In an article titled Why evangelicals hate Jesus, Phil Zuckerman says:
White Evangelical Christians are the group least likely to support politicians or policies that reflect the actual teachings of Jesus. It is perhaps one of the strangest, most dumb-founding ironies in contemporary American culture. Evangelical Christians, who most fiercely proclaim to have a personal relationship with Christ, who most confidently declare their belief that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, who go to church on a regular basis, pray daily, listen to Christian music, and place God and His Only Begotten Son at the center of their lives, are simultaneously the very people most likely to reject his teachings and despise his radical message.
It figures that this opinion was presented by the Huffington Post, as though they have a true understanding of the teachings of Jesus!
They would consider the saying — I am the way, the truth, and the life [John 14:6], as being intolerant!
When you’re poorly educated and have deliberately stunted critical thinking skills then just about anything with the right buzzwords sounds logical.