I hope I make it to Secular Social Justice 2018 this weekend. I’m eager, but now there’s a forecast of snow for tomorrow, just when I have to drive across the state to the airport, so there are grounds for mild concern. Hoping the roads are clear and the runways are fine.
I also whipped up a few Agents of Chaos buttons to hand out to interested fellow members of the Outrage Brigade once I get there. Quantity is limited, first come first served.
Remember, if you’re interested in meeting up on Friday evening, you should let Heatherly know.
Reginald Selkirk says
Ted Cruz refuses to take DNA test to prove he’s human
Trav Mamone says
I was going to go, but as you know, something bad happened Tuesday and I really need to take care of my body and mind right now. I do hope to catch the livestream, though.
jrkrideau says
@1 Reginald Selkirk
Sounds like a silly question until youreally watch Ted Cruz. It is about then that I start thinking David Icke is not completely mad.
imback says
Had a nice time at the Capital City Brewing meetup tonight. Looking forward to Secular Social Justice tomorrow.