In that great comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, Calvin is always imagining himself in heroic exploits that showcase his genius and where he vanquishes all who dare challenge him. That reminds cartoonist Reuben Bolling of someone …
Giggles… ‘cept, unlike Calvin, hair furor doesn’t use complete thoughts or sentences. For instance, the second strip in the OP would perhaps be something like:
TRUMP rex walks covfebiggly!
admired by all unpresidented!!
smartest ever genius all time!
Giggles… ‘cept, unlike Calvin, hair furor doesn’t use complete thoughts or sentences. For instance, the second strip in the OP would perhaps be something like:
TRUMP rex walks covfebiggly!
admired by all unpresidented!!
smartest ever genius all time!
And that TrumpRex is Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!