New Moore accuser steps forward

As is often the case, it takes just one person to publicly come forward with their story about being abused by powerful people to open the floodgates because other people, realizing that they are not alone, feel emboldened to tell their own stories. It seems like a day doesn’t pass without someone new coming forward to say that former president George H. W. Bush is a disgusting lecher who groped her. And another woman Beverly Young Nelson has now come forward to accuse Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore of assaulting her, both sexually and otherwise, when she was just 16, after he had offered her a ride home from her job as a waitress.

She said Moore, then in his 30s, was a regular at the restaurant and often complimented her on her looks and would sometimes touch her long hair as she walked past his seat at the counter. One day, Moore offered Nelson a ride home after her shift ended at 10 pm.

Nelson accepted the offer and said that he drove around to the back of the restaurant and assaulted her in his car in a dark corner of the parking lot.

“Instead of driving to the street, he stopped the car and he parked his car in between the dumpster in the back of the restaurant where there were no lines. The area was dark and it was deserted. I was alarmed and I immediately asked him what he was doing,” Nelson recounted in a press conference with her attorney on Monday afternoon.

“Instead of answering my question, Mr. Moore reached over and began groping me, putting his hands on my breasts. I tried to open my car door to leave but he reached over and locked it so I could not get out,” Nelson continued. “I tried to fight him off and yelled at him to stop, but instead of stopping he started squeezing my neck attempting to force my head onto his crotch.”

Nelson said she feared Moore was going to try to rape her and she began crying as he assaulted her.

“I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him,” Nelson said. “I was terrified. I thought he was going to rape me. At some point, he gave up and he looked at me and he told me, ‘You’re just a child,’ and he said, ‘I am the District Attorney and if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you.'”

Nelson recounted that after this she either fell out of the car or he pushed her out, driving away as she lay on the ground of the parking lot.

“The passenger door was still open as he burned rubber pulling away as he left me laying there on the cold concrete,” she said.

At a press conference, Nelson said that she had told a few people about this at various times in the past.

Nelson says she had bruises after but covered them with makeup to hide them. Nelson says she told her sister two weeks later. Nelson says she also told her mother about four years ago, and told her husband before they got married.

Nelson says that she and her husband voted for Trump in 2016 and that politics had nothing to do with her decision to go public. She is a businesswoman still living in Alabama so she is going to get a lot of hate from the religious who will double down on their support for their Jesus-like hero. What we have learned is that there is no rock bottom for the party members when it comes to moral and ethical standards. All you have to do is pretend that you are religious, oppose abortion and gay rights, and then you can do pretty much anything and still keep their support.


  1. deepak shetty says

    Nelson says that she and her husband voted for Trump in 2016 and that politics had nothing to do with her decision to go public.

    And this person has no qualms voting for Trump ,who himself was similarly accused? What a world we are living in.

  2. sonofrojblake says

    Nelson says that she and her husband voted for Trump

    Turkeys voting for Christmas. Headline news, some of the US electorate are dumb as a box of rocks. Page 2 Pope Catholic, Page 3, toilet location preferences of family Ursidae.

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