I came across this moving and yet funny eulogy given by comedian Billy Crystal at the funeral of Muhammad Ali that I thought worth sharing. I hadn’t known that they were so close for so long.
Sadly, when I talk to my students, they know the name the same way they know Martin and Malcolm; people who get talked about in February each year, but his greatness has already terribly faded.
There is a truth in that, fame is fleeting and memories are short.
For those who (like me) can’t do videos, here is a link I found to a transcript:
Thank you for this.
Sadly, when I talk to my students, they know the name the same way they know Martin and Malcolm; people who get talked about in February each year, but his greatness has already terribly faded.
There is a truth in that, fame is fleeting and memories are short.
For those who (like me) can’t do videos, here is a link I found to a transcript: