Candidate favorability by gender

Jon Schwarz discusses the differences between how men and women view the remaining candidates. Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz all have net unfavorability ratings among both men and women. There seems to be no gender difference with Cruz in that men and women dislike him equally but women dislike Trump a lot more than men do, while men dislike Clinton a lot more than women do.

He provides this interesting graphic.

gender gaps

Interestingly Bernie Sanders is the only one who has positive ratings, and that is among both men and women. I think this is because people sense that, unlike the others, he is authentic and as Matt Taibbi (who has covered Sanders for a ling time) says, he is a ‘pathologically decent’ person and that shines through his gruff and brusque demeanor. Few would think of applying that description to any of the other candidates.


  1. anat says

    I think many women dislike Trump because he reminds them of men they had negative interactions with in real life, and they expect him to treat women collectively just as badly as the various misogynists they knew, only with more power and therefore worse effects.

    I notice Kasich wasn’t included, though he is still running.

  2. lorn says

    Of course Bernie is still shiny, he hasn’t been chewed on yet.

    HIllary has been attacked for forty years by a well financed and determined cottage industry of liars, story tellers, mud slingers, and rat fuckers. There are people who have made their entire careers attacking the Clintons. If they didn’t have the Clintons talk radio would be silent half the time.

    The key here is to see how well she has held up and maintained her dignity in the face of the attack. And realize that Bernie has never had the big guns leveled at him. In that context Bernie doesn’t really seem to be looked on all that favorably and Hillary doesn’t seem to have suffered anywhere near as much as might otherwise be expected after a massively well financed program of character assassination that has been underway for forty years.

  3. doublereed says

    lol Hillary is everything people hate about politics. Will say anything to get elected, talks out of both sides of her mouth, supports right-wing policies whenever she can against the public interest, and takes massive corporate campaign contributions but pretends as if she has integrity.

    Like most politicians right now, she has no principles, and she hasn’t made any sort of positive case for her campaign. What does she actually want to fix for the American people? People say she will be effective, but at what? Her student debt plan is a band-aid, she’s made it clear she doesn’t want to prosecute/regulate the banks, she seems perfectly willing to go to unnecessary wars. The main thing she has going for her is that the republicans are a bunch of hideous barbarians.

    Saying that Hillary Clinton is the most honest of them all besides Bernie Sanders is frankly obvious, but more importantly, it’s really not saying much at all. Hell, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are basically pathological liars.

  4. Marshall says

    One thing I find interesting is how people in general skew these results is to take the interpretation that “it’s not that men are sexist and dislike Hillary, it’s that women are blindly supporting a female.” This itself is a pretty sexist interpretation in my opinion. There are obviously people who fall into both camps, but to say that Hillary’s greater support among women is due to the women’s irrationality, rather than the men’s, is what is sexist here.

  5. Holms says

    Only two ‘pants on fire’ lies, to Bernie’s zero! Nice find.

    Selective statistics aside, I would echo doublereed in that she has only bothered shifting left recently because recent polls showed it would be well recieved.

  6. StevoR says

    @5. doublereed :

    lol Hillary is everything people hate about politics. Will say anything to get elected, talks out of both sides of her mouth, supports right-wing policies whenever she can against the public interest, and takes massive corporate campaign contributions but pretends as if she has integrity. Like most politicians right now, she has no principles, and she hasn’t made any sort of positive case for her campaign.

    Well I disagree and think you are erroneous on this and are being biased and unfair against her here. Ever thought that maybe you weren’t giving her a fair go?

    Given the primary results with Hillary Clinton winning most states and most support from most Democrats :,_2016#Caucuses_and_primaries

    it looks like a lot of others also agree with me more than they do with you. She’s just won Arizona today too.

    What does she actually want to fix for the American people?

    Hmm .. Gee I wonder if only Hillary Clinton had y’know said a few things about what she wants to fix and maybe put them in her speeches and on a website somewhere where you could look at and judge for yourself :

    Gun violence prevention : It is past time we act on gun violence.

    Health care : Affordable health care is a basic human right.

    Racial justice : America’s long struggle with race is far from finished.

    Paid leave : It’s time to guarantee paid family and medical leave in America.

    K–12 education : A world-class education for every child in every community.

    Labor : When unions are strong, America is strong.

    LGBT equality : Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans deserve to live their lives free from discrimination.

    Plus there’s plenty more .. Geez how hard is it to look at stuff like that? (If you don’t believe it or her then you need to explain why and with evidence and logic please!)

    PS. Breaking(~ish?) news here :

    Jeb has endorsed Ted Cruz for POTUS.

  7. StevoR says

    PPS. Couple of other things -- yes, Hillary Clinton has changed her mind on some things -- and she’s said so and why honestly and well. I think this is to her credit rather than something anyone should be ashamed of and makes her a more reasonable, flexible and thoughtful person than some one whose views have never changed with experience or further reflection or new facts. As somebody famous (Oscar Wilde? Mark Twain? Ambrose Bierce?) once said “When the facts change sir, I change my opinion to match,what do you do?” Or suchlike. Quoting from tired, fallible memory before going to bed with an early start tomorrow.

    Secondly, tangentially, “talks out of both sides of her mouth”, yegods that’s a weird figure of speech! How many sides do mouths have? You can’t exactly talk from the back of your head and left /right/ up / down all of one’s mouth is required for any mouth to speak, its just an odd phrase.

    Finally, I love this story (& think its likely at least got a grain or five of truth to it) about Hillary Clinton as a young girl wishing to become an astronaut :

    with all it implies about her character and dreams and belief in science and space exploration. It does say something about her vision for the future and it being a positive one and think its one of many indications of why she’ll be a great President for NASA and science and the world.

  8. doublereed says

    @8 StevoR


    Biased and unfair? Are you joking? Let’s go through some things, shall we.

    Gun violence prevention : It is past time we act on gun violence.

    Considering she just met with a former NRA lobbyist, her sincerity is questioned here. However, I recognize she does have a good record on guns.

    Health care : Affordable health care is a basic human right.

    Most of her talk on this is simply expanding the corporate system we have now. We should demand single-payer, something that Hillary can’t even support due to her blatant corporatism.

    Racial justice : America’s long struggle with race is far from finished.

    Oh my god are you serious? Clinton. The woman who talked about “superpredators” and condescending dismissed a BlackLivesMatter activist who asked her about her role in mass incarceration? This is the woman you think will support criminal justice reform? FFS, For-profit prisons are on her payroll.

    Paid leave : It’s time to guarantee paid family and medical leave in America.

    K–12 education : A world-class education for every child in every community.

    Sounds good to me.

    Labor : When unions are strong, America is strong.

    It should be pointed out that she barely advocates anything here except the status quo.

    LGBT equality : Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans deserve to live their lives free from discrimination.

    This comes from someone who decided to be in favor of gay marriage in 2014, far after Sanders and even Obama. She is not a leader for LGBT rights by any measure and has undermined their rights on so many occasions.

    Okay, so that’s what you pointed out. Are these the big issues facing America right now? What about income Inequality? I see she has a Campaign Finance Reform on her site but it pretty much only attacks Citizen’s United, when the problem is far more severe than that. Of course, this comes from a candidate who has been insisting that all her campaign donations doesn’t corrupt her at all. No, she may overturn Citizen United, but there’s no way she’ll even bother to address the major corruption issues in our politics right now. She loves that system and it has made her fabulously wealthy and powerful.

    Her claims that she would regulate Wall Street is obvious bullshit. Maybe you buy it, but frankly that just makes you a sucker.

    I have no problem with a politician changing her mind. I have a problem with a politician changing her mind whether she’s running a general election or a primary campaign. I have a problem with a politician changing her mind based on her wealthy donors.

    What, do you think all these corporations give her all these donations our of the goodness of their hearts? It’s an investment. And with the Clintons, it’s a really, really good investment.

  9. doublereed says

    Given the primary results with Hillary Clinton winning most states and most support from most Democrats :

    it looks like a lot of others also agree with me more than they do with you. She’s just won Arizona today too.

    What, is this some bizarre bandwagon bragging or something? Sanders got more delegates because he won Utah and Idaho by such an overwhelming amount. But that’s horserace stuff, not principles. Even if Sanders loses, that doesn’t mean Hillary Clinton is any less corrupt.

    The reality is that Clinton’s policies are band-aids or the status-quo at best. She doesn’t want change, and mostly campaigns on “defending” things. I’m sick of democrats on the defense. She’s essentially campaigning as 8 more years of center-right Obama. If you love the political system we have now, then she’s great and fine. If you think politics is an open auction of corrupt oligarchs, then Clinton is incredibly hard to stomach.

  10. StevoR says

    @ ^ doublereed : But are Cruz, Trump or Kasich better?

    Does Bernie Sanders really have any realistic chance?

    We live in the world we live in. And I really don’t think Hillary is that bad, I admire and repsect her and thinks she’s a good person. Don’t you?

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