There is a new tactic being exploited by the anti-vax conspiracy theorists. They seize upon any news item about the ‘sudden death’ of someone (whether that person is a celebrity or not) to pump into action and spread rumors that the death was caused by the covid vaccines.
Results from 6-year-old Anastasia Weaver’s autopsy may take weeks. But online anti-vaccine activists needed only hours after her funeral this week to baselessly blame the COVID-19 vaccine.
A prolific Twitter account posted Anastasia’s name and smiling dance portrait in a tweet with a syringe emoji. A Facebook user messaged her mother, Jessica Day-Weaver, to call her a “murderer” for having her child vaccinated.
In reality, the Ohio kindergartner had experienced lifelong health problems since her premature birth, including epilepsy, asthma and frequent hospitalizations with respiratory viruses. “The doctors haven’t given us any information other than it was due to all of her chronic conditions. … There was never a thought that it could be from the vaccine,” Day-Weaver said of her daughter’s death.
But those facts didn’t matter online, where Anastasia was swiftly added to a growing list of hundreds of children, teens, athletes and celebrities whose unexpected deaths and injuries have been incorrectly blamed on COVID-19 shots. Using the hashtag #diedsuddenly, online conspiracy theorists have flooded social media with news reports, obituaries and GoFundMe pages in recent months, leaving grieving families to wrestle with the lies.
…The use of “died suddenly” — or a misspelled version of it — has surged more than 740% in tweets about vaccines over the past two months compared with the two previous months, the media intelligence firm Zignal Labs found in an analysis conducted for The Associated Press. The phrase’s explosion began with the late November debut of an online “documentary” by the same name, giving power to what experts say is a new and damaging shorthand.
…The “Died Suddenly” film features a montage of headlines found on Google to falsely suggest they prove that sudden deaths have “never happened like this until now.” The film has amassed more than 20 million views on an alternative video sharing website, and its companion Twitter account posts about more deaths and injuries daily.
This is despicable. The death of a loved one is already hard for people to deal with, especially when it is sudden and the person is young. To add to their grief by spreading falsehoods about them is unconscionable.
Brought to you by the same people who say school shootings are false flag operations and that the survivors are crisis actors. We are truly in a post-truth era.
Why aren’t these accounts and filmmakers named?
It’s time for a Twitter vaxtivist group to organize a #DyedSuddenly campaign against these fools. Just post a response tweet saying, “Sudden hair color change caused by these anti-vax tweets, just look back through their previous posts to see the evidence.” Of course, it doesn’t even have to be true because parodies rule Twitter.
These are the same people who kept saying car accidents were being tabulated as Covid deaths to artificially inflate the numbers.
There’s probably a good cross section that are also the same people who coined “sudden onset gender dysphoria” because they don’t understand what “coming out of the closet” means. Everything is “sudden” if you weren’t aware of any issues that were hidden from you before.
There is an awful anti-vaxxer “documentary” out there titled “Died Suddenly”
“God Awful Movies” promptly reacted with one of their comedy review podcasts at Youtube. Recommended.
(“GAM382Dxxx Suddenly”)
The anti-vaxxers in question are people who do not know what post-mortem bloodclots are, and they think they are some kind of worms created by the vaccines!
You would not believe me if I wrote down the BS they believe in, so here is a link to the review podcast. As dead bodies feature, beware if this might gross you out.
Matt G @ 1
The utterly ignorant are now encouraged to come out and trumpet their conspiracy theories to the world, setting up echo chambers on social media.
Vultures like Sean Hannity and Alex Jones are happy to fan the flames for economic gain.
There is both a political and a profit motive for spreading this drivel far and wide.
Unfortunately it is not specific to vaccine rejection. I have seen the same framing used by critics of Putin any time a critic of his dies.
#2 Rob
Also “an alternative video sharing website” -- why so coy?
“How ‘died suddenly’ has been exploited by anti-vax ghouls”
Since it was revealed that most Twitter accounts are bots account, working in the interests of the criminal establishment, the first thing one should assume then that this type of inflammatory divisive rhetoric and narrative (“How ‘died suddenly’ has been exploited by anti-vax ghouls”) is just another manipulative tactic of the slime establishment and its trolls to regain the trust of an ever increasing number of people who can see empirically (eg relatives/friends dropping dead suddenly after Covid jabs) that something’s horribly wrong, and to further FALSELY slander the sane folks (eg vax skeptics) who know the leading individuals are complete criminals.
Perhaps the deeper question one should ask is WHY did it come to this terrible point in time, how did we end up here at this most fraudulent criminal state of affairs? Because the recognition of the underlying cause(s) would be instructive in terms of HOW we should tackle it to manifest real change.
A coherent theory of how we got to this dismal point has been proposed, see “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” at
“Separate what you know from what you THINK you know.” — Unknown
…people who can see empirically (eg relatives/friends dropping dead suddenly after Covid jabs) that something’s horribly wrong…
Citations and evidence required.
Since it was revealed that most Twitter accounts are bots account…
“Most?” When was that “revealed?” Again, citations and evidence required.
Those who imply “sudden death” to covid vaccines are doing a service to science; they are provoking debates which are essential to science.
People make some observations and come up with a hypothesis: sudden deaths of young people are caused by Covid vaccines.
Has the above hypothesis been proven true? No. Has the above hypothesis been proven false? No.
Poeple who dismiss the above hypothesis by “hand waving” are just lazy.
Fact remains that young vaccinated people have died “suddenly”. The number is low but then covid mortality rate for 5 to 18 yrs old is very low.
CDC (Jan 17 2021) IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) estimates:
Age Group
0 -- 4 Years 0.02 %
5 -- 17 Years 0.01 %
18 -- 29 Years 0.04 %
30 -- 39 Years 0.12 %
40 -- 49 Years 0.31 %
50 -- 64 Years 1.13 %
65 -- 74 Years 4.37 %
75 -- 84 Years 10.83 %
85+ Years 21.19 %
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results for covid-19 vaccines.
So far a total of 931,816 total events which includes ER visits, Hospital stays, Deaths, Doctor Office visits, etc.; that includes 16,717 deaths.
270 USA deaths post-vaccination for 0-29 age-group; 8500 USA Covid deaths for 0-29 age-group.
Most people who died of Covid had also a lot of pre-existing medical problems. So how many deaths due to covid. A good estimate (and it is just an estimate) is via excess deaths.
Before Covid, annual deaths in the USA = 2.7 Million; # USA deaths Mar2020-Feb2021 = 3.1 Million; Excess deaths = deaths by Covid = 3.1M -2.7M = 0.4M deaths.
Mr Singham is apparently retired so he has time on his hands. He can find out first the annual mortality of americans 5 to 18 yrs old pre-Covid, second the annual mortality of vaccinated americans 5 to 18 yrs old in 2022CY. Excess death analysis along these lines.
Science is not for the weak. Science is not for the timid. Science is not for the faint of heart. Science is not for the inpatient.
You are referencing two completely different reporting methodologies but treating them as if they were the same. Do you understand the statistics you just quoted? From the VAERS website ‘about’ tab:
The entire thing is informative, but notice the passages I bolded in particular. VAERS statistics are simply any death or emergency event that a) followed someone’s vaccination, and b) someone thought worth reporting to VAERS. They are not, repeat, they are NOT definitively linked to the vaccine, they are simply a medical event that was reported just in case.
Contrastingly, cause of death reporting is not left so open. If no cause is known and no inquest is made, it is recorded as unknown; those deaths that are recorded as having a known or probable cause are reported that way because the particulars of the death have been evaluated and a conclusion has been reached. If a person has multiple health conditions which might be the cause, the most likely will be recorded as the death -- which means some people dying with covid (and other conditions) will be recorded as a death due to covid, while others will be recorded as a death to one of the other things.
So when you ask “Most people who died of Covid had also a lot of pre-existing medical problems. So how many deaths due to covid?” the answer is: all of them, at least in the professional opinion of those who reviewed the circumstances of the death.
Patronising fool.
Those who imply “sudden death” to covid vaccines are doing a service to science; they are provoking debates which are essential to science.
No, dumbass, knowingly spreading lies, disinformation and hate is not a “service to science,” nor is it a service to people who need good information to make important decisions. Such sewage doesn’t “provoke” debate, it merely poisons it and shouts down measured and mature voices, and keeps on recycling claims that have already been debated and debunked.
Fact remains that young vaccinated people have died “suddenly”. The number is low…
Citations and evidence required. But thanks for admitting that all those claims of people dying from vaccines all over the place are, at best, wildly exaggerated.
…but then covid mortality rate for 5 to 18 yrs old is very low.
In other words, you’re just another anti-rationalist idiot trying to minimize the reality of COVID and totally ignoring the toll of non-fatal “long COVID.”
Most people who died of Covid had also a lot of pre-existing medical problems.
Sure, just like Heather Heyer didn’t really die from being run over by a violent nazi, she died of a heart condition CAUSED by being run over by a violent nazi. IF someone has medical conditions that would kill them soon, and they died even sooner because of COVID, then yes, COVID caused that person’s death. Take your obvious blame-shifting and shove it back where it came from. You’re not fooling anyone here, except maybe yourself.
Science is not for the ignorant. Science is not for the uncaring. Science is not for the dishonest. Science is not for bigots.