I had not realized until today that each year on this day Star Wars geeks take advantage of this pun to find yet another occasion to celebrate the film. Today’s cartoon makes more sense to me now.
Nope. Sorry, but for me, May 4th will always be the anniversary of the Kent State shootings in 1970.
“Tin soldiers and Nixon coming…”
jimf is right, of course, but the counterculture has always been about protest AND fun. May the Fourth be with you AND may Samuel Alito get boils on his balls!
AFAIK this dates back to 1979. The UK general election on May 3rd was won by evil witch Margaret Thatcher. The Sun newspaper greeted the news with the headline of the OP.
Perhaps one may be forgiven for pointing out the analogy is a little unfortunate.
May the Force be with you.
Nope. Sorry, but for me, May 4th will always be the anniversary of the Kent State shootings in 1970.
“Tin soldiers and Nixon coming…”
jimf is right, of course, but the counterculture has always been about protest AND fun. May the Fourth be with you AND may Samuel Alito get boils on his balls!
AFAIK this dates back to 1979. The UK general election on May 3rd was won by evil witch Margaret Thatcher. The Sun newspaper greeted the news with the headline of the OP.
Perhaps one may be forgiven for pointing out the analogy is a little unfortunate.
“Guided by the disembodied voice of Obi-Wan’s spirit, Luke uses the Force to aim his torpedoes into the exhaust port”
The highly entertaining stardestroyer.net estimates that the torpedos executed a 72,000g turn on entry into the exhaust port.
Better not make such jokes in May in The Netherlands.