Did you know that men and women are being treated equally when it comes to setting premiums for the health care plans under the Affordable Care Act? Yes, that is the awful injustice being perpetrated on us that has some members of the right wing in an uproar.
Stephen Colbert understands their pain.
(This clip aired on November 4, 2013. To get suggestions on how to view clips of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report outside the US, please see this earlier post.)
Across all plans, across women’s plans, is everybody funding prostate care? Mammograms? Pap smears? Condoms? Women’s wellness? Erectile dysfunction and treatment? Estrogen replacement? Male testosterone replacement? Vasectomies?
If you told me that the NPV of everyone’s payment stream across the US was identical and they were only choosing between deductible and monthly payment, yeah, I can see that everyone should be okay with paying for everything.
But the instant you or Obama decide that it’s asymmetric, and all men, single men, old men, married gay men and menopausal women should pay for maternity care but not that all women should pay for men’s wellness and sexual wellbeing, then yeah, up yours, and up Obama’s.
The personal is political as the feminists say, and if Obamacare does not want to treat men’s wellness and sexual well being the same as women’s to hell with Obama for being an idiot on yet another front and not realizing what he was leaving himself open to.
Fair is fair, and sharp comedy is blunted by bearding the unfair.
Who said anything about denying men medical care? The argument is that many people are arguing against giving women medical care if the cost is to be split equally among all customers. Did you forget to link to an article evidencing that hypothetical?
And erectile dysfunction, while regrettable and something I certainly think is a serious medical condition, is not the same as maternity care. Maternity care is already provided under Medicare because the health and well being of a child is at stake and the medical care to give that baby the best shot is rather expensive. Maternity care is not about “sexual well-being” and it is every bit to the benefit of the father as it is to the mother. But yes, if the medical plan is expected to provide estrogen replacement, it ought to provide testosterone replacement. But again, I haven’t read or heard any argument against any sort of men’s health issue not being covered, so it’s sort of a moot point.
Which, by the way, is where I’m confused by the remarks on Fox. They don’t think men have babies? Where do they think babies come from? “Hey, I did my 30 seconds worth of work and now you want me to pay for the doctor, too? This is so unfair!”
Please leave the comedy to professionals. Sure, it sounds like the rantings of a Tea Party idiot, but that’s the problem: It just sounds like ranting, because there are people out there who actually say that stuff. You have to say something that is actually true, but in such a way that the meaning completely undermines the rant. Study what Colbert does to see how that works.
Unless you were serious. In which case, apt handle.
That was factually inaccurate. Ticks are not insects. They are arachnids.