One positive sign about the impact of the rise of atheism is that pope Ratzinger feels the need to constantly warn against it on his travels. After doing so in England, he has felt obliged to do so in Spain as well, saying, “The clash between faith and modernity is happening again, and it is very strong today.” I love the fact that uses the word ‘modernity’ to contrast to faith, thus reinforcing the idea that religious faith is a medieval relic.
Spain is a country in which 73% identify themselves as Catholic although only about 14% attend mass regularly, has a socialist government that has pushed through some reforms such as ending obligatory religious education in state schools and legalizing abortion, divorce, and gay marriage.
One positive sign about the impact of the rise of atheism is that pope Ratzinger feels the need to constantly warn against it on his travels. After doing so in England, he has felt obliged to do so in Spain as well, saying, “The clash between faith and modernity is happening again, and it is very strong today.” I love the fact that uses the word ‘modernity’ to contrast to faith, thus reinforcing the idea that religious faith is a medieval relic.
I also love the fact that the guy repeating this tripe has made a career of shielding child molesters. How any decent person can continue to identify as a Catholic is beyond me.
The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church.
Do you expect the CEO of Apple to say that you should buy a Microsoft product? Why are you surprised that the CEO of the Catholic Church supports and encourages the elements of the Church he runs?