20th anniversary of this blog

Today marks the 20th anniversary of my blogging. I started in 2005 but that was on the platform created by my university to encourage people to start using this new method for disseminating their opinions and research. The support people there helped and encouraged me as I tentatively started doing it. At that time, blogging was considered not quite respectable and some academics shied away from using it or blogged under pseudonyms so that their peers would not look. down on them.

That view has definitely changed dramatically over the last twenty years.

I switched over to this site on FreeThoughtBlogs in 2012.

Blogging takes time away from other things but it has its own rewards. I get a lot of useful tips and information from commenters and as well as in private communications. The blog also serves as a useful repository of data for me. Often, when I am thinking of something, I recall that I blogged about it before and can search easily on the site and get back all the data and links that I had used without having to scour the internet again.

It also allows me to think ideas through while they are still unformed and thus refine them. One of my books God vs. Darwin grew out of an extended series of blog posts and some of ideas in my last book The Great Paradox of Science first got aired here.

So thanks for reading!


  1. seachange says

    Congratulations, and huzzah! I have enjoyed reading your posts here.

    The battery fire is getting more press, it seems north of you? I hope you and yours are okay.

  2. antaresrichard says

    Congratulations to you!
    Today, I’m marking an event that occurred thirty years earlier.
    “And there was much rejoicing…”


  3. Mano Singham says

    seachange @#1,

    The battery fire is north of here and not close to where I live. Thanks for asking.

  4. billseymour says

    And thank you for writing, Mano.  Your blog is one that I check out at least daily.

    Also, this baseball fan would like to learn more about cricket. 😎

  5. outis says

    Happy twentieth! Seems a long time ago that those new-fangled thingies called “blogs” were all the rage…
    Thank you for providing a place for reasoned discussion.

  6. mikey says

    I followed PZ and Ed (RIP) here from Scienceblogs, and you quickly became my favorite blogger. Thanks so much for sharing the fruits of your remarkable brain with such kindness and humanity.

  7. Holms says

    I switched over to this site on FreeThoughtBlogs in 2012.

    And I’m glad you did, as you immediately became a fixture in my reading line-up.

  8. Deepak Shetty says

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!. I think i have been around from the FTB days .

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