joy. Let all Children of Abraham by faith face the full reality of the demands in their faith in God that fgm is demonic cultural practice preserved and hidden in honored parenthood for hard acceptance as the girl child is merchandised at the altar of Satan leaving her empty handed bearing all adverse severe effects and defects in her body and spirit for the lest her life time. For how long will parents hold this form of prostitution dear to their bosom for earthly respect ,honor and close social acceptance? Is it that before God our beloved parents are not aware they are in a cerebrate prostitution with their daughters in fgm or they are stiff necked? The earth is annually drenched with the innocent blood of young girls and the seed of terror of evils is planted and established by parents in honor. Who will pull out parents stuck in the wilderness of illustrious demonic cultures of fgm with love and care. As far as parents remain clothed and enthroned in binding force of satanic honor in fgm with close relatives and neighbors in celebrations , parents will never comprehend the crude cruelty and evils in fgm aftermaths. They actually gang up spiritually against the Church of Christ and only the brave and only honest preaching fraternity can rub them head on. Christian parents have been mocking God in scaled up medicated satanic fgm sacrifices being the idol to man in womanhood.
    In fgm ,parents’ cultural promises die out and the demonic world open her gates wide for the girl child and closes them behind her back as she leaves the alter of Satan empty handed for the rest of her life time. This is the satanic torture for a girl child has to face to sat

  52. Robert Munyui Kamunyu says

    THE BUTCHERS OF WOMANHOOD- FGM ( THE COVENANT OF THE FLESH). When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he circumcised all the male children and he was circumcised. The message was direct and in plain language. GENESIS 17: 1-27. The agreement was strategically initiated and the male child grew beholding daily his agreement with God at every call of nature throughout his married life. The covenant of the flesh for a man is with ease to behold with no ill feelings or regrets without medication required afterwards in life. When God told Moses that the Children of Israel shall not circumcise girls, the message was well understood and was given in a spiritual language which bears two warnings, Leviticus19:29-29. The Israelis parents shall not sexually mutilate daughters and fathers we commanded not have carnal knowledge (incest) of daughters making them prostitutes. Fgm prostitution is a prime satanic sacrifice for a woman, of secrecy with miseries and constrains of disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases of traumatic child delivery requiring medication. Fgm sin of crime of honor humiliation for womanhood persists for many girls globally. There is no open fold of a foreskin in a sexual organ of a woman to cut round that hides dirty stuffs that stinks. There are no undue growths that warrant cutting and scrapping in her sexual organ. There is no part of her sexual organ that rots as she grows old from childhood. Those who justify fgm benefits in any form are mare agents of satan in sheep skin. There are blunt lies of those women anointed by satan to propagate fgm when they claim women that are not cut stinks. Homes ,cities and countries where fgm is not practiced would have been stinking hell if their claim is true which would have been an open truth known by all. The devil is the father of lies and his accomplished do the falsehood. Fgm falsehood taught has remained guarded and guided in shrewd cover up of honored falsehood in fgm justification. If fgm which leaves a girl child bathing wounds from the evil cut with her own urine as antiseptic is a level of cleanness, then cleanness and holiness have lost reference value to some parents and men. There is no beauty of holiness in fgm to behold. There is Divine Holiness that belongs to children of God and Christians must know the truth to be free from being trapped in greatly justified fgm falsehood taught ,Ephesians4:11-14 Fgm is the most horrible heart breaking tribute to satanic sacrifice in parenthood accepted and appreciated by many communities. They have given parents prime choice of terror in fgm prostitution castration curse positive face value with wholesome none existent cleanliness which is mockery to wisdom and Word of truth unearthed today in plain language regarding the tear of the helm of womanhood in fgm. Fgm classified evils and justified satanic heinous atrocities held by cultural elites pundit are the hard issues of formidable sin of horror of honor firmly held in terror that reign on globally for many girls which many parents are unable to do away with in life in satanic cultural sacrifice justification. Can parents live to deliver dignified Holy honor to a girl child or they access and assert a girl child is sexually demonically born wild thus the need to sexually tame her in fgm the fruit of cultural atrocities and honored cultural religious prostitution castration. The messy treacherous carnage seat of satan in fgm by parents should not be given any form of cover up in loved fgm honor. If all of us who handle fgm eradication do it without hypocritical morality then there will be no fgm atrocities cover up and many young men will not be ill informed on fgm benefits. The consequences of fgm hidden crises and sufferings that spring out in which appears as normal marital life style are easily dismissed but never nullified in faceless honor in fgm. Satan has kept the strategic plan to keep fgm cultural sexual slavery as beneficial to man so as men can give in to a positive weird verdict to fgm castration atrocities without Divine wisdom or knowledgeable fear in God being the ground of sorrow for womanhood. The principal fertile grounded goal in legitimizing the culturally bounded and blinding fgm castration atrocities for satanic cultural religious morality control goals achieved is to honor fgm sexually crippling evils cerebrated by men demands. Medes and Persians kings had enacted a law punishable to death for anybody who attempted to gain access to the king seated at inner court of the palace without appointed time. Even Kings’ wives and concubines were subjected to the same law which had sexual control on womanhood, Esther4: 1-17. Only the king’s favour on a wife’s uninvited paid visit would save her from eminent death punishment by his held out golden scepter an act of favour and approval. From the fall of man from the garden of Aden man’s further fall from grace was subjected to demonic competitive lust to womanhood in polygamous marriage ( which later turned to enmity against womanhood also in form of fgm) which was not in favour with God and He reduced his old age to 120yrs Genesis 6:1-7. Satan has convinced men and parents to shift girls’ natural Divine onset to maturity from monthly period to fgm castration in honor of the dead. As far as parents remain the relentless heinous bedrock of fgm pursuing ensured satanic cultural sacrifice honor offered, there is no equal reprieve for girls from onslaught on womanhood in honor of the dead by parents hell bent on executing falsely claimed benefits in fgm to men in deviated demonically controlled sexual life style in marriage. It is the most sadly unfortunate tragedy for Christians parents being involved in fgm satanic cultural sacrificial goals honored which sin will follow them beyond the grave unless they repent and get saved. I have heard men say women like children and in Christians marriages women encourage the brides to take their husbands as their first born. Initially the two statements were too contradictory to each other and crushing in my mind but I found women forthright and forthcoming. The bridegroom is first satisfied with her blessed fountain of love and her breasts before any child birth. Proverbs 5:18-19. Fgm dehumanized and deforms womanhood being the worst satanic cultural religious sacrifice of honor for the dead taxed on womanhood globally.
    Today those women who favour crippling the heartbeat of womanhood in fgm and in fear of their marriages being endangered under attack by unfolding truth on falsified physical and spiritual beneficial issues acclaimed in fgm, all they have is to keep their husbands mentally caged in epic cultural lies and remain relevant to their husbands without divine knowledge. Today it will be double tragedy for girls who have undergone fgm when men change their sexual orientation in favor of girls without the evil cultural cut. Even when some advocate for not cutting much for her benefits and the husband benefit ,this vindicate the opening door of intended sexual deprivation and suppression for the girl child bearing all the shortcomings of fgm. When some women vouch for safe mother child delivery, the devil is in front with others women in destroying the very gate way of safe mother child delivery system in fgm making the sexual organs of girls the arena of social morality without iota of remorse. Parents pay homage to satan in fgm. In old days old women who had undergone fgm used to pass direct messages to young men initiates that a woman once she grows old the man if he wants and wishes to marry another woman he should do so and not disturb her. It was clear message for the young men that past child bearing age they were not readily available for their husbands at their matrimonial bed. It were as though women were more for procreation value only. If uncircumcised was married, they called for her circumcision since she was sexually like a strong magnet to their husband and they needed him less of her. At a time in life when economic reality and faith in God turned men away from cultural way of live, some women left the matrimonial abode. Was it a secret? No. During the transformation and the transition period for the Christianity , the effects of abandoning polygamous marriages for Christians were clear evidence known. Women spent time to visit their married children and left the husbands abandoned alone. It was a sacrifice the early Christian husbands who were in monogamous marriages had to bear. The clergy would call women not to leave husbands behind. The matrimonial issues affecting the women due to fgm were put under the carpet for the deserving wises parents to discern. Women were literally running away from their matrimonial homes. Some women ended in unexplained controversial marital conflicts with husbands in their old age for men ended in undue marital frustrations. This brought the impetuous for the wise deserving Christian parents to abandon fgm prostitution castration carnage. Women in polygamous marriages passed the burden of fgm prostitution castration generation curse to young married women. Parents virtually determine the full aspiration of satanic goals in the old age prostitution castration honor. Fgm perpetuated atrocities accommodated, honored and cerebrated cannot be accepted as holiness foundations for girls which dehumanize and deface womanhood with cultural respected honor in fgm. It is a sin and culturally demonically wrong for parents to place girls virginity and holiness under control in bondage of cultural mutilating blades. Remove cultural satanic honor in fgm , and fgm legacy loses all values to man and womanhood which will lead the world out of much evils suffered in honor of the dead. A man is blinded by fgm culturally offered honor in sharing a wife with satan in fgm. We must remain temple of Holy God. I Corinthians 3-16 -23
    Fgm destroys the natural glorious lustrous beauty of womanhood which turns her to a frigid and rocky mess and the man is demonically strained in having the marriage supper in darkness. During fgm initiation ceremonies, immoral cultural songs are accepted and openly sang for a satanic banquet. Fgm remains the formidable honorable sin of choice favored by many parents globally enslaved by satan. Let men love those ladies who have under gone the awful risk of unkind cut in Christ’s Love that bonds on love. Let those ladies get saved, forgive them for them for their fgm atrocities and not condemn themselves . Let them abound in dignified liberty that is in Christ Jesus and enjoy full life and do away with satanic barbaric fgm for their daughters. Fgm castration is done without Divine dignity for womanhood but more hedged on man’s satanic sexual superiority sort endeavors in perfecting horror of justified atrocities in fgm. The devil has his own even among the smart elites in every society that will justify various forms of fgm atrocities at religious and medical levels at all costs. Falsehoods based on fgm evils clarified and justified by elites are the hardest issues to deal with and come out of them in life. Fgm is a demonic act associated with the existent of parenthood and the devil who has given it a religious backing a cover up of deceptive acceptance in destroying the bridge of womanhood. There are women who have undergone fgm and they hold and tell the bear truth on issues based on fgm. May God Almighty shower them with blessings of fortitude of grace to forbear the deprivations done in fgm. In fgm prostitution persecution castration parents are engaged in a clear active respectable satanic open sacrifice. They indulge themselves in orgy of mutilating the very womanhood of their own girl child for none existing morality for God. Fgm is the smart satanic strategic morality sacrifice hidden tragically and endorsed by many parents across all social status around the world. Parents have their own zeal of faith in fgm and have established their own righteousness not according to righteousness of God in the knowledge of his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Parents spearhead the immoral act in fgm which is a covenant of flesh and blood with satan for society morality acceptance whereby girls loose the natural thread and tread of lustrous beauty of womanhood to satan. Many fathers are bonded and bound by it and sink to abyss of solemn silence even when children and youth raise a protest the battle of minds against the terror of fgm castration persecution. Satan has for generations perfectly cushioned fgm in many families parenthood which is an institution of tender care and love as the acceptable way of life. It is the time Satan tragically prevails in honor in parenthood. Fgm is the parental dear paradox regarding girls chastity at their approved sexual disability for the girls. On fgm sin enslavement , fathers play the pivot role in sexually crippling their daughters behind the scene having been entangled and snared by Satan as it were with Eve and Adam in garden of Aden. There are parents comfortably settled down on defending mutilating their young girls for community social acceptance and honor at families managed altar of satan. This defeats any iota of holy love and care for the girl child under felony of fgm, bawling for mercy when heaped on her shoulders empty promises bearing the burden of the family and the society morality placed on her very womanhood in the heinous destructive fgm operation of honor.
    By instinct man’s hand lands at the garden of love and joy to prop it up at Divine state. The Israelis brethren never married women who had the evil cut from altars of Satan. Israelis women remained lively and delivered goodly children easily a state known to Pharaoh. Exodus 1:15-22.That knowledge on the difference between a circumcised woman and a woman who had not faced the evil cut was exploited by the Hebrew Midwives, Shiphrah and Puah as their reason for saving the men children alive contrary to the King of Egypt instructions for their ultimate death at birth for they were easily and lively delivered. Pharaoh was aware that the Egyptians women went through Pharaonic circumcision or infibulations and the difficulties they faced in delivering children were known to him thus he agreed with the midwives’ answer. God has promised our beloved sister save child delivery as she continue in faith, charity and holiness with sobriety, 1Timothy 2: 15 .Girls who had the evil cut cannot pass the threshold of Divine virginity since they sacrificed their fresh to demonic world. Their virginity in marriage is according to satanic standards since they have been defiled with humanity demonic practices. All traditional fgm mutilator die poor for Satan keep them poor to their trade. The girl child holds no battle field of faith in her defiled crippled sexual state. She is sexually excavated, sexually muted and sexually crippled. Girls who face the evil cut are leftovers from the altar of Satan and for a man marrying her is equal to sharing a wife with Satan. Man takes the marriage supper the left over from the altar of Satan us the dictate of demonic cultures. FGM is a form of partial castration for a womanhood. Man is commanded by GOD to give his wife her conjugal wrights and also the woman to the same for its a shared joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4.How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver joy in Divine state to her husband while sexual joy was removed from her in FGM. Circumcision in man does not alter his sexual ability articulations . In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to have their daughters play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice offered in satanic honor in fgm cerebrated.
    In fgm operation, parents are heartless and lack ornaments of a holly heart. The formidable focused aggressive force against womanhood in fgm from her very parent is beyond many girls ability to withstand as the gilrl child is dispossessed of her womanhood. The mother’s love towards her girl child, in change of events is full of momentarily intimidation to her uncut state seen as unclean . They are faithful dependable apostles and ministers of satan bound in perpetuating fgm who taunt young girls on their uncut status which is a state of social mental torture for some hard to bear. Finally some face the martyrdom of womanhood in fgm for demonic cultural purity cleansing acceptance . To them, immorality is put to an end. The devil’s strike on womanhood is immortalized in a cultural religious ceremony given a cover up of wholesome acceptance by elders present us custodian pillars of demonic cultural sexual slavery. No earthly education and knowledge can save an ill-fated girl child from fgm with satanic fgm supper elites supporters beside her who have institutionalized women and their sex organs as the center of all evils on earth. It takes two to tangle. Men should stop having holy than though attitude and stop back setting all evils to womanhood in order to justify fgm as Adam did in the Garden of Aden when he blamed God and Eve for his sin. The filth of fgm honor is in the hands of parents and men. Men ought to seek holiness and all cleanness in Divine state. Fgm is a wrong and a sin on earth and in heaven. There is a narrow highway for Christian to follow in righteousness. There is no love or justice in fgm. Men have sought satanic refuge in fgm for their weak incompatible immoral sexual stand. In fgm, men’s protracted fear of women sexuality in Divine order is waged in fgm atrocities. They assert that God is wrong for providing girls with more active evil sexual organs not equal to men and the demonic mission of taming girls and women sexually is hatched by men for satanic cultural immoral quest for righteousness in God. Effectively men who support fgm have morally justified themselves as sexual weaklings before God and women sexual joy from a girl child with no remorse. Girls who face the evil cut become prostitutes on altar of satan sadly without their consent which pollutes the land. Magicians and witches in the world do not make girls prostitutes. But parents by subjecting girls to fgm make them prostitutes and are worse than them. Parents have soiled their hands in fgm prostitution honorary from time immemorial . Humanity has been subject to satanic celebrated sacrifice in fgm prostitution beyond imaginations in many families among generations. The evil cutting is done in honor of the dead. Leviticus 19:28-29. This type of prostitution cannot be cleansed in marriage life . She bought her prostitution with her flesh, bone and blood on altar of Satan while still In her flower age when facing all evil forces under her parental care. Unless she gets saved (call upon the blood of CHRIST to cleanse her.John3:16-18, Isaiah1:18) she shall go to her grave a prostitute . Thus there were no sexual mutilations among the Israelis women. Parents zeal uphold the present atrocities in fgm sexual cultural slavery even when in Christian Churches. The great social value of fgm virginity by parents is purely demonically shared. Fgm stands out as the cultural religious souvenir iconic idol for parents and men a testimony in satanic world. Men hold the final fate for girls in fgm abandonment. Time is up know for Christians to consolidate firm actions to end satanic sacrifice rituals in fgm globally. Fgm crippling atrocities bring undue tensions and strains in normal married Christian life. From onset God requires man to be ravished always with her love vitality without fgm and the fountain of marriage to be honorably blessed in all and the bed UN-defiled without the husband being treacherous to his wife,Proverb5:18-19, Malachi2:14-16. The sanctuary sanctifies the sacrifice and the sanctuary and the sacrifice are sanctified to God. Hebrew 13:4. Mothers should not complain if fathers decide to go back to bed with their mutilated daughters since they are crowning satanic sacrifice offered.
    The Girl child was bought up in divine order leaving the petals and stay of love intact for a beloved wise husband core co-benefits. She remained a garden fenced , a spring shut up and blessed in sealed divine state. A woman to man she is a garden and a fountain. The man plants a seed and a child grows in the womb and is born. The man quench his marital thirst with her in shared joy for woman is a keeper at home. A fountain with a cover has more flesh safe water than uncovered well. A fenced garden has a defense and is a safe comfort. Song of Solomon 5:1-2. Song of Solomon 4:12, Proverbs 5:18-19. The banner of love is at even state over the garden of love at Divine state when his hand lands at the garden of love to prop it up undisturbed as the king of marriage mark and flag the fleshy coals for un intimate marital relationship in common joy. Song of Solomon 2:2-5. Man is instructed by God not to be immoral or do any severe harm to his wife of his youth and give her conjugal wrights and benefits in shared joy as one body in common control. Malachi2;12-17. 1 Corinthians7:1-5. The devil has vested harbored honorable demonic powers to some parents to permanently control and deform girls sexual organs in fgm castration atrocities before marriage for demonic chastity status acceptance which leaves man sexually morally dry and at a loose. Circumcision in man does not destroy his body integrity and his sexual ability articulation base remains intact ready for joy. Fgm remains a deadly liability to girls’ spiritual and physical live. Nothing more satisfying against fgm than hearing present generation of fathers say that they will never allow their daughters to be mutilated and forfeit their marital joy. Fgm lacks Godly Holy Spiritual integrity of parents and reflects men dedicated atrocities on womanhood with no compassion for womanhood. The issue of Christian men against fgm is not an affront confrontation on wives measure to sexual expectation of their husbands but a reality. A woman is not only a woman by her looks but by her Divine sexual prospects based integrity bestowed upon her that are destroyed in satanic shrines of fgm . In fgm, a girl child is widowed of her womanhood for satanic cultural cleansing. Open Christian discussion on marital issues have resulted on elderly Christians men confessing clearly they have difficult love relationship with women who had gone fgm. When the redemption and sanctification of men is completed from spiritual poverty and slavery in fgm, girls who had the evil cut will be socially disadvantaged. Christian men do not put any Christian value to fgm. In Christian meetings women become agitated and extremely restless to the present of husbands during fgm eradication teachings. If fgm had any value to their husbands, they would not resent husbands being present. Men must fanatically remain mentally caged in cultural fgm slavery for women who had the evil cut to maintain safely cultural polygamous marriages. To end fgm, it requires full engagement of men in open discussion to put to a worthless dead end required perceived fgm cultural atrocities benefits by men in marriages . The devil has directed women to undergo soft bone and thick dense muscles mutilation. God directed a foreskin removal for man as a covenant for him and God. Fgm remains an idol to man and sacrilege to womanhood in honor of the dead. This is the unfortunate sad spiritual reality bare before our eyes hard to bear to believe. Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter who justify evils for rewards, Isaiah 5; 20-23.
    Does it require governments to ban fgm for parents to realize they commit grave honorable abomination in fgm? Can parents understand that fgm from its conception and inception was a crime against womanhood in nature? Up to when will parents linger on honorable fgm prostitution castration of young girls? In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to remove the blanket of etiquette and prepare their daughters to play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. Let mothers who say daughters are brave enough to face the evil cut have the final honor and have the daughter brave enough to meet fathers at the conception beds and give satan a due complete sacrifice without sanction. The community should not judge fathers as evil if they did not judge fathers as evil for allowing the evil cut on their daughters. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice. Fgm is an insult and assault to womanhood by parents. Let parents pride themselves in complete evils. The petals and stay of love are left strewn at altars of Satan. The sparkles of love cannot be rekindled. In natural world a door is provided for knocking before entry and an aerial is provided for effective communication so is the same for the girl child body by nature. Fgm prostitution is not done for the love of the girl child .This is misconception of love. There is no barbaric action done in love. Fgm prostitution is done when the sex organ of a girl child is viewed as a source of all immoralities and a center of all evils that engulf a community to satisfy men honored demonic cultural sexual whims. It is done as satanic sacrificial proactive cleansing of a society from immoralities as demanded by men. They view mutilated sex organ of a girl child as clean and holy thus up rifting it’s status to satanic reverence. Fgm is pure satanic injustice to manhood when the king of marriage resting fleshy cushions are excavated and the alert notification fleshy aerial is scrap in out in fgm thus leaving the king of marriage as an intruder.
    Love does not seek its own benefits, 1Corinthians 13:1-13. Prostitutes made by parents in fgm prostitution are honored and encouraged . Us no man can miss the mouth even when eating in total darkness, so shall man falter in search of the marital coals removed in sexual mutilation how foolish he is. From the family parliament man becomes a slave of satan . Fgm prostitution keeps man out of natural way of life in marriage .Song of Solomon 2:6-7. After fgm is done there are no boughs for man to hold since the woman was subjected to sexual excavation and torture of honor in fgm rampage by satan . Song of Solomon 7:1-8. Girls subjected to fgm is a reflection of man’s moral decay which leaves fgm atrocities flying back to his face. Men must decide and channel their spiritual morality command zeal for God eventually sealed in great dignity of personal love for God and not stayed in fgm. In fgm prostitution castration ceremonies parental authority is enhanced and preserved in funding sustained satanic professional priests black bloody economic proceeds.
    When the wife at the family parliament loses esteemed value to her husband due to fgm , all that pertains to the family losses value to him and this is the widest wild gate for the man that leads to lack of burden of responsibility for the family that opens the highway of family destruction by the devil. Even higher university education may not save a girl child in hands of parents gripped by satan in fgm slavery. Fgm lays social foundations for unstable marital lives. Parents are highly entrenched in prostitution with their girl child. When in demonic world parents say fgm prostitution makes a girl child clean but God says she defiled and made a prostitute. Fgm remains the annual mass overwhelming celebrated parental satanic human sacrifice for the mankind under cover of social morality ever witnessed. Ironically these parents are active in the Church who shoulder burdens for the church but with continuous unresolved marital problems a dilemma to the clergy. They are workers of Satan who have camouflaged as believers in the Church of Christ. How do they differ from magicians and witches ? Fgm prostitution castration remains the coveted sin of choice by many parents for a satanic sexual morality held in deceptive assault, insult and abuse of a girls sexual integrity held in cultural cerebrated religious manner. They pollute the land in prostitution and the land becomes full of all evils. How can a father be obsessed with the sexual organ of his daughter as a bearer of holiness in the mutilated state? It is hypocritical for him to be in a place where GOD is worshiped. Why should parents be obsessed to place the family uprightness and the country holiness in the mutilated sex organ of their girl child? After fgm is done ,the girl child is highly esteemed and it is a demonic cover up of the plight of evils done. The underworld of unlimited miseries in fgm thrives with stubborn mothers energetically engaged in executing fgm in disguise for their daughters love which leave fathers subdued, desolated and disoriented when mothers declare that they cannot stand having uncut girls beside them when satan rule supreme in womanhood. Where are the wise loving brothers to stand up without fear that will not feast and cerebrate when their dear sisters are sacrificed to satanic under world in fgm prostitution castration by their own parents? Fgm was authored in Egypt by Pharaoh as Satanic sacrifice to increase pain and wailing in child birth . The fleshy sexual coals are excavated leaving her frigid and rocky thus denying her for live time Divine marital gift which she requires in marriage for a lively marital relationship with her husband. How stupid a man may be, by instinct a man will falter in search of the fleshy coals removed in fgm thus leaving him at moral loose for unfulfilled marital mission not achievement which may end up in frustrations and unusual marital conflicts. The fleshy coals are provided for the benefits of their marriage life. 1Corithians7: 9. The fleshy coals help a woman in marriage to lock in emotionally with her husband in a cordial cushy marital sexual relationship. Some parents send their daughters far away to close relatives for retrogressive fgm as a cover up without the girl child knowledge of the adverse side effects on her body and spirit. The onus of the honored satanic fgm defilement prostitution castration is more honorary in parents hands held captive by culture as the power house of demonic oppressive honored culture.
    The Royal Priesthood of Jesus Christ should not be spiritually comfortable when fgm satanic crafted sacrifice which continue to flourish is not sideshow or walk over by parents which is destabilizing the Church of Christ in well-organized underground demonic manner globally. The hidden seasoned ills resulting from fgm satanic rituals atrocities are hostile to Christian marriages globally. Fgm is satanically tooled for cultural polygamous marriages slavery embodiment. Today in Church of Christ even women who claimed fgm was part of their culture won’t like to hear their husband can go back to polygamous marriages. The highly educated woman with fgm inclination support do not add polygamous marriage to her life style. The worst enemy to a woman remains a woman with honored satanic affinity life style and stands who lure women to satanic world. Women give birth and they face life threating challenges men will never under go. Fgm support should go hand in hand with polygamous marriage which has pillars in fgm. Men know about it. You either support fgm and leave free your husbands to un adulterous promiscuous life style and dream not of having monogamous Christian marriage. Let those women who support fgm support polygamous marriage and call it their culture under attack. Women deserve to be understood for their unspoken in depth fear of unstable families which can result from husbands resenting being fooled in satanic fgm sacrifices . We call husbands to maintain and love wives in Christ’s love. The Church has to deal firmly against fgm satanic sacrifice wrap in cultural religious honor without the preaching fraternity down playing fgm atrocities by parents. The preaching fraternity should not allow the demonic world to teach Christians any form of etiquette in life. In every platform there should be Spirited vision and mission among Christians to enhanced eradication of fgm satanic Sacrifice offered and honored.
    Man has a natural sexual desire at play with a bride at divine natural state of womanhood . Men must assert final authority against fgm in face of taunting incredible forces of demonic honored cultures. There is nothing more annoying than hearing in Christian discussion in place of worship of a learned uncouth sadist man declare that the clitoris which is well above the virginal opening obstruct man in intercourse. Nothing more unkind to truth than falsehood unearthed in fgm foul evil act by using truth in plain language only to be declared fouls course language by those who have holy than thou attitude. They view naked truth that can eliminate fgm overnight as a threat to their cash cow as fgm fighters. They black list truth as dangerous to their trade pretending it hurts more those who had the evil cut. This is the way the devil fights back. Those who teach the truth about fgm are not for character assassination. It is a an agonizing hair raising sensational experience encounter with a learned ardent fgm cultured man heaving angrily for an almost physical confrontation with those who are opposed to fgm prostitution castration on defenseless innocent young girls.
    In the Church of Christ, let fathers not exercise the dead terror of silence which has allowed satan to raid and rain terror on young girls in fgm. Let fathers stand up for the divine rights of their daughters in marriage. Where Christian mothers pride themselves in fgm , let them have their husbands know their daughters before they pass on from earth as the final functional triggered banquet for satan without sanction. This will give satan the deserved complete sacrifice . Parents owe their sons in laws lifetime gratitude for agreeing to marry their daughters whom they sexually assaulted, muted and sexually crippled. God has never asked parents to sexually cripple their daughters so as to remain virgins and holly. Is holiness attained by sexually crippling a girl child acceptable to God purposes for her live destiny entity? No! There is holiness that pertains to children of God. Fgm is direct mitigated assault and insult to her real womanhood benefits. The sex organ of a girl child cannot be manipulated through sexual mutilations as a gate way for man to heaven. Parents owe their daughters a life time apology for their inhuman acts which robbed them their divine marital gifts. Parents who force their daughters to undergo Fgm exercise the most dignified unreserved beastly cultural atrocities on the girl child with man child at the receiving end as beneficially in marriage. Parents owe their sons in laws lifetime gratitude for agreeing to marry their daughters whom they sexually assaulted, sexually muted and sexually crippled. God has never asked parents to sexually cripple their daughters so as to remain virgins and holly. Is holiness attained by sexually crippling a girl child acceptable to God purposes for her live destiny entity? Where God has created for the man a luxurious marital hotel between two sewerage systems, the increase of fistula complications due to fgm will leave man taking the marriage supper in sewerage blinded in fgm honor. Fgm cultural honor defuse notion of satanic sacrifice in fgm. A girl child cannot survive the course of fgm atrocities when parents are honored and obsessed in cultural interest qualified in satanic fgm. Will the girl child takes humbly low fgm rooted satanic cultural castration slavery in honor of womanhood? It will only take Brothers in Christ to have a standoff with satan in fgm to have Christians parents blinded in fgm honor realize their abomination in fgm. Tragically girls do not own their sexual organs in culture . Their bodies are more of parents properties shared by relatives and the wider community commanded by men as they dig in and make headway to mess them up in culturally valid satanic invitation in fgm prostitution castration honor.
    Fgm remains the tested brutal cultural yard stick for girls sexual excavation in honor of the dead in cultural morality preservation goals. The livelihood of devil’s priest in fgm is enhanced by parents with no remorse. Parents who perform the grand satanic sacrifice of fgm are sources of families marital instabilities and of great evils to the land. When their daughters face marital problems originating from their family parliaments, they offer themselves as prayer partners with their daughters before God interceding for stability and peace for their families. They do not count themselves as the cause of the marital problems affecting their daughters marriage, for they remain acceptable social criminals in life for breaking and dismantling the defense and the fences of the marriage courts in fgm. The grandmothers and aunts are in a more canning defensive hypocritical state buying time for their daughter to bring up girls just to storm in unto them demanding sex mutilation mayhem as an exercise of honor for them to behold. Their fgm celebration should be extended when fathers put t daughters to bed and give satan a complete deserved sacrifice Paul told Timothy not to heed unholy stories from old women. 1Timothy4:7. In such deceptive manner unfortunately the cycle of demonic fgm prostitution repeats itself all again. Do they ever learn anything destructive in fgm or they are spiritually blind folded as they abound more in prayers? Fgm remains the most horrible trap of agony for the girl child ever chosen by parents for perceived benefits for the man child in marriage life . A foolish woman destroys her own house with her own hands Proverbs14:1-2. Some say fgm is done by parents out of love which is hypocritically wrong. Let parents face the truth and know that they demonize the sex organs of their girls in Divine state as sexually wild and source of immoralities in the society thus the need for them to castrate their girls in all forms of fgm to gain control over their sexuality. They should not be redeemed from fgm shameful carnage act in cover up of disguise of an act of love for the girl child. The realization of distraught mistrust brought by fgm between parents and some of their intelligent daughters has brought some on a mission to salvage parents in fgm castration atrocities as un act of love to safely salvage daughters to parents tainted sore relationship. Intelligent inquisitive girls have taken into tusks parents for their beastly act in fgm. Christian youths have torn apart and addressed the cultural barrier in fgm which leaves parents haunted by their beastly act in their old age. Christians women who had the evil cut orchestrated by mothers are not thanking them in their old age for sacrificing their womanhood to satan . Mothers in their old age have only to respond that they were not aware that they were committing sin and atrocities for an act of fgm that is so brutal and cruel as the only face saving value before their own children.. This has put parents at crossroad of faith as they dare affirm they performed the beastly fgm atrocities in love of their culture but cannot associate fgm with the Church of Jesus Christ. Children should live in peaceful harmony in love with their parents but not bound in satanic sacrifices. It all sum up in fgm to bane of contention concealed in deceptive manner of honor sort out by parents in girls sexuality from birth to marriage live in a religious manner. Events of fgm evil acts are purposely determined for cultural sexual purification castration for girls. The devil is always behind this deceptive allusion in fgm act as a Godly requirement acted by parents in love. Parents have reacted as an act of undressing them into open public shame to brethren who have told them of their abomination in fgm before God . We care for them spiritually in love of Christ that calls for repentant and reconciliation to their daughters. Where is even the spiritual virginity of girls mutilated by men in martyrdom of womanhood? There are tares and wheat in the field of fighting fgm. You cannot miss Judas Iscariot in the field. Tares have intertwined roots with wheat. Let them grow together lest you uproot wheat together with tare . God is delivering victory against fgm with the remnant faithful few who do not worry about their own honor and stomachs. In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to remove the blanket of etiquette and prepare their daughters to play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. Let mothers have the final honor and pride themselves in remaking the conception beds of their daughters and prepare their husbands to know their daughters and give satan a due complete sacrifice. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice. Fgm is an insult and heinous assault to womanhood by parents for men perceived sexual benefits . Let parents pride themselves in complete evils. The petals and stay of love are left strewn at altar of Satan and the girl child is dethroned of her womanhood in honor of the dead in satanic world. There is no room for fgm in Christianity for parents culturally at no fault honorary ordained by satan.
    Parents should sincerely repent to God and ask for re-conciliatory forgiveness from their daughters without beating the bush. Let our beloved sister forgive them in Christ’s love and free them to freedom from hidden anger of cultural turmoil. It is unbelievable bearable that fgm satanic heinous act can be practiced by parents in Churches. It is not a home coming event for a girl child to release she has been sacrificed to satan in fgm in honor of the dead by her own parents. We are not demonizing parents and creating wedges and rifts between daughters and parents by calling unto parents to face the real reality diligently in due plain truth for their awful injustices in beastly fgm castration officiated by satan. It is more sickening for parents in their old to realize they had no clear warning from the clergy as pertaining to satanic sacrifice in fgm. We are just telling parents openly to stop prostituting honorably with their daughters in fgm and get saved for dear relationship with God. Christians Churches and information medias are now more vocal against fgm. Grandparents are at pain and suffering quietly of being accused by daughters for sacrificing them to satanic world in fgm while in Churches. Will parents tell daughters they are wright in fgm and justify it when Governments have burned fgm? Girls have come out to question the immoral act of fgm atrocities operation directed by parents which has caused cold blood between daughters and parents. In the spirit world parents spy their daughters and are envious of their marital bed enjoyment which they visualize bound to immorality unless castrated thus they raid the marriage court in fgm acts carnage. They view their daughters in Divine state us sexually wild and immoral children who have to be sexually tamed in fgm to gain moral control over sexuality before and after marriage. They have viewed their daughters as sexually wild without sexual moral s even in married life. But who is weak? Men or women. Is the immorality one sided based on women among themselves only? Is the girl child sexually immoral and wild to herself in her Divine state? Who is fooling who? Is the sexual organ of a girl child the pillar of immorality and evils in any given society? Fgm is the cold unjust satanic sacrifice involving blood ,flesh and bone which enhances parents more entrenchment in demonic world. Can men penis heads be cut to be near equal with women who have lost their clitoris in fgm castration? In Fgm, parents are more than a curse to their daughter and to a nation. In fgm parents craft and draw holiness for themselves and for the whole family together with the community from fgm thus they cleanse and protect themselves from immoralities in the blood of their daughters clothed in religious attires. The burden of family and the community holiness is pegged and delivered from the mutilated sex organ of a girl child. It is a complete demonic way of life. manner . This pertain more to human satanic sacrifice and worship than many would like not to believe they are more submerged in demonic world. Parents have subjected their children to satanic slavery in fgm without remorse. Fgm was designed to deliver sexual crippling effect on a girl child from her very womanhood. The liberation straggle must start with the young men as the deciding factor in fgm eradication and abandonment. Fgm prostitution castration is done for them and on their behalves which is demonically wrong. Youths have to free themselves from cultural sexual slavery in fgm prostitution banqueted for them by old generation for their none existent spiritual and physical stability benefits . In fgm prostitution parents are honorary in satanic world together with witches and magicians turning the sexual organ of woman into an institution of satanic reverence. The devil footstool in fgm fuels men beastly carnage in societies. After fgm is done in honor of the dead, at a time in life , all evils come to the land and no other are better placed by satan to deliver the evils more than men. The purpose of excess of fgm brutality destroys the girl child sexually and the excess of the naked plain truth taught Spiritually in the Holly Bible about fgm leaves agitated camouflaged demonic collaborators in the dark underground world jittery worried and wounded in their honor. Their in-depth fear of men culturally blinded in vail of demonic culture in fgm releasing of being fooled socially and cornered by satan on benefits of fgm in marital life and the negative devastating counter reactions upheaval of men in marriages is real. We handle fgm in Christ’s love for mankind which is an eye opener for wise Christians to keep off fgm satanic sacrificial shrines.
    Fgm is a cultural faith based moral issue in a society more often given religious cover up. It is the deadly beastly yoke of Satan on womanhood. Satan activities have camouflaged themselves as Godly believers among believers telling them they assist them in holiness in fgm. In fgm, the satanic world is strengthened by parents. If we have to stop fgm it cannot be based only on negative side effects inherited by fgm. Since it is a cultural faith based issue one can decide to live bearing all sufferings that come with fgm. It is known even clinically trained personnel perform fgm with full background firsthand knowledge of all sufferings associated with fgm. They are well paid by those who thirst to satisfy they cultural based faith attachment in fgm even contrary to moral standards of Godly believers. When fgm is involved ,God is of secondary important to them. It is the time Satan is supreme in their lives when all demonic forces raise against the defenseless girl child. The clergy have more work to do in preaching having to bring parents and young men on board to the full knowledge of the Word of God concerning fgm. Young men know God told Moses in Spiritual language that fgm is a Satanic sacrifice for non- believers hidden and preserved in parenthood for acceptance. Leviticus 19:28-29. Young men if you are presented with a virgin sexually muted in fgm and a virgin who has her divine splendor of her sex organ intact, who would you choose a wife having stood the test of faith in Godly manner? The clergy cannot live as though no Satanic sacrifices are performed on the girl child in fgm. Young men have reality faith in God that you share a wife with Satan in fgm. In fgm parents break the spiritual and physical integrity well-being of their daughters. It is all known some men dare not speak against fgm for it propel them to social political powers. The parents and the whole families supports are dear to them thus they endear themselves us champion of fgm support as a cultural heritage. Their enthronements to social powers are fueled by blood and flesh of young girls thus weakening laws passed to ban fgm. The young girls fate hang out of balance since she cannot count on rescue even from her dear brothers. Her fate is sealed in dying hourly hope by those who thirst and hunger for her flesh and blood for the injustice of the beloved parents is openly awful cruel. It is in the hour of need when a father turns a cold shoulder to his girl child and commit her to Satan in fgm prostitution castration atrocities . The girl child lives with unresolved burning reserved resentments against her parents but all they see is well to their eyes. When faithful Abraham the father of faith was commanded by God to be circumcised at 99 years old with his son Ishmael at thirteen years old, he obeyed God. Sarah and Hagar were not circumcised or any girl child since there is no women circumcision with God. It was a clear instruction and Abraham obeyed Jehovah God instructions to the letter. GENESIS 17: 1-27. When will it dawn on parents that they are in demonic world together with magicians and witches in fgm? Parents only way out of this demonic trap is to reconcile back to God together with their daughters by asking for forgiveness and get saved. Since in fgm the girl child is sacrificed and merchandised in historical generation to generation prostitution and plunder on womanhood bound in cultural respect and honor for the benefits of the man child concealed nonexistent benefits ,the man child ought to be brought in the front line to fights fgm empowered with wholesome integrated active interactive knowledge of all ills involved in all forms of fgm castration prostitution . The life time miseries the girl child goes through in fgm castration prostitution is not a gift to a man child. Parents must know they shall account before God on satanic sacrifice performed in fgm in the final day of judgment . Fgm prostitution bleeds horrible sorrows and suffering for a woman in her life time. When the mind of the man child is redeemed from the grip of filthy fgm prostitution acts and fathers break the deadly terror of silence against the inherent morally disgusting and offensive fgm prostitution castration curse then it will be the natural death of satan seat on womanhood in honor.
    It is awkward that laws are enacted to stop parents from performing fgm. Men and women of upright minds come together to stop atrocities done to a girls child by her own parents, un issue parents would have stopped on learning the suffering girls go through in fgm and after fgm. Instead of her finding parental love and care, she i0s ushered into brutality against her very womanhood. Fgm has been used as a disciplined measure against women by sexually crippling them against perceived climes they have never committed. If fgm instill holiness in women as paramount foundation for a holy life before marriage and in marriage, then there would never be divorce in marriages where women have undergone fgm. This notion stipulate the mutilated sex organ of a woman as center of holiness and un institution of worship since in it mutilated state chastity can be delivered. It would mean men loosing personal holiness in God and having secondary holiness in God received from mutilated sex organ of a woman there by making the sex of a woman a center of worship. This is demonic way of thinking and practice in life. Fgm has zero benefit for a man and a woman. Fgm suppresses libido for a woman in marriage .She is not adventurous in sexual relationship and the man takes the marriage supper under set rules to hind her shortcoming in love .It makes a woman a land without fence and a well without a cover. It is a barbaric culture imposed on womanhood by parents and the society at large .Song of Solomon 4:1-2. Men make fgm a scapegoat for their immorality. Men have wrongly pegged their dignity in faith in God to the sex organ of a woman. A woman body in Divine state is a natural refresher for the man in trace of his Holy Creator. Men should appreciated they are delivered safely to the world from the womb and should never wage waves of wars of atrocities against womanhood. Men can break the cultural religious zeal in fgm for the dignity of the girl child. Fathers bear the absolute responsibilities in delivering girls to the platform of victory against fgm predicaments. When fathers say no to fgm without seemingly taking the back seat ,young men are automatically on board against fgm. Fgm is the chronic moral disorder in a man bonded to satan in culture. Fgm was started by men as a tool of sexual deprivation and suppression in womanhood in war of virgins waged by men who later brought it forward to women to propagate it in inherent zeal unknown before. Where is even the spiritual virginity of girls mutilated by men in martyrdom of womanhood?
    If a man has to be circumcised in the Church of Christ, he should join our sisters in spiritual circumcision for all that is salvation. Colossians 2: 8-12. Roman2:28-29, . Can a wise man pride himself before God counting the benefits of marrying a prostitute? In Church of Christ, only uncultured men in Godly practices, uncouth, no witty and demonic sadist will applaud sexual mutilation of young girls. Leviticus 19:28-29. FGM is the perennial curse for the girl child and the land. The land is polluted and all evils come to the nation. FGM defeats any Godly purpose for it . Can any clergy support FGM? Only those taught by apostles and ministers of Satan can support FGM. FGM exercise the most Dignified Unreserved Beastly Cultural Atrocities on womanhood, which is the deadly yoke of Satan hidden in parenthood for demonic chastity acceptance. Corinthians11:13-15. NO FGM WITH GOD. When faithful Abraham the father of faith was commanded by God to be circumcised at 99 years old with his son Ishmael at thirteen years old, he obeyed God. Sarah and Hagar were not circumcised or any girl child since there is no women circumcision with God. It was a clear instruction and Abraham obeyed Jehovah God instructions to the letter. GENESIS 17: 1-27. Man cannot seek Holy Almighty God in mirror of fgm castration. The sin of fgm castration is in the harbor of men and fathers hearts who hold firmly fgm as a stronghold for their source of morality enrichment support and for women. The faith of man in God cannot be rooted and stayed in mutilated sex of a woman for him to remain holy in God. Fgm remains the worst religious dogma with elite religious support. This has given satan the upper arm in false forceful religions. Man must stand on his two feet and seek his relationship with his Holly Creator not based on sin of having his hand on a firm filthy grip in mayhem of butchering womanhood and melting away behind the scene after fgm castration. Man is outwitted by the devil in fgm The end of fgm is simple. When fathers decide that they will not sacrifice their daughter to satan in fgm and men decide they will not have fgm in marriage, that will usher to ultimate celebrated end of fgm. There is no trade without customers. Fgm was a satanic sacrifice done by men and today done for men perceived benefits . Men have traded fgm with satan for sexual supremacy over women for generations immemorial. When men do away with fgm, there will be no more fgm atrocities blood bath. This is the way forward for men who stand in truth and just righteousness who acknowledge and live in purpose of Divine knowledge in Divine wisdom order. The church must delink herself from the satanic sacrifice of fgm in honor of the dead which is un idol to man in womanhood.
    Men should not enter into marriage in seeking vain glory of sexual competition with women which raises gain to fgm prostitution castration for men to attain sexual superiority over women since it is a Divine given equally shared joy. There should be no sexual militancy in man in marriage life. Men should not take pleasure in sexually humiliating and hurting women in fgm prostitution castration persecution . This is a demonic and the most hypocritical selfish life style for a man on earth when his heart breeds absolute anarchy and evils for womanhood. Men should not seek selfish cultural sexual competition inclinations which make women vulnerable to fgm castration atrocities. Fgm prostitution is a satanic prime reward sacrifice more tied to man as the enforcer but he does not bear the physical scaring scars sufferings women go through silently with physiological scars and no Christian should apply it in life. Christian should eliminate FGM with ability given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for in him there are no generation curses. By instinct his hand lands at the garden of love and joy to prop it up at Divine state how foolish he may be. God Himself told Moses that the Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to fgm in honor of the dead or have sex with them making them prostitutes. Leviticus 19:28-29. Fgm is a Satanic sacrifice involving blood, soft bone and flesh and parents are more bonded to demonic world by sacrificing their girl child in fgm. It is hypocritical and mockery for parents in Church of Christ to spend their early marriage live in double standards life to perpetuate FGM and live in their twilight years as devoted loving caring parents close to the clergy having soiled their hands with the blood of their daughters in a well-planned time staged managed shedding of blood, soft bones and flesh of their daughters in fgm in early marriage life as she wade through the jungle of life for demonic chastity sacrifice acceptance . Will ever parents fathom from the bottom of their hearts the unjust physical and spiritual injuries inflicted in fgm? The girl child is deprived of her authority and integrity of her womanhood in fgm. In demonic world where men believe in their objective holiness gain for humanity based on fgm precarious life style, they remain at peace undisturbed . Parents pride themselves in fgm for tearing down the defense and fences of the marriage court a sacrifice to Satan. Women and girls are given to demonic world morality in fgm at the will of men which bind men more to satanic world. They do not pride and delight themselves in God. But GOD can never be mocked. Some men force their daughters to undergo fgm under guise of their mothers pressure and pleasure forgetting there are no curses for those who are in Christ Jesus. Galatians3:10-14, Proverb26:1-2. It is quite evident when parents are clothed and cushioned in relative cultural honor in fgm moral slavery siege then they remain ready to sacrifice their daughters in fgm for demonic binding community social acceptance. Fgm culturally conspired historical cultural weapon of plunder and prostitution on womanhood is bound in cultural respect and honor without Divine love or natural justice for the girl child.
    For now wisdom desires for understanding, rescue and redemption of parents enslaved in cultural prostitution castration of their daughters in demonic culture of fgm. Let Christian parents know that fgm is a satanic sacrifice with no spiritual physical benefits or Holly honor at all. Fgm remains a monster in the hands of parents caught captive and enslaved in demonic world of fgm culture which the some clergies are not able to handle effectively spiritually. Some religious leaders lack of spiritual knowledge that the Bible prohibits fgm has given lukewarm attitude towards fgm thus giving parents face saving values which helps the perpetuation and legitimizing of the heinous act of fgm carnage among Christians . This is the soft accommodation landing ground for many culturally strong willed parents in fgm without bashing and brushing from the preaching fraternity. When the religious leaders have a firm stand against fgm, it will be the drastic end of sexual disability in fgm brutality among Christians around the world. Fgm satanic sacrifice in entangled in cultural honor has profound ramifications on womanhood spiritually and physically which is given a walkover by satan. Fgm reveals the state of mind for men in cultural sexual slavery on womanhood. To end fgm is easy, when we face the whole real truth without being clothed in our own social honor but aiming only to gain the uphold of Godly honor. It worked fifteen years ago at night for our community during burial mourning ceremony when I taught them all concerning ills of fgm at sober reality mood. From that night fgm ended in our community for the glory of God Almighty.
    Come and be renewed at the throne of grace for Christ is full of love and mercy for your free sanctification and redemption. The cradle of hope in Christ Jesus radiates the inner person in peace who forgives in perfect love and cannot be deformed. Let the abundant love of Christ prevail in your yielding enabling life of righteousness in Christ Jesus. His unfailing love full of grace is sufficient for your triumph future without compromise. The Church is cleansed and perfectly restored for His own glory. Love covers multitudes of sins and weakness . Jehovah God break the yoke of Satan in fgm prostitution castration atrocities at family pillars for the fulfillment of your internal glory. AMEN.
    The message is freely given purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide.
    Bro. Robert Munyui Kamunyu

  53. जय सोनी says

    यदि स्त्री पुरुष बराबर हैं । और शादी के बाद पत्नी मंगलसूत्र,बिछिया पहनती है.तो पति को भी मंगलसूत्र,बिछिया पहनना अनिवार्य होना चाहिए

  54. Robert Munyui Kamunyu says

    THE BUTCHERS OF WOMANHOOD- FGM ( THE COVENANT OF THE FLESH). When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he circumcised all the male children and he was circumcised. The message was direct and in plain language. GENESIS 17: 1-27. The agreement was strategically initiated and the male child grew beholding daily his agreement with God at every call of nature throughout his married life. The covenant of the flesh for a man is with ease to behold with no ill feelings or regrets without medication required afterwards in life. When God told Moses that the Children of Israel shall not circumcise girls, the message was well understood and was given in a spiritual language which bears two warnings, Leviticus19:28-29. The Israelis parents shall not sexually mutilate daughters and fathers we commanded not have carnal knowledge (incest) of daughters making them prostitutes. Fgm prostitution is a prime satanic sacrifice for a woman prohibited by God, of secrecy with miseries and constrains of disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases of traumatic child delivery requiring medication. Fgm sin of crime of honor humiliation for womanhood persists for many girls globally. There is no open fold of a foreskin in a sexual organ of a woman to cut round that hides dirty stuffs that stinks. There are no undue growths that warrant cutting and scrapping in her sexual organ. There is no part of her sexual organ that rots as she grows old from childhood. Those who justify fgm benefits in any form are mare agents of satan in sheep skin. There are blunt lies of those women anointed by satan to propagate fgm when they claim women that are not cut stinks. Homes ,cities and countries where fgm is not practiced would have been stinking hell if their claim is true which would have been an open truth known by all. The devil is the father of lies and his accomplished do the falsehood in justified satanic wisdom and knowledge in false forced cultural religions. Fgm falsehood taught has remained guarded and guided in shrewd cover up of honored falsehood in fgm justification. If fgm which leaves a girl child bathing wounds from the evil cut with her own urine as antiseptic is a level of cleanness, then cleanness and holiness have lost reference value to some parents and men. There is no beauty of holiness in fgm to behold. There is Divine Holiness that belongs to children of God and Christians must know the truth to be free from being trapped in greatly justified fgm falsehood taught ,Ephesians4:11-14 Fgm is the most horrible heart breaking tribute to satanic sacrifice in parenthood accepted and appreciated by many communities. They have given parents prime choice of terror in fgm prostitution castration curse positive face value with wholesome none existent cleanliness which is mockery to wisdom and Word of truth unearthed today in plain language regarding the tear of the helm of womanhood in fgm. Fgm classified evils and justified satanic heinous atrocities are held and hidden in honor by cultural elites pundit which are hard issues of formidable sin of horror of honor firmly held in terror that reign on globally for many girls. Many parents are unable to do away with fgm satanic cultural sacrifice justification done by cultural elite pundits. Can parents live to deliver dignified Holy honor to a girl child or they access and assert a girl child is sexually demonically born wild thus the need to sexually tame her in fgm the fruit of cultural atrocities and honored cultural religious prostitution castration. The messy treacherous carnage seat of satan in fgm by parents should not be given any form of cover up in loved fgm honor. If all of us who handle fgm eradication do it without hypocritical morality then there will be no fgm atrocities cover up and many young men will not be ill informed on fgm benefits. The consequences of fgm hidden crises and sufferings that spring out in which appears as normal marital life style are easily dismissed but never nullified in faceless honor in fgm. Satan has kept the strategic plan to keep fgm cultural sexual slavery as beneficial to man so as men can give in to a positive weird verdict to fgm castration atrocities without Divine wisdom or knowledgeable fear in God being the ground of sorrow for womanhood. The principal fertile grounded goal in legitimizing the culturally bounded and blinding fgm castration atrocities for satanic cultural religious morality control goals achieved is to honor fgm sexually crippling evils cerebrated by men demands. Medes and Persians kings had enacted a law punishable to death for anybody who attempted to gain access to the king seated at inner court of the palace without appointed time. Even Kings’ wives and concubines were subjected to the same law which had sexual control on womanhood, Esther4: 1-17. Only the king’s favour on a wife’s uninvited paid visit would save her from eminent death punishment by his held out golden scepter an act of favour and approval. From the fall of man from the garden of Aden man’s further fall from grace was subjected to demonic competitive lust to womanhood in polygamous marriage ( which later turned to enmity against womanhood also in form of fgm) which was not in favour with God and He reduced his old age to 120yrs Genesis 6:1-7. Satan has convinced men and parents to demand and shift girls’ natural Divine onset to maturity from monthly period to fgm castration in honor of the dead. As far as parents remain the relentless heinous bedrock of fgm pursuing ensured satanic cultural sacrifice honor offered, there is no equal reprieve for girls from onslaught on womanhood in honor of the dead by parents hell bent on executing falsely claimed benefits in fgm to men in deviated demonically controlled sexual life style in marriage. It is the most sadly unfortunate tragedy for Christians parents being involved in fgm satanic cultural sacrificial goals honored which sin will follow them beyond the grave unless they repent and get saved. I have heard men say women like children and in Christians marriages women encourage the brides to take their husbands as their first born. Initially the two statements were too contradictory to each other and crushing in my mind but I found women forthright and forthcoming. The bridegroom is first satisfied with her blessed fountain of love and her breasts before any child birth. Proverbs 5:18-19. Fgm dehumanized and deforms womanhood being the worst satanic cultural religious sacrifice of honor for the dead taxed on womanhood globally. Fgm heinous atrocities destroy the divine sexual entity of man and establishes him more religiously in demonic world. All men must be saved from satanically tailored cultural honor in fgm slavery endorsed by cultural elites. Fgm remains a satanic sexual sacrifice honorary endorsed by men in tearing down the helm of womanhood from the apex.
    Today those women who favour crippling the heartbeat of womanhood in fgm and in fear of their marriages being endangered under attack by unfolding truth on falsified physical and spiritual beneficial issues acclaimed in fgm, all they have is to keep their husbands mentally caged in epic cultural lies and remain relevant to their husbands without divine knowledge. Today it will be double tragedy for girls who have undergone fgm when men change their sexual orientation in favor of girls without the evil cultural cut. Even when some advocate for not cutting much for her benefits and the husband benefit ,this vindicate the opening door of intended sexual deprivation and suppression for the girl child bearing all the shortcomings of fgm. When some women vouch for safe mother child delivery, the devil is in front with others women honorary destroying the very gate way of safe mother child delivery system in fgm making the sexual organs of girls the arena of social morality without iota of remorse. How can parents barely accept assigning cultural cutting of soft bone and dense muscles for a girl child in fgm to be assumed equivalent to a foreskins of a boy child in circumcision. Parents pay homage to satan in fgm. In old days old women who had undergone fgm used to pass direct messages to young men initiates that a woman once she grows old the man if he wants and wishes to marry another woman he should do so and not disturb her. It was clear message for the young men that past child bearing age they were not readily available for their husbands at their matrimonial bed. It were as though women were more for procreation value only. If uncircumcised was married, they called for her circumcision since she was sexually like a strong magnet to their husband and they needed him less of her. At a time in life when economic reality and faith in God turned men away from cultural way of live, some women left the matrimonial abode. Was it a secret? No. During the transformation and the transition period for the Christianity , the effects of abandoning polygamous marriages for Christians were clear evidence known. Women spent time to visit their married children and left the husbands abandoned alone. It was a sacrifice the early Christian husbands who were in monogamous marriages had to bear. The clergy would call women not to leave husbands behind. The matrimonial issues affecting the women due to fgm were put under the carpet for the deserving wises parents to discern. Women were literally running away from their matrimonial homes. Some women ended in unexplained controversial marital conflicts with husbands in their old age for men ended in undue marital frustrations. This brought the impetuous for the wise deserving Christian parents to abandon fgm prostitution castration carnage. Women in polygamous marriages passed the burden of fgm prostitution castration generation curse to young married women. Parents virtually determine the full aspiration of satanic goals in the old age prostitution castration honor. Fgm perpetuated atrocities accommodated, honored and cerebrated cannot be accepted as holiness foundations for girls which dehumanize and deface womanhood with cultural respected honor in fgm. It is a sin and culturally demonically wrong for parents to place girls virginity and holiness under control in bondage of cultural mutilating blades. Remove the treasured satanic cultural honor in fgm , and fgm legacy loses all values to man and womanhood which will lead the world out of much evils suffered in honor of the dead. A man is blinded by fgm culturally offered honor in sharing a wife with satan in fgm. We must remain temple of Holy God and avoid the mark of satan in fgm . I Corinthians 3-16 -23
    Fgm destroys the natural glorious lustrous beauty of womanhood which turns her to a frigid rocky mess of satan and the man is demonically strained in having the marriage supper in darkness. During fgm initiation cultural ceremonies, immoral cultural songs are accepted and openly sang for a satanic banquet. Fgm remains the formidable honorable sin of choice favored by many parents globally enslaved by satan. Let men love those ladies who have under gone the awful risk of unkind cut in Christ’s Love that bonds on love. Let those ladies get saved, forgive them for them for their fgm atrocities and not condemn themselves . Let them abound in dignified liberty that is in Christ Jesus and enjoy full life and do away with satanic barbaric fgm for their daughters. Fgm castration is done without Divine dignity for womanhood but more hedged on man’s satanic sexual superiority sort endeavors in perfecting horror of justified atrocities in fgm. The devil has his own even among the smart elites in every society that will justify various forms of fgm atrocities at religious and medical levels at all costs. Falsehoods based on fgm evils clarified and justified by elites are the hardest issues to deal with and come out of them in life. Fgm is a demonic act associated with the existent of parenthood and the devil who has given it a religious backing a cover up of deceptive acceptance in destroying the bridge of womanhood. There are women who have undergone fgm and they hold and tell the bear truth on issues based on fgm. May God Almighty shower them with blessings of fortitude of grace to forbear the deprivations done in fgm. In fgm prostitution persecution castration parents are engaged in a clear active respectable satanic open sacrifice. They indulge themselves in orgy of mutilating the very womanhood of their own girl child for none existing morality honor for God. Fgm is the smart satanic strategic morality sacrifice hidden tragically and endorsed by many parents across all social status around the world. Parents have their own zeal of faith in fgm and have established their own righteousness not according to righteousness of God in the knowledge of his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Parents spearhead the immoral act in fgm which is a covenant of flesh and blood with satan for society morality acceptance whereby girls loose the natural thread and tread of lustrous beauty of womanhood to satan. Many fathers are bonded and bound by it and sink to abyss of solemn silence even when children and youth raise a protest the battle of minds against the terror of fgm castration persecution. Satan has for generations perfectly cushioned fgm in many families parenthood which is an institution of tender care and love as the acceptable way of life. It is the time Satan tragically prevails in honor in parenthood. Fgm is the parental dear paradox regarding girls chastity at their approved sexual disability for the girls. On fgm sin enslavement , fathers play the pivot role in sexually crippling their daughters behind the scene having been entangled and snared by Satan as it were with Eve and Adam in garden of Aden. There are parents comfortably settled down on defending mutilating their young girls for community social acceptance and honor at families managed altar of satan. This defeats any iota of holy love and care for the girl child under felony of fgm, bawling for mercy when heaped on her shoulders empty promises bearing the burden of the family and the society morality placed on her very womanhood in the heinous destructive fgm operation of honor.
    By instinct man’s hand lands at the garden of love and joy to prop it up at Divine state. The Israelis brethren never married women who had the evil cut from altars of Satan. Israelis women remained lively and delivered goodly children easily a state known to Pharaoh. Exodus 1:15-22.That knowledge on the difference between a circumcised woman and a woman who had not faced the evil cut was exploited by the Hebrew Midwives, Shiphrah and Puah as their reason for saving the men children alive contrary to the King of Egypt instructions for their ultimate death at birth for they were easily and lively delivered. Pharaoh was aware that the Egyptians women went through Pharaonic circumcision or infibulations and the difficulties they faced in delivering children were known to him thus he agreed with the midwives’ answer. God has promised our beloved sister save child delivery as she continue in faith, charity and holiness with sobriety, 1Timothy 2: 15 .Girls who had the evil cut cannot pass the threshold of Divine virginity since they sacrificed their fresh to demonic world. Their virginity in marriage is according to satanic standards since they have been defiled with humanity demonic practices. All traditional fgm mutilator die poor for Satan keep them poor to their trade. The girl child holds no battle field of faith in her defiled crippled sexual state. She is sexually excavated, sexually muted and sexually crippled. Girls who face the evil cut are leftovers from the altar of Satan and for a man marrying her is equal to sharing a wife with Satan. Man takes the marriage supper the left over from the altar of Satan us the dictate of demonic cultures. FGM is a form of partial castration for a womanhood. Man is commanded by GOD to give his wife her conjugal wrights and also the woman to the same for its a shared joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4.How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver joy in Divine state to her husband while sexual joy was removed from her in FGM. Circumcision in man does not alter his sexual ability articulations . In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to have their daughters play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice offered in satanic honor in fgm cerebrated.
    In fgm operation, parents are heartless and lack ornaments of a holly heart. The formidable focused aggressive force against womanhood in fgm from her very parent is beyond many girls ability to withstand as the gilrl child is dispossessed of her womanhood. The mother’s love towards her girl child, in change of events is full of momentarily intimidation to her uncut state seen as unclean . They are faithful dependable apostles and ministers of satan bound in perpetuating fgm who taunt young girls on their uncut status which is a state of social mental torture for some hard to bear. Finally some face the martyrdom of womanhood in fgm for demonic cultural purity cleansing acceptance . To them, immorality is put to an end. The devil’s strike on womanhood is immortalized in a cultural religious ceremony given a cover up of wholesome acceptance by elders present us custodian pillars of demonic cultural sexual slavery. No earthly education and knowledge can save an ill-fated girl child from fgm with satanic fgm supper elites supporters beside her who have institutionalized women and their sex organs as the center of all evils on earth. It takes two to tangle. Men should stop having holy than though attitude and stop back setting all evils to womanhood in order to justify fgm as Adam did in the Garden of Aden when he blamed God and Eve for his sin. The filth of fgm honor is in the hands of parents and men. Men ought to seek holiness and all cleanness in Divine state. Fgm is a wrong and a sin on earth and in heaven. There is a narrow highway for Christian to follow in righteousness. There is no love or justice in fgm. Men have sought satanic refuge in fgm for their weak incompatible immoral sexual stand. In fgm, men’s protracted fear of women sexuality in Divine order is waged in fgm atrocities. They assert that God is wrong for providing girls with more active evil sexual organs not equal to men and the demonic mission of taming girls and women sexually is hatched by men for satanic cultural immoral quest for righteousness in God. Effectively men who support fgm have morally justified themselves as sexual weaklings before God and women sexual joy from a girl child with no remorse. Girls who face the evil cut become prostitutes on altar of satan sadly without their consent which pollutes the land. Magicians and witches in the world do not make girls prostitutes. But parents by subjecting girls to fgm make them prostitutes and are worse than them. Parents have soiled their hands in fgm prostitution honorary from time immemorial . Humanity has been subject to satanic celebrated sacrifice in fgm prostitution beyond imaginations in many families among generations. The evil cutting is done in honor of the dead. Leviticus 19:28-29. This type of prostitution cannot be cleansed in marriage life . She bought her prostitution with her flesh, bone and blood on altar of Satan while still In her flower age when facing all evil forces under her parental care. Unless she gets saved (call upon the blood of CHRIST to cleanse her.John3:16-18, Isaiah1:18) she shall go to her grave a prostitute . Thus there were no sexual mutilations among the Israelis women. Parents zeal uphold the present atrocities in fgm sexual cultural slavery even when in Christian Churches. The great social value of fgm virginity by parents is purely demonically shared. Fgm stands out as the cultural religious souvenir iconic idol for parents and men a testimony in satanic world. Men hold the final fate for girls in fgm abandonment. Time is up know for Christians to consolidate firm actions to end satanic sacrifice rituals in fgm globally. Fgm crippling atrocities bring undue tensions and strains in normal married Christian life. From onset God requires man to be ravished always with her love vitality without fgm and the fountain of marriage to be honorably blessed in all and the bed UN-defiled without the husband being treacherous to his wife,Proverb5:18-19, Malachi2:14-16. The sanctuary sanctifies the sacrifice and the sanctuary and the sacrifice are sanctified to God. Hebrew 13:4. Mothers should not be ashamed but have the final cerebrated honor by preparing fathers to go back to initiation satanic shrines and play wives (incest) to their mutilated daughters thus crowning satanic sacrifice offered. The cultural honor bestowed on parents in satanic fgm atrocities dampens any sense of guilt consciousness emanating from fgm castration atrocities committed by parents.
    The Girl child was bought up in divine order leaving the petals and stay of love intact for a beloved wise husband core co-benefits. She remained a garden fenced , a spring shut up and blessed in sealed divine state. A woman to man she is a garden and a fountain. The man plants a seed and a child grows in the womb and is born. The man quench his marital thirst with her in shared joy for woman is a keeper at home. A fountain with a cover has more flesh safe water than uncovered well. A fenced garden has a defense and is a safe comfort. Song of Solomon 5:1-2. Song of Solomon 4:12, Proverbs 5:18-19. The banner of love is at even state over the garden of love at Divine state when his hand lands at the garden of love to prop it up undisturbed as the king of marriage mark and flag the fleshy coals for un intimate marital relationship in common joy. Song of Solomon 2:2-5. Man is instructed by God not to be immoral or do any severe harm to his wife of his youth and give her conjugal wrights and benefits in shared joy as one body in common control. Malachi2;12-17. 1 Corinthians7:1-5. The devil has vested harbored honorable demonic powers to some parents to permanently control and deform girls sexual organs in fgm castration atrocities before marriage for demonic chastity status acceptance which leaves man sexually morally dry and at a loose. Circumcision in man does not destroy his body integrity and his sexual articulation ability base remains intact ready for joy. Fgm remains a deadly liability to girls’ spiritual and physical live. Nothing more satisfying against fgm than hearing present generation of fathers say that they will never allow their daughters to be mutilated and forfeit their marital joy. Fgm lacks Godly Holy Spiritual integrity of parents and reflects men dedicated atrocities on womanhood with no compassion for womanhood. The issue of Christian men against fgm is not an affront confrontation on wives measure to sexual expectation of their husbands but a reality. A woman is not only a woman by her looks but by her Divine sexual prospects based integrity bestowed upon her that are destroyed in satanic shrines of fgm . In fgm, a girl child is widowed of her womanhood for satanic cultural cleansing. Open Christian discussion on marital issues have resulted on elderly Christians men confessing clearly they have difficult love relationship with women who had gone fgm. When the redemption and sanctification of men is completed from spiritual poverty and slavery in fgm, girls who had the evil cut will be socially disadvantaged. Christian men do not put any Christian value to fgm. In Christian meetings women become agitated and extremely restless to the present of husbands during fgm eradication teachings. If fgm had any value to their husbands, they would not resent husbands being present. Men must fanatically remain mentally caged in cultural fgm slavery for women who had the evil cut to maintain safely cultural polygamous marriages. To end fgm, it requires full engagement of men in open discussion to put to a worthless dead end required perceived fgm cultural atrocities benefits by men in marriages . The devil has directed women to undergo soft bone and thick dense muscles mutilation. God directed a foreskin removal for man as a covenant for him and God. Fgm remains an idol to man and sacrilege to womanhood in honor of the dead. This is the unfortunate sad spiritual reality bare before our eyes hard to bear to believe. Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter who justify evils for rewards, Isaiah 5; 20-23.
    Does it require governments to ban fgm for parents to realize they commit grave honorable abomination in fgm? Can parents understand that fgm from its conception and inception was a crime against womanhood in nature? Up to when will parents linger on honorable fgm prostitution castration of young girls? In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to remove the blanket of etiquette and prepare their daughters to play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. Let mothers who say daughters are brave enough to face the evil cut have the final honor and have the daughter brave enough to meet fathers at the conception beds and give satan a due complete sacrifice without sanction. The community should not judge fathers as evil if they did not judge fathers as evil for allowing the evil cut on their daughters. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice. Fgm is an insult and assault to womanhood by parents. Let parents pride themselves in complete evils. The petals and stay of love are left strewn at altars of Satan. The sparkles of love cannot be rekindled. In natural world a door is provided for knocking before entry and an aerial is provided for effective communication so is the same for the girl child body by nature. Fgm prostitution is not done for the love of the girl child .This is misconception of love. There is no barbaric action done in love. Fgm prostitution is done when the sex organ of a girl child is viewed as a source of all immoralities and a center of all evils that engulf a community to satisfy men honored demonic cultural sexual whims. It is done as satanic sacrificial proactive cleansing of a society from immoralities as demanded by men. They view mutilated sex organ of a girl child as clean and holy thus up rifting it’s status to satanic reverence. Fgm is pure satanic injustice to manhood when the king of marriage resting fleshy cushions are excavated and the alert notification fleshy aerial is scrap in out in fgm thus leaving the king of marriage as an intruder.
    Love does not seek its own benefits, 1Corinthians 13:1-13. Prostitutes made by parents in fgm prostitution are honored and encouraged . Us no man can miss the mouth even when eating in total darkness, so shall man falter in search of the marital coals removed in sexual mutilation how foolish he is. From the family parliament man becomes a slave of satan . Fgm prostitution keeps man out of natural way of life in marriage .Song of Solomon 2:6-7. After fgm is done there are no boughs for man to hold since the woman was subjected to sexual excavation and torture of honor in fgm rampage by satan . Song of Solomon 7:1-8. Girls subjected to fgm is a reflection of man’s moral decay which leaves fgm atrocities flying back to his face. Men must decide and channel their spiritual morality command zeal for God eventually sealed in great dignity of personal love for God and not stayed in fgm. In fgm prostitution castration ceremonies parental authority is enhanced and preserved in funding sustained satanic professional priests black bloody economic proceeds.
    When the wife at the family parliament loses esteemed value to her husband due to fgm , all that pertains to the family losses value to him and this is the widest wild gate for the man that leads to lack of burden of responsibility for the family that opens the highway of family destruction by the devil. Even higher university education may not save a girl child in hands of parents gripped by satan in fgm slavery. Fgm lays social foundations for unstable marital lives. Parents are highly entrenched in prostitution with their girl child. When in demonic world parents say fgm prostitution makes a girl child clean but God says she defiled and made a prostitute. Fgm remains the annual mass overwhelming celebrated parental satanic human sacrifice for the mankind under cover of social morality ever witnessed. Ironically these parents are active in the Church who shoulder burdens for the church but with continuous unresolved marital problems a dilemma to the clergy. They are workers of Satan who have camouflaged as believers in the Church of Christ. How do they differ from magicians and witches ? Fgm prostitution castration remains the coveted sin of choice by many parents for a satanic sexual morality held in deceptive assault, insult and abuse of a girls sexual integrity held in cultural cerebrated religious manner. They pollute the land in prostitution and the land becomes full of all evils. How can a father be obsessed with the sexual organ of his daughter as a bearer of holiness in the mutilated state? It is hypocritical for him to be in a place where GOD is worshiped. Why should parents be obsessed to place the family uprightness and the country holiness in the mutilated sex organ of their girl child? After fgm is done ,the girl child is highly esteemed and it is a demonic cover up of the plight of evils done. The underworld of unlimited miseries in fgm thrives with stubborn mothers energetically engaged in executing fgm in disguise for their daughters love which leave fathers subdued, desolated and disoriented when mothers declare that they cannot stand having uncut girls beside them when satan rule supreme in womanhood. Where are the wise loving brothers to stand up without fear that will not feast and cerebrate when their dear sisters are sacrificed to satanic under world in fgm prostitution castration by their own parents? Fgm was authored in Egypt by Pharaoh as Satanic sacrifice to increase pain and wailing in child birth . The fleshy sexual coals are excavated leaving her frigid and rocky thus denying her for live time Divine marital gift which she requires in marriage for a lively marital relationship with her husband. How stupid a man may be, by instinct a man will falter in search of the fleshy coals removed in fgm thus leaving him at moral loose for unfulfilled marital mission not achieved which may end up in frustrations and unusual marital conflicts. The fleshy coals are provided for the benefits of their marriage life. 1Corithians7: 9. The fleshy coals help a woman in marriage to lock in emotionally with her husband in a cordial cushy marital sexual relationship. Some parents send their daughters far away to close relatives for retrogressive fgm as a cover up without the girl child knowledge of the adverse side effects on her body and spirit. The onus of the honored satanic fgm defilement prostitution castration curse is more honorary in parents hands held captive by culture as the power house of demonic oppressive honored culture.
    The Royal Priesthood of Jesus Christ should not be spiritually comfortable when fgm satanic crafted sacrifice which continue to flourish is not sideshow or walk over by parents which is destabilizing the Church of Christ in well-organized underground demonic manner globally. The hidden seasoned ills resulting from fgm satanic rituals atrocities are hostile to Christian marriages globally. Fgm is satanically tooled for cultural polygamous marriages slavery embodiment. Today in Church of Christ even women who claimed fgm was part of their culture won’t like to hear their husband can go back to polygamous marriages. The sober reality by many Christian parents that God prohibits fgm and that they are in satanic sacrifice honorary is causing bitter shock waves families. The highly educated woman with fgm inclination support do not add polygamous marriage to her life style. The worst enemy to a woman remains a woman with honored satanic affinity life style and stands who lure women to satanic world. Women give birth and they face life threating challenges men will never under go. Fgm support should go hand in hand with polygamous marriage which has pillars in fgm. Men know about it. You either support fgm and leave free your husbands to un adulterous promiscuous life style and dream not of having monogamous Christian marriage. Let those women who support fgm support polygamous marriage and call it their culture under attack. Women deserve to be understood for their unspoken in depth fear of unstable families which can result from husbands resenting being fooled in satanic fgm sacrifices . We call husbands to maintain and love wives in Christ’s love. The Church has to deal firmly against fgm satanic sacrifice wrap in cultural religious honor without the preaching fraternity down playing fgm atrocities by parents. The preaching fraternity should not allow the demonic world to teach Christians any form of etiquette in life. In every platform there should be Spirited vision and mission among Christians to enhanced eradication of fgm satanic Sacrifice offered and honored.
    Man has a natural sexual desire at play with a bride at divine natural state of womanhood . Men must assert final authority against fgm in face of taunting incredible forces of demonic honored cultures. There is nothing more annoying than hearing in Christian discussion in place of worship of a learned uncouth sadist man declare that the clitoris which is well above the virginal opening obstruct man in intercourse. Nothing more unkind to truth than falsehood unearthed in fgm foul evil act by using truth in plain language only to be declared fouls course language by those who have holy than thou attitude. They view naked truth that can eliminate fgm overnight as a threat to their cash cow as fgm fighters. They black list truth as dangerous to their trade pretending it hurts more those who had the evil cut. This is the way the devil fights back. Those who teach the truth about fgm are not for character assassination. It is a an agonizing hair raising sensational experience encounter with a learned ardent fgm cultured man heaving angrily for an almost physical confrontation with those who are opposed to fgm prostitution castration on defenseless innocent young girls.
    In the Church of Christ, let fathers not exercise the dead terror of silence which has allowed satan to raid and rain terror on young girls in fgm. Let fathers stand up for the divine rights of their daughters in marriage. Where Christian mothers pride themselves in fgm , let them have their husbands know their daughters before they pass on from earth as the final functional triggered banquet for satan without sanction. This will give satan the deserved complete sacrifice . Parents owe their sons in laws lifetime gratitude for agreeing to marry their daughters whom they sexually assaulted, muted and sexually crippled. God has never asked parents to sexually cripple their daughters so as to remain virgins and holly. Is holiness attained by sexually crippling a girl child acceptable to God purposes for her live destiny entity? No! There is holiness that pertains to children of God. Fgm is direct mitigated assault and insult to her real womanhood benefits. The sex organ of a girl child cannot be manipulated through sexual mutilations as a gate way for man to heaven. Parents owe their daughters a life time apology for their inhuman acts which robbed them their divine marital gifts. Parents who force their daughters to undergo Fgm exercise the most dignified unreserved beastly cultural atrocities on the girl child with man child at the receiving end as beneficially in marriage. Parents owe their sons in laws lifetime gratitude for agreeing to marry their daughters whom they sexually assaulted, sexually muted and sexually crippled. God has never asked parents to sexually cripple their daughters so as to remain virgins and holly. Is holiness attained by sexually crippling a girl child acceptable to God purposes for her live destiny entity? Where God has created for the man a luxurious marital hotel between two sewerage systems, the increase of fistula complications due to fgm will leave man taking the marriage supper in sewerage blinded in fgm honor. Fgm cultural honor defuse notion of satanic sacrifice in fgm. A girl child cannot survive the course of fgm atrocities when parents are honored and obsessed in cultural interest qualified in satanic fgm sacrifice by men. Will the girl child takes humbly low fgm rooted satanic cultural castration slavery in honor of the dead for womanhood? It will only take Brothers in Christ to have a standoff with satan in fgm to have Christians parents blinded in fgm honor realize their abomination in fgm. Tragically girls do not own their sexual organs in culture . Their bodies are more of parents properties shared by relatives and the wider community commanded by men as they dig in and make headway to mess them up in culturally valid satanic invitation in fgm prostitution castration honor for the dead.
    Fgm remains the tested brutal cultural yard stick for girls sexual excavation in honor of the dead in cultural morality preservation goals. The livelihood of devil’s priest in fgm is enhanced by parents with no remorse. Parents who perform the grand satanic sacrifice of fgm are sources of families marital instabilities and of great evils to the land. When their daughters face marital problems originating from their family parliaments, they offer themselves as prayer partners with their daughters before God interceding for stability and peace for their families. They do not count themselves as the cause of the marital problems affecting their daughters marriage, for they remain acceptable social criminals in life for breaking and dismantling the defense and the fences of the marriage courts in fgm. The grandmothers and aunts are in a more canning defensive hypocritical state buying time for their daughter to bring up girls just to storm in unto them demanding sex mutilation mayhem as an exercise of honor for them to behold. Their fgm celebration should be extended when fathers put t daughters to bed and give satan a complete deserved sacrifice Paul told Timothy not to heed unholy stories from old women. 1Timothy4:7. In such deceptive manner unfortunately the cycle of demonic fgm prostitution repeats itself all again. Do they ever learn anything destructive in fgm or they are spiritually blind folded as they abound more in prayers? Fgm remains the most horrible trap of agony for the girl child ever chosen by parents for perceived benefits for the man child in marriage life . A foolish woman destroys her own house with her own hands Proverbs14:1-2. Some say fgm is done by parents out of love which is hypocritically wrong. Let parents face the truth and know that they demonize the sex organs of their girls in Divine state as sexually wild and source of immoralities in the society thus the need for them to castrate their girls in all forms of fgm to gain control over their sexuality. They should not be redeemed from fgm shameful carnage act in cover up of disguise of an act of love for the girl child. The realization of distraught mistrust brought by fgm between parents and some of their intelligent daughters has brought some on a mission to salvage parents in fgm castration atrocities as un act of love to safely salvage daughters to parents tainted sore relationship. Intelligent inquisitive girls have taken into tusks parents for their beastly act in fgm. Christian youths have torn apart and addressed the cultural barrier in fgm which leaves parents haunted by their beastly act in their old age. Christians women who had the evil cut orchestrated by mothers are not thanking them in their old age for sacrificing their womanhood to satan . Mothers in their old age have only to respond that they were not aware that they were committing sin and atrocities for an act of fgm that is so brutal and cruel as the only face saving value before their own children.. This has put parents at crossroad of faith as they dare affirm they performed the beastly fgm atrocities in love of their culture but cannot associate fgm with the Church of Jesus Christ. Children should live in peaceful harmony in love with their parents but not bound in satanic sacrifices. It all sum up in fgm to bane of contention concealed in deceptive manner of honor sort out by parents in girls sexuality from birth to marriage live in a religious manner. Events of fgm evil acts are purposely determined for cultural sexual purification castration for girls. The devil is always behind this deceptive allusion in fgm act as a Godly requirement acted by parents in love. Parents have reacted as an act of undressing them into open public shame to brethren who have told them of their abomination in fgm before God . We care for them spiritually in love of Christ that calls for repentant and reconciliation to their daughters. Where is even the spiritual virginity of girls mutilated by men in martyrdom of womanhood? There are tares and wheat in the field of fighting fgm. You cannot miss Judas Iscariot in the field. Tares have intertwined roots with wheat. Let them grow together lest you uproot wheat together with tare . God is delivering victory against fgm with the remnant faithful few who do not worry about their own honor and stomachs. In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to remove the blanket of etiquette and prepare their daughters to play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. Let mothers have the final honor and pride themselves in remaking the conception beds of their daughters and prepare their husbands to know their daughters and give satan a due complete sacrifice. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice. Fgm is an insult and a heinous assault to womanhood by parents for men perceived sexual benefits . Let parents pride themselves in complete evils. The petals and stay of love are left strewn at altar of Satan and the girl child is dethroned of her womanhood in honor of the dead in satanic world. There is no room for fgm abomination in Christianity for parents culturally at no fault honorary ordained by satan.
    Parents should sincerely repent to God and ask for re-conciliatory forgiveness from their daughters without beating the bush. Let our beloved sister forgive them in Christ’s love and free them to freedom from hidden anger of cultural turmoil. It is unbelievable bearable that fgm satanic heinous act can be practiced by parents in Churches. It is not a home coming event for a girl child to release she has been sacrificed to satan in fgm in honor of the dead by her own parents. We are not demonizing parents and creating wedges and rifts between daughters and parents by calling unto parents to face the real reality diligently in due plain truth for their awful injustices in beastly fgm castration officiated by satan. It is more sickening for parents in their old to realize they had no clear warning from the clergy as pertaining to satanic sacrifice in fgm. We are just telling parents openly to stop prostituting honorably with their daughters in fgm and get saved for dear relationship with God. Christians Churches and information medias are now more vocal against fgm. Grandparents are at pain and suffering quietly of being accused by daughters for sacrificing them to satanic world in fgm while in Churches. Will parents tell daughters they are wright in fgm and justify it when Governments have burned fgm? Girls have come out to question the immoral act of fgm atrocities operation directed by parents which has caused cold blood between daughters and parents. In the spirit world parents spy their daughters and are envious of their marital bed enjoyment which they visualize bound to immorality unless castrated thus they raid the marriage court in fgm acts carnage. They view their daughters in Divine state us sexually wild and immoral children who have to be sexually tamed in fgm to gain moral control over sexuality before and after marriage. They have viewed their daughters as sexually wild without sexual moral s even in married life. But who is weak? Men or women. Is the immorality one sided based on women among themselves only? Is the girl child sexually immoral and wild to herself in her Divine state? Who is fooling who? Is the sexual organ of a girl child the pillar of immorality and evils in any given society? Fgm is the cold unjust satanic sacrifice involving blood ,flesh and bone which enhances parents more entrenchment in demonic world. Can men penis heads be cut to be near equal with women who have lost their clitoris in fgm castration? In Fgm, parents are more than a curse to their daughter and to a nation. In fgm parents craft and draw holiness for themselves and for the whole family together with the community from fgm thus they cleanse and protect themselves from immoralities in the blood of their daughters clothed in religious attires. The burden of family and the community holiness is pegged and delivered from the mutilated sex organ of a girl child. It is a complete demonic way of life. manner . This pertain more to human satanic sacrifice and worship than many would like not to believe they are more submerged in demonic world. Parents have subjected their children to satanic slavery in fgm without remorse. Fgm was designed to deliver sexual crippling effect on a girl child from her very womanhood. The liberation straggle must start with the young men as the deciding factor in fgm eradication and abandonment. Fgm prostitution castration is done for them and on their behalves which is demonically wrong. Youths have to free themselves from cultural sexual slavery in fgm prostitution banqueted for them by old generation for their none existent spiritual and physical stability benefits . In fgm prostitution parents are honorary in satanic world together with witches and magicians turning the sexual organ of woman into an institution of satanic reverence. The devil footstool in fgm fuels men beastly carnage in societies. After fgm is done in honor of the dead, at a time in life , all evils come to the land and no other are better placed by satan to deliver the evils more than men. The purpose of excess of fgm brutality destroys the girl child sexually and the excess of the naked plain truth taught Spiritually in the Holly Bible about fgm leaves agitated camouflaged demonic collaborators in the dark underground world jittery worried and wounded in their honor. Their in-depth fear of men culturally blinded in veil of demonic culture in fgm releasing of being fooled socially and cornered by satan on benefits of fgm in marital life and the negative devastating counter reactions upheaval of men in marriages is real. The fallout between children and parents is real when girls know without doubt that that parents sacrificed them to satan in fgm. The clergy must handle the fgm issue in conciliatory love and care without down playing atrocities committed by parents in fgm. We handle fgm in Christ’s love for mankind which is an eye opener for wise Christians to keep off fgm satanic sacrificial social shrines.
    It is hypocritical and mockery for parents in Church of Christ to spend patiently their early marriage live in double standards life to perpetuate FGM and live in their twilight years as devoted loving caring parents close to the clergy having soiled their hands with the blood of their daughters in a planned time staged managed shedding of blood and flesh of their daughters in fgm in early marriage life as she wade through the jungle of life for demonic chastity sacrifice acceptance. Can any wise God fearing parents subject their daughters to fgm to justify in a religious manner the sin of grandfathers for their past historical generation sexual immorality dynasty pacification cover up? Fgm remains the grandfathers generation to generation curse and sexual social slavery for culturally battered women. As far as parents remain appreciated in spectacular honored motivated prostitution in fgm they will never fathom from the bottom of their hearts the unjust physical and spiritual injuries inflicted in fgm onslaught on womanhood? The girl child is deprived of her authority and integrity of her womanhood to demonic world and men who believe in their objective holiness gain for earthly humanity gains based on her precarious live in fgm. Parents pride themselves in fgm for tearing down the defense and fences of the marriage court a sacrifice to Satan. Women and girls are given to demonic world morality and will of men which is the hid out of satan. They do not pride and delight themselves in God. But GOD can never be mocked. Some men force their daughters to undergo fgm under the mothers pressure and pleasure forgetting there are no curses for those in Christ Jesus. Galatians3:10-14, Proverb26:1-2. It is quite evident parents are under cultural moral slavery siege and ready to sacrifice their daughters in fgm at alter of demonic cultures for community social acceptance. Fgm is the historical prostitution and plunder of womanhood bound in cultural respect and honor instituted by men. Evil committed by parents in fgm cannot be justified by existent of time done or by one’s sacrificial faith to do it willingly at peace. Fgm satanic rituals honor in embedded cultural sexual slavery is fortified by parents lack of due love for the girl child.
    Men must soberly disengage themselves honorary behind the scene for being the custodian pillars of sin of fgm making the sex organs of women as the moral battle fields of faith in God and call fgm the bygone unjust case of mayhem. Fgm foe must be purged from the battle field of minds and hearts of men in order of give girls social justice and enable women to overcome fgm. Youth must diligently determine the breaking and leveling of grandfathers extra ordinary generation curse in fgm grip to enable girls walk over it to freedom. This is the present single generation gigantic cultural crush win for youth to freedom from shackles of cultural sexual slavery in fgm. Train men to do away with fgm and there will be no fgm. Men form the bedrock of fgm. Man cannot seek Holy Almighty God in mirror of fgm castration. Can a man kneel before God and support fgm? It is awkward to hear men say what is good for a woman and not say what God says is good for a woman and him. It seems some men want to craft a way of holy life from the sex organ of women for themselves in name of purity for God. When God told Moses that the Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to fgm in honor of the dead or have sex with them, He did not leave any form of fgm for a girl child. To suggest there can be mild form of FGM is not acceptable before God. Leviticus 19:28-29. FGM is the annual mass satanic sacrifice done honorably by parents. Once the blood of a girl child is shed in fgm the land is polluted and the country becomes full of all evils. Mothers are the accomplished with devils’ priests due diligent in satanic sacrifice of honor who mutilates the sex organs of young girls with full expressed active acknowledgment of fathers enslaved by satan.
    Youth in unique spiritual flight must dislodge themselves from the yoke of fgm prostitution slavery offered honorary by parents in satanic sacrifice. They are dependable defensive force for young girls who cannot be ignored. Let brothers give our beloved sister a heart of change with helping hand against fgm. How would parents commit their daughters to fgm so us someone can have food for the mouth calling it their trade of life? How could someone say it was done in honor of religion where God is mentioned and the clergy exist? How would parents commit their daughters to fgm so us someone can have food for the mouth calling it their trade of life? How will ever be girls compensated who are forced to fgm in their flower age after abandoning the evil trade? Parents and the clergy should know that the mutilated injured defenseless girls remain and the wounded souls and spirit in anguish of their heart cry to Almighty God. Fgm prostitution is a satanic prime reward sacrifice more tied to man as the enforcer but he does not bear the physical scaring scars sufferings women go through silently with physiological scars and no Christian should apply it in life. Christian should eliminate FGM with ability given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for in him there are no generation curses. Christians must redeem the time and not be foolish in daily life. The sex organ of a woman is not a battle field of faith for man in God. Men must purge social evils from within the depth their hearts, minds and not from the sexual organs of women in fgm operation ruins. Fgm was started by men and they must battle it to a dead end. It is a deeply rooted cultural faith issue they can win overnight. It takes less than two hrs to teach men and women on Biblical perspective of fgm ills to bring it to a dead end. And this is the Lord doing. Can wise knowledgeable youth forgo the pertinent tool of sexual oppression and suppression in fgm held dearly in slavery by dedicated old respected cultural elites?. Middle aged fathers have to come in and break the yoke of satan in fgm slavery curse that is held dearly by the old die hard cultural elites.
    Laws to ban fgm may not eliminate fgm since it can be done clinically at home. Parents require deliverance of their souls and spirits to God. In their liberated hearts their will not suffer any loose for abandoning fgm for their trust in God is paramount. Let all Children of Abraham by faith face the full real reality of life that there is no fgm with God. God bless you all united against this demonic cultural practice called fgm, a hard nut to crack preserved and hidden in parenthood for honorary acceptance. It is the time the promises in fgm die out and the demonic world open her gates wide for the girl child and closes its’ behind her as she leaves the alter of Satan empty handed for the rest of her life time. This is satanic torture for a girl child has to face to satisfy the demonic world cultural purity. Can the young men and girls muscle enough will power and do away with fgm prostitution forced down their lives by the old generation? Yes, they can since they are strong with open clear minds. They have the divine provision of a happy marriage within their reach. Their marriages belong to them and not to their parents. Youths obedience to parents stays within the confines of Godly practiced boundaries. God says you are strong and you can overcome the wicked one. 1 John2:14. We must hold the Word of God within its content and contest lest or we be found to have contempt for the Word of God. Fgm prostitution defeats any Godly purpose for it. The survival of young girls from fgm is in the hands of men who must salvage girls from fgm in the hands wicked culturally enslaved women. Their hands are washed with innocent blood of young girls sacrificed to satan in fgm. Fgm betrays and dwindle the full dignity of men in faith in God. When parents advance in age they present themselves as faithful model of faith full of prayers which is a mere mockery to devotional integrity of a holy faith in God having well planned to accomplish honorary executed fgm for all of their daughters in early marriage life. Many parents are still stuck in wilderness of demonic cultures though in institutions of Godly worship. Who will pull out parents stuck in the wilderness of demonic cultures with love and care? Let all Children of Abraham by faith face the full reality of the demands in their faith in God. God bless us all united against this demonic cultural practice called FGM.
    Some men say when women are sexually crippled, men and women remain faithful but to who? Which men are sexually crippled for women to remain holy? Is the sexual organ of a woman an institution of worship for men? GOD IS HOLLY. Men shouldn’t have defiled faith in God based on crippled sexual organ of a woman. Men should love God with a pure heart. The sexual organs of women are not stays for men to anchor their faith in God. Should a man share a wife with the devil? Fgm is ill tagged as a benefit to a man child by those who perpetuate this demonic sacrifice. Men who view their holiness in God through the mutilated sexual organ of a woman put their faith in God in demonic practices perspectives Fgm prostitution is a satanic prime reward sacrifice more tied to man as the enforcer but he does not bear the physical scaring scars sufferings women go through silently with physiological scars and no Christian should apply it in life. The sex organ of a woman is not a battle field of faith for man in God. Fgm was started by men and they must battle it to a dead end. It is a deeply rooted cultural battle field they can win overnight. It takes less than two hrs to teach men and women on Biblical perspective of fgm ills to bring it to a dead end. The survival of young girls from fgm is in the hands of parents and men whose souls and minds are liberated from satanic cultural of fgm . Men must salvage girls from fgm in the hands culturally battered enslaved women. Their hands are washed with innocent blood of young girls sacrificed to satan in fgm. Fgm betrays and dwindle the full dignity of men in faith in God. The young girls fate in fgm hangs of balance since she cannot count on rescue even from her dear brothers. Her fate is sealed in dying hourly hope held by those who thirst and hunger for her flesh and blood since the injustice her beloved parents is awful cruel. It is in the hour of need when a father turns a cold shoulder to a girl child and commit her to Satan in fgm prostitution castration curse persecution of honor . The girl child lives with unresolved burning personal reserved resentments against her parents but all they see is well to their eyes. The dark embarrassing day of losing her womanhood in fgm remains vivid to her mind. Parents will have their daughters physically but emotionally detached from them in their old age a dilemma and a surprise for them to unravel. Their silent heart acre of lack of mutual trust between their daughters will go down to their old age. It is the dare devil fight win for the youths against the respected old culture elites who offer girls for satanic sacrifice in fgm. Once fgm is offered as a satanic sacrifice for men ,then they remain the deadly aggressive brutal force against womanhood and humanity at large. Young men become the scaring fire balls of satan in honor against humanity. When finally the devil unleashes social upheavals, the very people in fro front perpetuating satanic fgm usher to the sympathetic pictures of suffering in need of help.
    Legend has it that men were going for wars for a very long time against others communities and on return they found their beautiful young wives and girls were sexually molested and impregnated by the old men that were left behind . Sexual depression and deprivation were introduced in fgm as a tool of sexual suppression oppression. The macabre of fgm castration by parents was left settled by satan in prime hands of women so as appear as women affairs. Can any wise God fearing parents subject their daughters to fgm to justify in a religious manner the sin of grandfathers for their past historical generation sexual immorality dynasty pacification cover up? Fgm remains the grandfathers generation to generation curse and sexual social slavery for culturally battered women. Men must soberly disengage themselves honorary behind the scene for being the custodian pillars of sin of fgm making the sex organs of women as the moral battle fields of faith in God and call fgm the bygone unjust case of mayhem. Fgm foe must be purged from the battle field of minds and hearts of men in order of give girls social justice and enable women to overcome fgm. Youth must diligently determine the breaking and leveling of grandfathers extra ordinary generation curse in formidable sin of honor in fgm filthy firm grip to enable girls walk over it to freedom. This is the present single generation gigantic cultural crush win for youth to freedom from shackles of fathers faults in disgrace of cultural sexual slavery in fgm. Culturally women who had gone FGM as they passed child bearing age and hung up the plough, the old man would marry another young woman who had gone fgm referred to us the wife of his old age with desires to have children. No eyes blow were raised against the wife by the other wives since they understood their frigid morbid rocky sexual state as the aged. Their sexual live was thrown into disarray by fgm. They were not a joy to have as wives in their old age. Love to them was like surgery awake and they acknowledged the sexually active state of their husband. It was a time their husband was like a sexual beast to them. They sexually off loaded themselves through their husband’s young wife of his old aged thus shifting the burden of the fgm curse to the younger woman. If a man has to be circumcised in the Church of Christ, he should join our sisters in spiritual circumcision for all that is salvation. Colossians 2: 8-12. Roman2:28-29. Can a wise man pride himself before God counting the benefits of marrying a prostitute? In Church of Christ, only uncultured men in Godly practices, uncouth, no witty and demonic sadist will applaud sexual mutilation of young girls.
    Men must break free overnight from long overdue cultural desert edge of fgm atrocities and roll back the sheet of fgm loose to historical events. Youths are on a race against time whether to subject their marriages to generations prostitution in fgm. Parents can socially lose their children in their old age with phenomenal of being neglected by their children becoming more apparent. Fgm condemns a girl child to a life time of sexual cultural slavery. This is the misery bestowed upon her by her own parents in honor of the dead which they hold dear to their hearts. Parents pride themselves in fgm prostitution since they receive their communities social recognition and acceptance at a price of permanently sexually deforming their girls in fgm which they can view in a mirror. God says a woman is strong like merchants ships but the same easily destroyed and she has to submit to her husband who is supposed dwell with her in knowledge and love her as she navigate the stormy sea of live heavily loaded. This very strong vessel in waters of life called woman who can carry heavily in abundance is easily destroyed like merchants ships which have to navigate storms, rocks and remain without holes or eroding rusty floors to remain afloat in water .Ephesians5:22-25, Proverbs31:10-17. Parents have no rights in deforming and destroying the fountain of marriage. Proverb5:18-19. A virtuous woman girds her loins with strength and thinks of no harming her husband. The word weaker vessel Peter 3:1-7 is an illustration of being easily destroyed irrespective of her great strength in carrying capacity.
    Some parents are in Sodom of their own even in places of worship. Laws to ban FGM may not eliminate fgm since it can be done clinically at home. Even from time of old women can perform all types of evils counting on their husbands full support. Israelis women in the Bible told Jeremiah the Prophet that the sacrifices they offered to queen of heaven they did so with the support and knowledge of their husbands. Jeremiah 44:15-22. Even today women who force their daughters to undergo fgm count on their husbands endorsed full support. They confirm their husbands are part of Satanic sacrifice performed on their daughters in fgm when they disregard Godly advice and truth concerning fgm ill side effects. Parents require redemption and deliverance of their souls and spirit to God. In their liberated hearts they will not suffer any loose for abandoning fgm for their trust in God is paramount. God Himself told Moses that the Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to fgm in honor of the dead or have sex with them making them prostitutes, Leviticus 19:28-29. In honored sin fgm prostitution, parents plant the seed of all evils which is watered and guarded by them in joy. Let all Children of Abraham by faith face the full reality of the demands in their faith in God that fgm is demonic cultural practice

  55. The Truth Was Said says

    Well speaking of shame on women which years ago the Real Good Old Fashioned women really Did put the women of today to Real Shame. No doubt about that.

  56. Robert Munyui Kamunyu says

    THE BUTCHERS OF WOMANHOOD- FGM ( THE COVENANT OF THE FLESH). When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he circumcised all the men, male children up of eight days old and he was circumcised. The message was direct and in plain language. GENESIS 17: 1-27. The agreement was strategically initiated and the male child grew beholding daily his agreement with God at every call of nature throughout his married life. The covenant of the flesh for a man is with ease to behold with no ill feelings or regrets without medication required afterwards in life. When God warned in a spiritual language and told Moses that the Children of Israel shall not mutilate girls in honor of the dead ( satanic sacrifice since there is no circumcision of girls in God ), the message was well understood and was given in a spiritual language which bears two warnings, Leviticus19:28-29. The Israelis parents shall not sexually mutilate daughters and fathers we commanded not have carnal knowledge (incest) of daughters making them prostitutes. Fgm prostitution is a prime satanic sacrifice for a woman prohibited by God, of secrecy with miseries and constrains of disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases of traumatic child delivery requiring medication. Fgm sin of crime of honor humiliation for womanhood persists for many girls globally. There is no open fold of a foreskin in a sexual organ of a woman to cut round that hides dirty stuffs that stinks. There are no undue growths that warrant scrapping. Esther4: 1-17. The King of Persia and Media had a law also on women and only the king’s favour on a wife’s uninvited paid visit to inner court would save her from eminent death punishment by his held out golden scepter an act of favour and approval. This law had sexual control on womanhood. From the fall of man from the garden of Aden man’s further fall from grace was subjected to demonic competitive lust to womanhood in polygamous marriage ( which later turned to enmity against womanhood also in form of fgm) which was not in favour with God and He reduced his old age to 120yrs Genesis 6:1-7. Satan has convinced men and parents to demand and shift girls’ natural Divine onset to maturity from monthly period to fgm castration in honor of the dead. As far as parents remain the relentless heinous bedrock of fgm pursuing ensured satanic cultural sacrifice honor offered, there is no equal reprieve for girls from onslaught on womanhood in honor of the dead by parents hell bent on executing falsely claimed benefits in fgm to men in deviated demonically controlled sexual life style in marriage. It is the most sadly unfortunate tragedy for Christians parents being involved in fgm satanic cultural sacrificial goals honored which sin will follow them beyond the grave unless they repent and get saved. I have heard men say women like children and in Christians marriages women encourage the brides to take their husbands as their first born. Initially the two statements were too contradictory to each other and crushing in my mind but I found women forthright and forthcoming. The bridegroom is first satisfied with her blessed fountain of love and her breasts before any child birth. Proverbs 5:18-19. Fgm dehumanized and deforms womanhood being the worst satanic cultural religious sacrifice of honor for the dead taxed on womanhood globally. Fgm heinous atrocities destroy the divine sexual entity and dignity of man that establishes him honorary more culturally religiously in demonic world. All men must be saved from satanically tailored cultural honor in fgm slavery endorsed by cultural elites. Fgm remains a satanic sexual sacrifice honorary prescribed by parents and endorsed by men in tearing down the helm of womanhood from the apex. It is a sin and culturally demonically wrong for parents to place girls virginity and holiness under control in bondage of cultural mutilating blades. Remove the satanic worst atrocities of cultural honor in fgm treasured by parents which are assimilated by men, and fgm falsehood legacy loses all values to man and womanhood which will lead the world out of fgm evils suffered in honor of the dead. . A man is blinded by forced falsehood treasured in fgm culturally offered honor in sharing a wife with satan in fgm. We must remain temple of Holy God and avoid father’s grave mistakes in satanic fgm the mark of satan based on men’s demonic cultural fear on women divine sexuality . I Corinthians 3-16 -23. Fgm remains a key covenant with satan by cultural elites men in crippling womanhood in a moral sexual supremacy battle field goals demonically and culturally entrenched by men. Fgm destroys the natural glorious lustrous beauty of womanhood which turns her to a frigid rocky mess of satan and the man is demonically strained in having the marriage supper in darkness. During fgm initiation cultural ceremonies, immoral cultural songs are accepted and openly sang for a satanic banquet. Fgm remains the formidable honorable sin of choice favored by many parents globally enslaved by satan. Let men love those ladies who have under gone the awful risk of unkind cut in Christ Love that bonds on love. Let those ladies get saved, forgive them for their ills in fgm atrocities and not condemn themselves . Let them abound in dignified liberty that is in Christ Jesus and enjoy full life and do away with satanic barbaric fgm for their daughters. Man is commanded by GOD to give his wife her conjugal wrights and also the woman to the same for its a shared joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4.How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver joy in Divine state to her husband while sexual joy was removed from her in FGM. Circumcision in man does not alter his sexual ability articulations base . In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to have their daughters play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice offered in satanic honor in fgm cerebrated. Man is commanded by GOD to give his wife her conjugal wrights and also the woman to the same for its a shared joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4.How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver joy in Divine state to her husband while sexual joy was removed from her in FGM. Circumcision in man does not alter his sexual ability articulations base . In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to have their daughters play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice offered in satanic honor in fgm cerebrated. Men must fanatically remain mentally caged in cultural fgm slavery for women who had the evil cut to maintain safely cultural polygamous marriages. To end fgm, it requires full engagement of men in open discussion to put to a worthless dead end required perceived fgm cultural atrocities benefits by men in marriages . The devil has directed women to undergo soft bone and thick dense muscles mutilation in honor of the dead. God directed a foreskin removal for man as a covenant for him and God. Fgm remains an idol to man and sacrilege to womanhood in honor of the dead. This is the unfortunate sad spiritual reality bare before our eyes hard to bear to believe. Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter who justify evils for rewards, Isaiah 5; 20-23. Fgm prostitution is done when the sex organ of a girl child is viewed as a source of all immoralities and a center of all evils that engulf a community to satisfy men honored demonic cultural sexual whims. It is done as satanic sacrificial proactive cleansing of a society from immoralities as demanded by men. They view mutilated sex organ of a girl child as clean and holy thus up rifting it’s status to satanic reverence. Fgm is pure satanic injustice to manhood when the king of marriage resting fleshy cushions are excavated and the alert notification fleshy aerial is scrap in out in fgm thus leaving the king of marriage as an intruder. Men must overcome satanic fgm honor bestowed upon them in sharing the fountain of marriage with satan in fgm in honor of the dead in order to put it to an absolute end. How stupid a man may be, by instinct a man will falter in search of the fleshy coals removed in fgm thus leaving him at moral loose for unfulfilled marital mission not achieved which may end up in frustrations and unusual marital conflicts. The fleshy coals are provided for the benefits of their marriage life. 1Corithians7: 9. The fleshy coals help a woman in marriage to lock in emotionally with her husband in a cordial cushy marital sexual relationship. Some parents send their daughters far away to close relatives for retrogressive fgm as a cover up without the girl child knowledge of the adverse side effects on her body and spirit. The onus of the honored satanic fgm defilement prostitution castration curse is more honorary in parents hands held captive by culture as the power house of demonic oppressive honored culture. The Church has to deal firmly against fgm satanic sacrifice wrap in cultural religious honor without the preaching fraternity down playing fgm atrocities by parents. The preaching fraternity should not allow the demonic world to teach Christians any form of etiquette in life. In every platform there should be Spirited vision and mission among Christians to enhanced eradication of fgm satanic Sacrifice offered and honored. Man has a natural sexual desire at play with a bride at divine natural state of womanhood . Men must assert final authority against fgm in face of taunting incredible forces of demonic honored cultures. There is nothing more annoying than hearing in Christian discussion in place of worship of a learned uncouth sadist man declare that the clitoris which is well above the virginal opening obstruct man in intercourse. Nothing more unkind to truth than falsehood unearthed in fgm foul evil act by using truth in plain language only to be declared fouls course language by those who have holy than thou attitude. They view the naked truth that can eliminate fgm overnight as a threat to their cash cow as fgm fighters. They black list truth as dangerous to their fgm fighting trade pretending it hurts more those who had the evil cut. This is the way the devil fights back using wolves in sheep skin. Those who teach the truth about fgm are not for character assassination. It is a an agonizing hair raising sensational experience encounter with a learned ardent fgm cultured man heaving angrily for an almost physical confrontation with those who are opposed to fgm prostitution castration on defenseless innocent young girls. Will the girl child takes humbly low fgm rooted satanic cultural castration slavery in honor of the dead for womanhood? It will only take Brothers in Christ to have a standoff with satan in fgm to have Christians parents blinded in fgm honor realize their abomination in fgm. Tragically girls do not own their sexual organs in culture . Their bodies are more of parents properties shared by relatives and the wider community commanded by men as they dig in and make headway to mess them up in culturally valid satanic invitation in fgm prostitution castration honor for the dead. Fgm remains the tested brutal cultural yard stick for girls sexual excavation in honor of the dead in cultural morality preservation goals. The livelihood of devil’s priest in fgm is enhanced by parents with no remorse. Parents who perform the grand satanic sacrifice of fgm are sources of families marital instabilities and of great evils to the land. When their daughters face marital problems originating from their family parliaments, they offer themselves as prayer partners with their daughters before God interceding for stability and peace for their families. They do not count themselves as the cause of the marital problems affecting their daughters marriage, for they remain acceptable social criminals in life for breaking and dismantling the defense and the fences of the marriage courts in fgm. In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to remove the blanket of etiquette and prepare their daughters to play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. Let mothers have the final honor and pride themselves in remaking the conception beds of their daughters and prepare their husbands to know their daughters and give satan a due complete sacrifice. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice. Fgm is an insult and a heinous assault to womanhood by parents for men perceived sexual benefits . Let parents pride themselves in complete evils. The petals and stay of love are left strewn at altar of Satan and the girl child is dethroned of her womanhood in honor of the dead in satanic world. There is no room for fgm abomination in Christianity for parents culturally at no fault honorary ordained by satan. The devil footstool in fgm fuels men beastly carnage in societies. After fgm is done in honor of the dead, at a time in life , all evils come to the land and no other are better placed by satan to deliver the evils more than men. The purpose of excess of fgm brutality destroys the girl child sexually and the excess of the naked plain truth taught Spiritually in the Holly Bible about fgm leaves agitated camouflaged demonic collaborators in the dark underground world jittery worried and wounded in their honor. Their in-depth fear of men culturally blinded in veil of demonic culture in fgm releasing of being fooled socially and cornered by satan on benefits of fgm in marital life and the negative devastating counter reactions upheaval of men in marriages is real. The fallout between children and parents is real when girls know without doubt that that parents sacrificed them to satan in fgm. The clergy must handle the fgm issue in conciliatory love and care without down playing atrocities committed by parents in fgm ills cover up. We handle fgm in Christ’s love for mankind which is an eye opener for wise Christians to keep off fgm satanic sacrificial social shrines. When God told Moses that the Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to fgm in honor of the dead or have sex with them, He did not leave any form of fgm for a girl child. To suggest there can be mild form of FGM is not acceptable before God. Leviticus 19:28-29. FGM is the annual mass satanic sacrifice done honorably by parents. Once the blood of a girl child is shed in fgm the land is polluted and the country becomes full of all evils. Mothers are the accomplished with devils’ priests due diligent in satanic sacrifice of honor who mutilates the sex organs of young girls with full expressed active acknowledgment of fathers enslaved by satan. Men must purge social evils from within the depth their hearts, minds and not from the sexual organs of women in fgm operation ruins. Fgm was started by men and they must battle it to a dead end. It is a deeply rooted cultural faith issue they can win overnight. It takes less than two hrs to teach men and women on Biblical perspective of fgm ills to bring it to a dead end. And this is the Lord doing. Can wise knowledgeable youth forgo the pertinent tool of sexual oppression and suppression in fgm held dearly in slavery by dedicated old respected cultural elites?. Middle aged fathers have to come in and break the yoke of satan in fgm slavery curse that is held dearly by the old die hard cultural elites. Many of our parents are still stuck in wilderness of demonic cultures though in institutions of Godly worship. Who will pull out parents stuck in the wilderness of demonic cultures with love and care? Let all Children of Abraham by faith face the full reality of the demands in their faith in God. God bless us all united against this demonic cultural practice called FGM. Some men say when women are sexually crippled, men and women remain faithful but to who? Which men are sexually crippled for women to remain holy? Is the sexual organ of a woman an institution of worship for men? GOD IS HOLLY. Men shouldn’t have defiled faith in God based on crippled sexual organ of a woman. Men should love God with a pure heart. The sexual organs of women are not stays for men to anchor their faith in God. Should a man share a wife with the devil? Fgm is ill tagged as a benefit to a man child by those who perpetuate this demonic sacrifice. Men who view their holiness in God through the mutilated sexual organ of a woman put their faith in God in demonic practices perspectives Fgm prostitution is a satanic prime reward sacrifice more tied to man as the enforcer but he does not bear the physical scaring scars sufferings women go through silently with physiological scars and no Christian should apply it in life. Once fgm is offered as a satanic sacrifice for men ,then they remain the deadly aggressive brutal force against womanhood and humanity at large. Young men become religiously the scaring fire balls of satan in honor against humanities. When finally the devil unleashes social upheavals, the very people in fro front perpetuating satanic fgm usher to the sympathetic pictures of suffering in need of help. Once fgm is offered as a satanic sacrifice for men ,then they remain the deadly aggressive brutal force against womanhood and humanity at large. Young men become religiously the scaring fire balls of satan in honor against humanities. When finally the devil unleashes social upheavals, the very people in fro front perpetuating satanic fgm usher to the sympathetic pictures of suffering in need of help. Fgm was designed to deliver brutal sexual crippling to a girl child from her very womanhood. The liberation struggle against fgm must start with the young men as the deciding factor in fgm eradication and abandonment. Fgm prostitution castration atrocities are dedicated to men which is demonically wrong. Youths have to free themselves from cultural sexual slavery in fgm prostitution banqueted for them by old generation for their none existent spiritual and physical well-being phase out. Fgm prostitution mark parents entrenched in demonic world together with witches and magicians turning the sexual organ of a woman into an institution of satanic honored reverence. Parents must know they shall account before God on satanic sacrifice performed in fgm in the final day of judgment . Fgm prostitution bleeds horrible sorrows and suffering for a woman in her life time. When the mind of the man child is redeemed from the grip of filthy fgm prostitution castration acts and fathers break the deadly terror of silence against the inherent morally disgusting and offensive fgm prostitution castration curse then it will be the natural death of satan seat on womanhood in honor of the dead. . A woman body in Divine state is a natural refresher for the man in trace of his Holy Creator. Men should appreciated they are delivered safely to the world from the womb and should never wage waves of wars of atrocities against womanhood. Men can break the cultural religious zeal in fgm for the dignity of the girl child. Fathers bear the absolute responsibilities in delivering girls to the platform of victory against fgm predicaments. When fathers say no to fgm without seemingly taking the back seat ,young men are automatically on board against fgm.Train men to do away with fgm and there will be no more fgm. Fgm is the chronic moral disorder in a man bonded to satan in fear of divine sexuality of womanhood in culture. Fgm was started by men as a tool of sexual deprivation and suppression in womanhood in war of virgins waged by men who later brought it forward to women to propagate it in inherent zeal unknown before. Where is even the spiritual virginity of girls mutilated by men in martyrdom of womanhood to a bride price? There is no trade without customers. Fgm was a satanic sacrifice done by men and today done for men perceived benefits . Men have traded fgm with satan for sexual supremacy over womanhood for generations immemorial. When men do away with fgm, there will be no more fgm atrocities blood bath. This is the way forward for men who stand in truth and just righteousness who acknowledge and live in purpose of Divine knowledge in Divine wisdom order. The church must delink herself from the satanic sacrifice of fgm in honor of the dead which is an idol to man in womanhood and a curse to a nation. It is quite evident when parents are clothed and cushioned in relative cultural honor in fgm moral slavery siege then they remain ready to sacrifice their daughters in fgm for demonic binding community social acceptance. Fgm culturally conspired historical cultural weapon of plunder and prostitution on womanhood is bound and demonically treasured in cultural respect and honor entrenched without Divine love or natural justice for the girl child Divine Spiritual benefits. For now wisdom desires for deserved understanding, rescue and redemption of parents enslaved in cultural prostitution castration of their daughters in demonic culture of fgm. Let Christian parents know that fgm is a satanic sacrifice with no spiritual physical benefits or Holly honor at all. Fgm remains a monster in the hands of parents caught captive and enslaved in demonic world of fgm culture which the some clergies are not able to handle effectively spiritually. Some religious leaders say that the Bible has not mentioned or condemned fgm which is not true since it is prohibited in a spiritual language (Leviticus19:28-29) and have given lukewarm attitude towards fgm thus giving parents face saving values which helps the perpetuation and legitimizing of the heinous act of fgm carnage among Christians . This is the soft accommodation landing ground for many culturally strong willed parents in fgm without bashing and brushing from the preaching fraternity. When the religious leaders have a firm stand against the mystery of prostitution honor in fgm, it will be the drastic end of sexual disability in fgm brutality among Christians around the world. Fgm satanic sacrifice is entangled in cultural honor and has profound ramifications on womanhood spiritually and physically which is given a walkover by satan. Fgm reveals the state of mind for men in cultural sexual slavery on womanhood. To end fgm is easy, when we face the whole real truth without being clothed in our own social honor but aiming only to gain the uphold of Godly honor. It worked fifteen years ago at night for our community during a burial mourning ceremony when I taught them all concerning ills of fgm at sober reality mood. From that night fgm slavery ended in our community for the glory of God Almighty. Come and be renewed at the throne of grace for Christ is full of love and mercy for your free sanctification and redemption. Let our beloved sisters join brother in Christ in Spiritual circumcision in Christ Jesus Colossians 2:8-12, Roman2:28-29. The cradle of hope in Christ Jesus radiates the inner person in peace who forgives in perfect love and cannot be deformed. Let the abundant love of Christ prevail in your yielding enabling life of righteousness in Christ Jesus. His unfailing love full of grace is sufficient for your triumph future without compromise. The Church is cleansed and perfectly restored for His own glory. Love covers multitudes of sins and weakness . Jehovah God break the yoke of Satan in fgm prostitution castration atrocities at family pillars for the fulfillment of your internal glory. AMEN. GOD OUTLAWED FGM WHICH WAS FORBIDDEN AND WRITTEN IN SPIRITUAL LANGUAGE, Leviticus 19:28-29. The message is freely given purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide.

  57. The Honest Truth says

    I really miss the real good old fashioned women years ago compared to the women of today that are not so nice at all.

  58. The Real Truth Has Been Spoken says

    Well it is certainly real fact that the women in the past really did put these women today to real shame altogether.

  59. tinny says

    sabhi purush ek se nhi hote esi tarah sabhi mahilaye bhi ek si nhi hoti samaj me kuch mahilaye karwachauth ka vrat rakhti hai maang me sindoor bhi lagati hai pr apne pati ko dhokha deti pati chahe kitna bhi unhe uske maikewalo ko samman de pyar de kintu kuch mahilaye apne maikewalo k saath milkar pati ko dhokha dene se baaj nhi aati hai samaj me unki pratishttha doomil karne ka koi mauka nhi chodti hai stri purush jise jaisa anubhav hota hai vah us najariye se adhi duniya ko dekhta hai meri patni apne maikewalo k saath milkar callgirl ka business kar rhi hai ye log lm sabagy k liye kaam karte hai mere virodh karne pr meri patni aur uske maikewale mujhe jaan se marne ki dhamki dete hai police k uchcha adhikaario aur rajnitigyo se sampark k karan police bhi mera saath nhi de rhi hai

  60. And What A Change Today Compared To The Past says

    Well most women years ago really did put these women today to real shame altogether since the women back then which most of them had such a very good personality, much better manors, had much more respect for men, a lot easier to meet, very easy to hold a normal conversation with as well. The women of today are such a very horrible nightmare altogether now since they really think that they’re the greatest thing on this planet since most of them today are so very greedy, selfish, and very spoiled too which is very sad how they turned out to be today especially when they were the very complete opposite of what the women were in those days that were the very best of all.

  61. And That Is The Truth says

    Well i will honestly have to say that the women in the past really did put these women today to real shame altogether.


  1. […] a new set of enlightened revolutionary men is probably needed to save women from the darkness. Shame on women! | No Country for Women Came across this article by Tasleema Nasrin. The reason for me posting this article is that a few […]

  2. […] Shame on women! Even educated women still practice various customs, cultures and traditions that are anti-women. Mangalsutra A woman wears Mangalsutra, a black beads necklace, for her husband’s health and well-being. Would a man wear a Mangalsutra for his wife’s health and well-being? Hell no! Sindoor Married women wear vermilion or Sindoor on the forehead and along the hair parting line. The Sindoor symbolizes the deep respect, devotion and dedication of a Hindu woman to her husband. Would a married man wear Sindoor on his forehead for the same purpose? Hell no! Sankha Pola Loha Married women wear bangles: Sankha, Pola and Loha for husband’s health. Did a man ever wear Sankha, Pola, or Loha for his wife’s health? Hell no! Bhai Phota ‘Bhai Phota’ is performed by women. They fast and put an auspicious mark with sandal wood paste on their brothers’ foreheads, feed them sweets, give them gifts and pray for their health, happiness and prosperity. Is there a system that a man also fast and put an auspicious mark on his sister’s forehead and pray for her health, happiness and prosperity? Hell no! Karwa Chauth People still believe that abstaining from meals, or fasting, can prolong the life of a loved one. Women fast for 24 hours to ensure that their husbands live long lives. Do men do the same for their wives? Hell no! Touching husband’s feet A woman bows her head, touches her husband’s feet, takes the dust from the feet and put them on her head on her wedding day to show her submission to her husband. Would a man ever do this? Hell no! wedding-200×300.jpg Main tere naseeb ki barish nahi Jo tujh pe baras jaon Tujhe taqdeer badalni hogi mujhe panay ke liye….!!!! मैं तेरे नसीब की बारिश नहीं जो तुझ पे बरस जाऊं, तुझे तकदीर बदलनी होगी मुझे पाने के लिए ….!!!! 'میں تیرے نصیب کی بارش نہیں جو تجھ پہ برس جاؤں تجھے تقدیر بدلنی ہوگی مجھے پانے کے لئے "I'm not the rain of your fortune that i'll fall on you.You've to change your fate in order to get me." Reply With Quote […]

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