We need more reporters like AP’s Matt Lee

If you needed more evidence of the blatant double standards and hypocrisy practiced by the US government when it comes to dealing with Israel compared to countries that it does not like, this exchange between Associated Press reporter Matt Lee and State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland should settle any doubts.

They don’t even bother to pretend any more.


  1. slc1 says

    Well, I find myself in complete agreement with Prof. Singham in this regard for the first time in history. Here’s the question that Mr. Lee asked the State Department spokesman relative to a speech given by US Undersecretary of State Maria Otero to a conference in Spain on victims of terrorism:

    Anyway, in it she goes through – this is a conference about victims of terrorism. And I’m curious to know why she doesn’t mention Israel or Israelis in her comments talking about victims of terrorism. Does the Administration believe that Israel and Israelis specifically have been victims of terrorism?

    A very good question indeed!

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