It turns out to be really easy. All it takes is five little words.
“‘Cunt’ is a sexist slur.”
Maki Naro posted this little comment on twitter.
Whenever anybody points out that "cunt" is a misogynistic slur
— Maki Naro (@sciencecomic) May 9, 2014
I retweeted it, and then the replies came flooding in. The defenses are hilarious, irrational, and indignant. It’s incredibly common to see people protest that it’s a perfectly acceptable word; everyone says it in England; it doesn’t have any sexual connotations at all, because apparently, people in the UK are so stupid that they don’t remember that it’s a word that refers to the female genitalia. The Argument from Regional Ubiquity simply doesn’t work — would we accept that Southerners get a free pass on calling people “nigger” because everyone down there is rednecked cracker, so it’s OK?
Other common arguments: it can’t be sexist, because we mostly call men “cunts” to insult them. Yeah, there’s nothing misogynist at all about thinking the most degrading thing you can call a man is to refer to him as a woman’s private parts.
Another one: So then is calling someone a “dick” sexist, too? Yes. We shouldn’t do that. And since when does “you said a bad word!” mean you get a free pass to use a different bad word?
Maki has been making his replies to these idiots in cartoon form.
Good to stay on topic…
— Maki Naro (@sciencecomic) May 10, 2014
There have been silly attempts to redefine “cunt” to strip it of all sexual connotations. Sorry, it’s still got them.
One more, then it's laundry time.
— Maki Naro (@sciencecomic) May 10, 2014
Another common excuse: “well, I don’t mean to be sexist, so it’s OK.”
I picked some choice replies to my earlier tweet.
— Maki Naro (@sciencecomic) May 10, 2014
I’ve also been amused by the condescending criticisms: we Americans don’t know how to swear properly, or it’s supposed to be insulting, that’s why it’s a bad word.
Right. Because the best way to hurt an individuals feelings is to demean half the population of the planet.
I’ve also been impressed by how damned insistent some people have become over this — they’re practically frothing in their insistence that it’s not sexist at all in their demand that it’s perfectly legitimate to use women’s vulvae as the most disgusting and contemptible thing in the world. They do go on and on. So I won’t. It’s still a prohibited usage here. Swear all you want, but racist/sexist smears are examples of bigotry and will not be tolerated.