Great clip of Jon Stewart from 2014

Jon Stewart was a master at political satire and when he retired last year it was by no means because he was losing his touch. Here is a clip from 2014, just a year before he stepped down, that shows the range of comedic skills that he could bring to what he did best, and that was deliver an epic rant excoriating the hypocrisy of politicians and their media enablers.
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Dang! We were this close to proof of heaven

People often ask atheists what it would take for them to believe in the existence of god. I for one can think of an infinite number of things that would persuade me that god exists. When asked I say that if god commandeered all the TV stations in the world to announce that at a particular time the next day s/he would appear in the sky simultaneously all over the world to be seen and heard by everyone and that it indeed happened as promised, that would be pretty conclusive.
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Who would be better to lose, Trump or Cruz?

Tomorrow is the Indiana primary. On the Republican side, the conventional wisdom is that Ted Cruz has to win the primary if he has any chance of stopping Donald Trump from winning a majority of delegates before the convention. Cruz’s Hail Carly pass of naming Fiorina as his running mate is an indication of his desperation. But even if he loses, I do not expect him to concede the race. He will continue to run, hoping to chip away delegates here and there and that somehow a miracle happens and a contested convention turns to him as the savior
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Jimmy Kimmel lets fly at Dennis Hastert

Former speaker of the House of Representatives Dennis Hastert was sentenced to 15 months in prison for bank fraud in that he violated banking laws in order to provide hush money to buy the silence of students he had sexually molested when he was a high school wrestling coach. At his sentencing, he admitted to having molested students and the judge called him a ‘serial child molester’ but the statute of limitations had expired on those charges.
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Demanding too much of dancers

The heavy toll that American football takes on players leading to long-term brain damage has been much in the news recently. It has led to some reforms especially among the younger age groups but not enough. People have been more focused on the bone-crunching tackles by large players in college and professional football while the cumulative effect of many small collisions over a long time has still not been widely recognized.
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The challenge of eating perfectly ethically

I am neither a vegan nor a vegetarian. But I think that vegans definitely have the higher moral ground when it comes to ethical behavior, followed closely by vegetarians since they include all animals in the circle of compassion. But for some reason, some people take aim at them, trying to find areas in which they are not ‘pure’ in their avoidance of animal suffering and using that to accuse them of hypocrisy.
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