Did the internet get stupider while I was away this past week? I mean, it’s gratifying to my ego to imagine the average IQ of the virtual collective plummeting when I take some time off, but I really can’t believe I personally have this much influence. Maybe the kooks crept out in my absence, or maybe it was just the accumulation of a week’s worth of insanity that I saw in one painful blort when I was catching up.
What triggers such cynicism is the combination of Deepak Chopra, Oliver Curry, and now,
William Tucker. Tucker wrote a remarkably silly piece in the American Spectator in which he drew deeply faulty conclusions from human genetics to support a thesis rife with misogyny and foolish chauvinism on human evolution. It was like a piece on evolutionary psychology written by someone who didn’t know any genetics at all.
Hang on to your hats—we’re going to see a factoid from one magazine article balloon up into a declaration of the superiority of the male species (I use “species” here both ironically and mockingly).