Good news! Cleveland Indians eliminated from playoff contention

Yesterday the Cleveland Indians lost to the Minnesota Twins and were eliminated from contention in the baseball playoffs. This is great news because as long time readers know, I utterly detest their racist Chief Wahoo mascot and as long as they retain it, I hope they lose badly year after year.

I had hoped that they would end the season having the worst record in major league baseball or failing that the worst record in the American League or failing that the worst record in their division. Although their poor performance in the first part of the season made that a distinct possibility, an unfortunate successful streak in the middle of the season made them contenders for the playoffs and it was only near the very end that they were eliminated.

But perhaps that is just as well. Getting so close and having the cup dashed from their lips just as they were about to taste success may be better than having no hope at all.

So here’s hoping for another losing season next year. Unless of course they abandon Chief Wahoo.


  1. DonDueed says

    I grew up as an Indians fan, way back when (Rocky Colavito? Luis Tiant in his youth? Beuller? Beuller?) In those days I never really thought about the mascot.

    Now, though, I have to agree, Chief Wahoo has to go. It’s as offensive an image as some of the old cartoons from the 30s and 40s. It’s worse in some ways than the name of the Washington football team.

    Another “tradition” I really dislike is the “war chant” used by the Atlanta Braves fans (and a college football team, Florida State I think). Even worse is the pathetic “tomahawk chop” that accompanies the chant. Ugh (pun intended, sorry).

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