Danger, aquarists, danger!

I’m sure this happens all the time.

A 2cm long fish apparently found it’s way into the penis of a 14-year-old boy from India in a bizarre medical case.

The patient was admitted to hospital with complaints of pain, dribbling urine and acute urinary retention spanning a 24-hour period. According to the boy, the fish slipped into his penis while he was cleaning his aquarium at home.

This is precisely why, when I’m cleaning the bank of tanks in my lab, I make sure to keep my pants on.

(via Rev. BigDumbChimp, who always finds stories like this.)

The Octopus reimagined

Warren Ellis set his readers to a task: to draw an old pulp comic book character, the Octopus. The Octopus had a stunning description.

One of the more outré of the pulp characters-and given the genre, that’s quite saying something, believe me-the Octopus was actually the villain of the piece in his single issue, The Octopus v1 #4, 1939, written by…well, it’s not exactly clear. It might be Norvel Page, or it might be Ejler and Edith Jacobsen. A rather over-the-top mad scientist, the Octopus worked from a big city hospital and plotted world conquest. His appearance might explain his desire to dominate the world; he’s sea-green, with four “suction-cupped weaving tentacles” set above “hideously malformed” legs. He wears a small mask, and behind it can be seen two enormous, luminous, purple eyes. He was the leader of the Purple Eyes, a cult bent on world domination and mass destruction. The Octopus’ chosen method was an “ultra-violet ray” which devolved men and women and turned them into deformed, life-hating monsters hungry for human flesh and glowing with “ultraviolet purple.” Against the Octopus was set Jeffrey Fairchild, a young millionaire philanthropist (he eventually stopped the Octopus, of course). He had three identities. The first was Jeffrey Fairchild, hospital administrator. The second was was kindly Dr. Skull, the old man who made a practice of helping the poor in the slums. (His good works didn’t help him when everyone thought that he was the Octopus, however) In his other identity he was the “Skull Killer,” who fought crime and left a skull-imprint, ala the Spider, on his enemies. Fairchild was assisted by Carol Endicott, Dr. Skull’s nurse.

There were a lot of submissions, but so far I like this one best:


I thought about cheating and just sending in a photo of myself, but darn it, my eyes aren’t purple.

Scratch that idea for a second honeymoon

The advertising copy is right: Bali does sound like an exotic wedding destination. But wouldn’t you know it, there is a hitch:

All couples who marry in Indonesia must declare a religion. Agnosticism and Atheism are not recognized. The Civil Registry Office can record marriages of persons of Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian-Protestant and Christian-Catholic faiths. Marriage partners must have the same religion; otherwise one partner must make a written declaration of a change of religion.

The Trophy Wife will not be thrilled to learn that our marriage would not have been valid in Indonesia. The requirement that both partners in the relationship must have the same religion is also weird — there are probably a lot of people out there who have perfectly stable ‘mixed’ marriages who would be surprised.

Scientifical journalism done good

Over on an MSN site, there is an image of Ötzi the iceman with a very strange caption.

The iceman is believed to be the ‘missing link’ between apes and humans that roamed the mountains, encased in ice.

How many ways is that wrong? The “missing link” remark, applied to a human being let alone anything else, is bad enough…but I’m having a hard time picturing the ecology of beings encased in ice and roaming mountains.

Attempts to get MSN to correct the ignorance are going unheeded, apparently.

The fine art of religious expression

Once, religion gave us Bach and the Sistine Chapel. That was then; now religion gives us…

  • Holy Flash Abuse, Batman! You have to see the intro page for the International Congress of Churches & Ministers to believe it. Somebody had way too much coffee.

  • If your religious kitsch preferences are more old school, try crafting a god box.

    A God box is an object of intense beauty used for manifesting goodness in your life. You can buy it or build it. You can adorn it with faux finishes, faux lapis, strings soaked in glue, making loops, like spaghetti rococco, then paint it, varnish it, maybe gluing on many sparkling, faux jewels or pearls.

    You can do a collage of cut out magazine photos, or seed catalogue flowers or pictures of saints, Gods and Goddesses. You’ll come across the most beautiful articles to put on the outside of your box, if you look at graphics, posters, magazines and the calendars made by the popular painter, THOMAS KINKAID, or Renaissance poster art.

  • Web pages are for nerds. Glitter and glued pasta is for Sunday School. You are hardcore. For your art, you go to the Church of Body Modification. (Warning! Photos of people achieving god-insight through intense pain will be in your face if you click on that link!)

I get email

Yeah, crazy people write to me, too.

Hello dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

I would like inform you that Scarlett Johansson “actress” actually is a clone from original person Scarlett Galabekian last name, who has nothing with acting career,
surname Galabekian, because of adoption happened in 1992. Clones was created illegally by using stolen biological material. Original person is very nice (not d**n sexy), most important – CHRISTIAN young lady! I’ll tell you more, those clones (it’s not only one) made in GERMANY – world leader manufacturer of humans clones, it is in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rhineland-Palatinate, Mr. Helmut Kohl home town. You can not even imaging the scale of the cloning activity. But warning! Helmut Kohl clone staff strictly controlling all their clones (at least they trying) spreading around the world, they are very accurate with that, some of them are still NAZI type disciplined and mind controlled clones, so be careful get close with clones you will be controlled as well. Original person is not happy with those movies, images, video, rumors and etc. spreading on media in that way it would be really nice if we all will try slow down that ”actress” career development, original Scarlett will really appreciated that. Please remember that original Scarlett Galabekian family did not authorize any activity with stolen biological materials, no matter what form it was created in it was and it is stolen. It all need to be delivered to authorize personals control in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Original Scarlett never was engaged, by the way!

Her close friend Serge G.


So, I’m sure everyone wants to know…what is the mailing address of this cloning factory in Ludwigshafen am Rhein? Are they taking orders for Scarlett Johannsen clones? Do they have any other models in stock?