The documentarian gained credibility when he predicted early on in 2016, at a time when opinion polls showed Hillary Clinton coasting to victory, that there were serious warning signs that serial sex abuser and convicted felon Donald Trump (SSACFT) would defeat her unless she changed her strategy towards the rust belt states and campaign more aggressively there. She did not and lost. In 2022, he predicted that the so-called ‘red wave’ that opinion polls were predicting that Republicans sweep the mid-term elections at national, state, and local levels would not happen and that Democrats would do very well. That turned out to be accurate too.
He does not pay much attention to horse-race opinion polls as to who people will vote for but does pay attention to surveys of what people care about. That, and somehow having an ear close to the ground, makes him someone who should be listened to.
He is now saying that Democrats have an opportunity to crush Republicans in the coming elections because the majority of voters agree with them on almost all major issues but that they must not make the mistake of alienating their strongest supporters. He makes four points that Harris and the Democrats must pay attention to to prevent their supporters from staying home.
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