Well, this is interesting. Answers in Genesis has had a bit of a shake-up. You may recall that Ken Ham is stepping back from the responsibility of running his money-making scam; for a long time, it looked like his successor was going to be his son-in-law, Bodie Hodge, but then Ham brought in an Australian evangelical Christian named Martyn Iles and declared him his official heir to the throne of AiG. Bodie left to start his own evangelical mission.
I’m sure there was some drama going on behind the scenes. I hope someday someone comes out with a tell-all book.
Now there’s big news. Martyn Iles is out!

Some have noticed I’ve been quiet for a while. It’s because | amin a transition to something new.
In conjunction with some wise counsel and Christian colleagues, we are in the process of prayerfully discerning what’s next, now that | am no longer at Answers in Genesis.
We do have a fantastic project which appears to be coming together well… but we are just taking it a day at a time to confirm that it is of God and we’re meant to do it.
There is plenty going on behind the scenes. | am in the USA talking to donors, partners, and suppliers. Back in Australia for Easter.
The project (should the Lord enable it) has a purpose to evangelise, educate and entertain children and young people. It’s a technologically revolutionary, integrated, accessible, and high quality Christian education platform.
I’ll post updates. See where this goes.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” (Ps 127:1)
Fascinating. I’d love to know what conflict drove him away. I’m also curious to know what “technologically revolutionary” platform he plans to build; do you think it’s as “technologically revolutionary” as building a fake wooden tourist attraction?
If it should indoctrinate children, maybe a TikTok clone with a religious twist? Let’s call it ChristCringe.
It sounds like yet again, another online xian homeschooling program.
These days that phrase, “technologically revolutionary” usually means something to do with AI and Block Chain.
Maybe it is a new cryptocurrency, a meme coin, called of course jesuscoin. Soon to be followed by PaulofTarsuscoin, Mary Mother of god coin, and Judascoin.
I know Jesus was supposedly a carpenter, but is there any mention in the Bible of his actually building anything? It is hard to get work done when you are wandering aimlessly with a bunch of hippies for years.
Hey, Australia…stop sending us all your grifters
What’s he doing next? It’s right there in the name: AI-G(od). :-)
I wonder if that trip back here has something to do with our Australian not yet called officially but already seeing ads on youtube for election which is due to be held approx April – May? Especially given his former role as boss of the Australian Christian (one or more nasty variety of anyhow) Lobby.
No. No, the Lord should NOT enable it.
Whatever it is. Nor should the Lord – whoever that is; Lord Who of where in a country that’s supposedly egalitarian enable him at all.
Hhmm That’s a lot of words to say “brain wash” there..
Betcha it’s a YouTube channel filled with AI-generated clips, just like those horrible things like Cocomelon that currently captivate the tots, only Jesus-soaked.
These are not the words of a responsible adult rationally considering their future.
Wiley Miller has always been a national treasure, but this comic is great and very appropriate to Pharyngula:
@4 Hey America, stop being gullible, god bothering Rube’s.
@drksky sorry but we knew better than to have them here and let them carry on. You guys were the gullible dump box. Really, really sorry.
My money is on “LLM-infused Sunday School of some stripe”. Hopefully to launch just as the world is largely moving on to considering LLMs to be yesterday’s hot fad.
Meanwhile, some good news from Canada: according to 338’s projections, Oilievre’s chances just collapsed overnight. “CPC plurality” (aka the Tories probably form government) went from north of 60% to, like, 11 or 12, and “CPC plurality” from a full third to 1% over the space of less than a week. They now project 55% LPC majority, and a very good chance Liberals form the government.
That doesn’t mean major progressive momentum, but it does mean keeping the fascists at bay, probably for at least four more years. And of course this assumes the election were held tomorrow. It will be at least another month, with the trend favoring the Liberals.
Now that they are polling in majority territory, Carney is almost certain to drop the writ any day now. The election will likely end up scheduled for late April or early May.