Comparison shopping

I must object to this list!


The differences are obvious. If you’re good, Santa brings you toys every year, and if you’re bad, you get a lump of coal. Jesus, on the other hand, offers nothing but vague promises that will only be redeemed after you’re dead, and neither alternative (hovering about in the clouds with a harp vs. crackling fiercely in a hellish fire) sound particularly attractive.

If you really must believe in some magic man flying through the sky, I recommend Santa.

Colbert and Buttars

The war on Christmas is heating up. Look: here’s Colbert mocking atheists. He sneers at our atheist Christmas cards, and even laughs at our letters to our families.

And then there’s Chris Buttars of Utah. Somebody get the memo to him, stat — doesn’t he know that the War on Christmas is to be waged with humor and sarcasm? He’s taking it seriously! There is a bit of humor there, though. Advertisers and legislators in Utah — Utah! — don’t seem to be taking him very seriously.