The US postal service is a treasure that must be saved

John Oliver has another excellent show, this time explaining clearly why the postal service is in financial trouble because of burdensome restrictions imposed on it, Trump’s lies about it, and why it must be saved.

The postal service has almost always had a postmaster-general from within the institution. The current outgoing person is a 32-year veteran of the service who started her career as a letter carrier. You will not be surprised that Trump is going to appoint a financial donor to the Republicans to replace her, so clearly he is going to be a Trump stooge who will do what he wants. The position does not require senate confirmation.

Although Trump seems to be determined to kill the postal service and there are many Republicans who want to privatize it to benefit business interests, one wonders if when push comes to shove they will actually go through with it since it will have the worst negative impacts on those remote, rural areas that have tended to support Republicans.


  1. johnson catman says

    The current outgoing person is a 32-year old veteran of the service who started her career as a letter carrier.

    I think you have one word too many in the description: old.

  2. publicola says

    Mano, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for finding and posting this video!! This is the first time I have seen a true and complete explanation of the P.O.’s problems in any public forum. As a retired letter carrier of 34 yrs., I know first-hand how important USPS is to the fabric of American life. Not only do we deliver vital medicine, documents and goods to every house every day, but letter carriers routinely save lives while on the job because of their diligence and caring. The USPS is routinely recognized by the public as the most trusted Federal agency in annual polls. Yet workers are routinely subjected to intense pressure and even harassment from managers trying to “make the numbers”. It is a very difficult and stressful job, and still it’s done every day by a dedicated and professional workforce. I would urge all readers to please write your Congressperson and tell them to support the Postal Service before it disappears into the black hole that is Donald Trump.

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