The fellow to the right is Damion Surles, a little-known troll whose previous claim to fame was distributing a doctored, fake photo of Kamala Harris standing next to notorious pedophile and rapist Jeffrey Epstein.
You all know exactly where this story is going, right?
Damion Surles, 40, was identified as the suspect who allegedly interacted inappropriately with a minor.
Surles was arrested on Aug. 15 and charged with first-degree rape and child sexual abuse.
He was booked into the Jackson County Jail.
Man, there’s such a strong correlation between MAGA Republicans and child rape. It’s almost as if you’d expect their president to also be guilty of sexual assault…oh, wait.
Another one! Ricci Wynne.
A MAGA influencer known for posting sensationalized videos of homeless people in San Francisco was indicted Tuesday on federal charges of producing child sex abuse material.
Ricci Wynne, 39, known as Raw Ricci to his more than 100,000 Instagram followers, was first arrested in November and charged with pimping and pandering by procuring, HuffPost previously reported. He was taken into custody alongside a woman shortly after arriving at San Francisco International Airport.
r/NotADragQueen material
Also a strong correlation between baselessly calling people “groomer” and actually being one.
Damn! Cell block maga.
Make America Groom Again
It’s the 90% of MAGAts that are corrupt, dishonest, racist pedo assholes that give the others a bad name, amirite?
The projection is strong in that one.
There is a strong correlation between maga, and toxic masculinity. This story is from last August, and I hope this scumball will continue to rot away in prison.
There is another maga Pastor who was recently arrested for being a filthy pedo-rapist too.
All the best people in maga land are creepy as fuck.
And then I find this on YAHOO!
MAGA Influencer And Fox News Guest Indicted On Child Sex Abuse Charges
every accusation is a confession
But that’s not quite as expected as megachurch leaders commiting sin (under their own definitions, and fire and brimstone speeches against those very sins — like, say, violating the First Commandment by worshipping Mammon).
Predictably egregious. (I did wait)
@ ^
Nowhere near long enough mate.
You are indeed predictably egregious, like a bad smell from a slymepit, Silentboob.