A couple of chuckleheaded incompetent cops go running through a residential neighborhood, with their guns out.
Will they be fired for that recklessness? They should be. They won’t.
They were acting on a complaint that someone was breaking windows. Is that a death penalty offense? Were people in danger? No. So why did they need guns? Will they even be disciplined for that? No.
They see a black man standing in a yard. He runs from the two strangers, who did not announce that they were cops — all he knows is they are two chuckleheads with guns. Is running from guys with guns, even if he knew they were cops, a crime deserving of death? No. Will the cops suffer any consequences for terrorizing a neighborhood? No.
The asshole cops shoot an innocent man twenty times, because they think the white iPhone he holds is a gun. They murder him, because they think lethal force is an appropriate response to a property crime, to a man trying to avoid trouble, to a black man with a phone.
Will there be justice for Stephan Clark? Hell no.
Do not ever forget. The police are running amuck in this country, and are not ever, under any circumstances, to be trusted.