A nobleman went up to the Zen Master Hakuin and asked him “What happens to the enlightened man at death?”
“Why ask me?” said Hakuin.
“Because you’re a Zen master.”
“Yes, but not a dead one.”
A nobleman went up to the Zen Master Hakuin and asked him “What happens to the enlightened man at death?”
“Why ask me?” said Hakuin.
“Because you’re a Zen master.”
“Yes, but not a dead one.”
mnb0 says
I like this one better.
A young man went to a Zen master and asked if he could become his pupil. The Zen master accepted him.
Full of high expectations and anticipating profound wisdoms the young man, after a day of hard thinking, dared to ask the Zen master a question. In response the Zen master hit the pupil on his head with a stick.
The next time the pupil though two days of a better question. The same happened: the Zen master hit him with his stick.
That went on for a few weeks, until the pupil had enough. In anger he shouted: “You’re not a Zen master, you’re full of shit! From now on I’ll try to find the answers myself!”
The Zen master answered: “Finally you have learned my lesson.”
grasshopper says
From The Profit, by Kehlog Albran
northstar says
What did the Dalai Lama ask of the hotdog vendor?
Make me One with everything.
My favorite joke.
sonofrojblake says
So the hotdog vendor made him one with everything, and said “That’ll be $3.99”. And the Dalai Lama gave him a twenty, and lo, the hotdog vendor did put the twenty in his pocket, and move on to the next customer.
And the Dalai Lama did say “Hey, what about my change?”
And the hotdog vendor said…
“Change comes from within.”
Ay theng yo.