Rick Santorum, film mogul

Rick Santorum is one of the most overtly religious, anti-gay politicians around. He will undoubtedly run for the presidency in 2016 but right now has started a film company to make Christian-themed films and they have just released their first one. Titled The Christmas Candle, it has angels and miracles, apparently, which seems hardly original.

Santorum was interviewed by Stephen Colbert about same-sex marriage and his film.

The Colbert Report
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(This clip aired on November 19, 2013. To get suggestions on how to view clips of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report outside the US, please see this earlier post. If the videos autoplay, please see here for a diagnosis and possible solutions.)


  1. says

    No, I’m pretty sure Prof. Singham was born outside the US, and would thus be ineligible, unless I’m mistaken and one of his parents was a US citizen at the time.

    Reckon he’d do a pretty decent job of it, though, not least because I don’t doubt he doesn’t want the position at all. Anyone who wants to be President is inherently inappropriate to actually do so. As so often is the case, Douglas Adams was 100% accurate on that one.

  2. wilsim says

    Fucker said something like ‘the institution of marriage is about one man and one woman coming together to have and raise children together’ and then later something along the lines of ‘every child has the right to both biological parents’.

    I wonder if he realizes that homosexuals have children, and most speed kids most definitely do not have a right to their biological parents.

    Ugh, I can’t stand that disgusting man.

  3. wilsim says

    Adopted* kids. Silly android autocorrect.

    Excuse the harsh language in the last post. I despise that cretin.

  4. colnago80 says

    Santorum’s wife is as screwy as he is. She shacked up for 12 years with the physician who delivered her.

    Santorum is a total hypocrite on abortion. He opposes abortion for any reason, including the health of the putative mother. Yet when his wife developed complications in her 6th month of pregnancy that were life threatening, he had no problem with okaying the use of mifepristone, an abortion inducing drug to abort the fetus that was not viable. Do as I say, not as I do.

  5. StevoR : Free West Papua, free Tibet, let the Chagossians return! says

    Santorum ..

    ..will undoubtedly run for the presidency in 2016

    Even if the Tea Party by then are incredibly out of favour; things have shifted so far that even the Republicans are running fairly moderate, centrist and sane candidates and, quite likely, there’s no longer much financial support for the Tea Party Extremists? I hope and feel that’s probably going to be the case.

    I think the political and cultural momentum has already shifted and 2016 is still a long time away.

    If Santorum does run then, I expect and hope that he won’t be at all popular and will be eliminated very early in the process. Surely that’s more likely than the alternative?

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