I went for a walk this morning. I see that we’re in that transitional phase between deep summer and inescapable Fall. We’re not quite into Fall yet, but the signs are clear.
The trees are still green, but here and there we see blotches of yellow.
If you ask me, the weather is nearly perfect: sunny, warm, but not unpleasantly so, with cool breezes (although we do occasionally see fierce thunderstorms). I wouldn’t mind if the weather were like this year around, but the trees know better, and they know what’s coming. They’re making preparations.
I’m also seeing brown leaves piling up curbside, blown there by the wind, so I know some trees are shedding leaves already.
The more fragile forbs are taking it even further. The flowers are losing their petals already. The milkweed we planted in our yard to feed the monarchs are reduced to brown, rustling stalks.
Get ready. October is almost here.