Apparently smaller bonuses this year are causing all kinds of angst for the Masters of the Universe on Wall Street.
Schiff, 46, is facing another kind of jam this year: Paid a lower bonus, he said [Read more…]
Apparently smaller bonuses this year are causing all kinds of angst for the Masters of the Universe on Wall Street.
Schiff, 46, is facing another kind of jam this year: Paid a lower bonus, he said [Read more…]
To no one’s surprise, women greatly helped provide Romney with the victory in Michigan. While Romney had only a 1% edge among men in that state, he won the women’s vote by 6%. And this is just among Republican women. [Read more…]
Most scientists know how to fight for acceptance of their ideas within the community of scientists. The rules of the game are fairly well understood. But when it comes to politically charged issues, they tend to be at a loss because they work as individuals and hence do not know how to respond to massive organized attacks, of the kind that they have been under from climate change deniers. The attacks have ranged from explicit and [Read more…]
Republican insiders seem to have suddenly woken up to something that others have been noticing for years, that their party has been taken over by open cranks. Hence it is hardly surprising that the Republican party establishment has begun attacking Rick Santorum in earnest. [Read more…]
It is clear that there are serious vertical inequities in the tax code, in the sense that some people who are in the highest income quintiles, and even some of those in the top 1%, pay federal taxes at a lower rate than those in lower quintiles. Bruce Bartlett shows a [Read more…]
George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley has been following the disturbing trend of countries trying to enact international treaties [Read more…]
Cranking up the crazy way beyond 11
The Republican party primary race has been noticeable for the crazed one-upmanship on display by the candidates, competing with each other to say the most astoundingly absurd things to the point that the whole things seems like some massive performance art project. It is clear that [Read more…]
All of us know that we are all the victims of electronic snooping by the government and business. But even I was unaware of the amount of sophisticated snooping that companies like the department store chain Target do on us. This clip [Read more…]