My wife will be so happy to learn that I’m gay now

After all, the heterosexual men are terrible in bed.

“I’m not going to have gay sex,” Luke Moody said of sex that gives his wife an orgasm but not a pregnancy.

That stupid man-child. That poor woman. He thinks that any non-procreative sex is “gay”.

“As soon as we’re together, it’s like no birth control, no nothing, because I’m not going to have gay sex. Gay sex is more than just another man and a man, it’s just the idea of looking at sex as such a materialistic thing and just like, ‘Oh well, we just have an orgasm, and that’s fun or whatever.’”

MAGA is a particularly delusional cult.


  1. rietpluim says

    It makes sense if you interpret ‘gay’ in its meaning of ‘happy’.
    Though then I still don’t understand why Luke Moody wouldn’t want to have happy sex.
    But then again, what the fuck do I care about Moody’s opinions. I feel sorry for his wife though.

  2. says

    The article is sloppily written: I think the author confused the name of the interviewer, Luke Beasley, with the MAGA-twit, Josiah Moody, and repeatedly shifts between Luke and Josiah. Near as I can tell, the idiot with the red hat is named Josiah.

  3. raven says

    Something tells me this guy has no interest in having sex with women.

    It’s easy to say you won’t have non-procreative sex when you aren’t having any sex at all and have no interest in doing so.

  4. Ridana says

    Is the woman next to him looking aghast his girlfriend? It’s a shame – he’s cute, too bad he’s an ass.

  5. muttpupdad says

    I never realized that the 48 years of great wonderful sex without worries of children(we both had had that taken care of) was gay sex, we just thought it was something that we both enjoyed and made us happy together. The things you learn too late in life.

  6. lakitha tolbert says

    I feel 3 degrees stupider just having read that hot mess of a statement!
    Why? Why did I keep going?!!! Help!

  7. Larry says

    If having protected sex is gay, is any kind of firearm shooting except when playing russian roulette the same?

  8. cartomancer says

    Hey, there’s a lot more to gay sex than not procreating, you know! There’s all the anxiety, dread, sense of self-loathing, fear of disease, awkwardness and lube. And there’s probably a lot more stuff if you’re actually good at it, but I wouldn’t know about that.

  9. Hemidactylus says

    So imagine there’s a significant number of these non-procreative sex with wife refusers strutting around while their wives are left frustrated. And they call us the cuckolds…

  10. Akira MacKenzie says

    It makes sense if you interpret ‘gay’ in its meaning of ‘happy’.

    I believe they interpret “gay” as being effeminate, and enjoying sex for the sake of sex with all that pleasure, cuddling, and sharing of emotions is the epitome of “girly.” Such hedonism leads to degeneracy and “weak men” which leads to the destruction of civilization.

    While a REAL Man has a duty to secure his genetic legacy by siring as many children (preferably males) as possible, he has more important things to do: Clearing brush, plowing fields, smithing at their forge, investing in crypto, building a corporation, waging war, etc.. Indeed, a man who does not impregnate their femoids with each act of coitus is a low-T, beta-cuck, weakling with inferior seed! They should be gelded and sent to the Eastern front as cannon fodder! /s

  11. drewl, Mental Toss Flycoon says

    Kimmel once had a joke about how by this rationale, getting married is gay (paraphrasing)…
    “Think about it… you wear fancy clothes, promise to never touch another woman, put jewelry on each other and then you dance”.

  12. Akira MacKenzie says

    Something tells me this guy has no interest in having sex with women.

    No disrespect to any ace folks out there, but I don’t think this guy is interested in sex period, regardless of whether it’s with a man or woman. He’s interested in breeding, but that’s about it.

  13. Tethys says

    It is very confusing to call MAGA hat by the name of his interviewer.

    Right-wing couple and MAGA influencers Isabella and Josiah Moody appeared on an episode of Luke Beasley’s new weekly YouTube show The Grudge

    My only question is Mormon or home-schooled? Obviously they have been raised by Christian numpties who think sex is sinful, since he is clueless about sex, procreation, orgasms, and homosexuality in addition to having a very Old Testament name like Josiah.

  14. says

    Remember a screen shot of a Xitter conversation that opened with “Is it gay to love your wife?” and now I see that such a question is being taken seriously by the MAGA crowd, and not a one-off joke at their expense.

  15. HidariMak says

    So according to this guy, having sex with your wife is supposed to be a task, like cleaning out the chicken coop or doing taxes is only one of those necessities which must be done at some point. If you do it, and you enjoy it, then there’s something wrong with you. Something tells me that this couple will have a happy life, with no secrets between them.

  16. Hex says

    Imagine being upset that people experience immense pleasure and emotional connection together because there’s a reduced or no chance of another life being brought into a really shitty existence. They criticize it as “materialistic” as if making up arbitrary, intangible reasons why it’s bad is a good thing. These people are so weird, gay sex freaking rules

  17. Akira MacKenzie says

    If it give you a glance into the way these shit for brains “think,” they have a saying: “Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times. Bad times create strong men…” or something like that.

    According to that logic, we should never have “good times,” times of peace, prosperity, or comfort, lest it breed weaknesses like hedonism and “wokeness” in society, causing it to fall. In order to make sure men are “strong” (i.e. callous, “masculine,” and violent) humanity must always exist in a state of desperation and conflict. It’s no surprise why these fascist geeks are into grimdark fictional settings like WH40K or The Walking Dead: They envision worlds where sociopathic “tough guys” thrive while the less than manly “cucks” and “betas” who are threatening Western Civilization (TM) with their effeminacy are killed.

  18. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 20

    They criticize it as “materialistic” as if making up arbitrary, intangible reasons why it’s bad is a good thing.

    Because we’re not supposed to care about this fallen, sinful, material world. Pleasing Gawd and getting into heaven is the entire goal of life. What pleases Gawd? Pumping out as many future believers as possible and not enjoying the process, of course! This makes them deeper and more “spiritual” than us godless hedonists who are just out looking for orgasms.

  19. kenbakermn says

    Any idea, no matter how bone-headed, that makes those nitwits want to have less sex is a good thing for women everywhere.

  20. says

    It’s no surprise why these fascist geeks are into grimdark fictional settings like WH40K…

    They’re definitely the kinds of people who would hold up Space Marines as ideals to be emulated, rather what they factually and canonically are; the deeply traumatized victims of a world gone horribly, horribly wrong.

  21. Tethys says

    He is Mormon, and apparently his family is fairly wealthy and just as horrible. His wife is simply a disgusting person judging by how many social media sites have banned her for making racist, sexist, and simply foul posts about any people who are LGBTQ+

    If you check her instagram page, it shows the post that got her banned. It says ‘If your husband does the dishes he is gay.’

    I hope CPS takes notice. Poor baby girl needs to be rescued from the scum of the earth.

  22. Akira MacKenzie says

    Ah, he’s a Mormon. A religion known for it’s respectful treatment of women. /s

  23. says

    He thinks that if he gives his wife an orgasm without getting her pregnant, then he is gay. Given the look on her face, I don’t think he has to worry about the pregnancy part, as the first clause in that problem has yet to be achieved. I bet you he refers to having sex as wandering the desert, because he has no idea where his is going, and it is never wet.

  24. Owlmirror says

    You know, this argument felt vaguely familiar, and it came to me that maybe he’s thinking of the term “sodomy”. Many people think that sodomy only means narrowly “anal sex”, but the term is actually vague enough that it can mean, more broadly, any nonprocreative sex.

    WikiP: Sodomy

    Sodomy (/ˈsɒdəmi/), also called buggery in British English, generally refers to either anal sex (but occasionally also oral sex) between people, or any sexual activity between a human and another animal (bestiality). It may also mean any non-procreative sexual activity (including manual sex).

    (bolding here mine)

    It says ‘If your husband does the dishes he is gay.’

    And here Ms. Moody seems to be deliberately smearing and confusing the concepts of egalitarianism with submissiveness with effeminacy with homosexuality. For the lulz, of course.

  25. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 28

    He thinks that if he gives his wife an orgasm without getting her pregnant, then he is gay.

    I don’t think her pleasure is any consideration here. Afterall, her purpose is to bear him children, not have sinful orgasms. No, he likely thinks that he’s gay if has sex with his wife and doesn’t get her pregnant.

    @ 29

    And here Ms. Moody seems to be deliberately smearing and confusing the concepts of egalitarianism with submissiveness with effeminacy with homosexuality.

    That’s conservatism in a nutshell; believing anything that will serve society a whole is a civilization-ending proposition.

  26. raven says

    His wife is simply a disgusting person judging by how many social media sites have banned her for making racist, sexist, and simply foul posts about any people who are LGBTQ+

    If you are attracted to a woman like that you aren’t gay.

    You are a horrible person though, a waste of food and oxygen cluttering up the earth.

    Or, some sort of very strange pervert into abusive, racist, women full of hate and lacking any other talents.
    I’ll ask Dan Savage what that particular kink is called. If anyone knows, it would be him.

  27. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 31

    I’m getting the feeling that this one of those Christian courtship marriages where the couple wasn’t even allowed to date. I’m sure he paid the bride price and got a nice dowery out of the deal.

  28. brightmoon says

    @34 I’ve heard the JWs do that too . They aren’t allowed to date unless another person chaperones . If they do date them they’re expected to get married. There’s a lot of mental illness and DV with that cult. I started looking at the websites of former JWs because my beloved cousin got hooked into that cult.

  29. rietpluim says

    Did you notice that the MAGA cap is a little too big for Moody’s head? I tend to see that as a sign, but I’m not sure about what it is a sign of.

  30. birgerjohansson says

    gijoel @ 33
    There are even grifters out there who claims you can literally live on sunlight. Tragically, some rubes have got permanent eye damage by staring at the sun.
    The grifters who tell people to drink their own urine are more gross, but less harmful.

  31. rrutis1 says

    If you watch the video on Luke Beasley’s channel you will see these people are even worse than you think. They are grifters and don’t even pretend to be kind of smart about their racism, she just blurt crap and justifies it by saying “it’s my first amendment rights”. The Moody’s are very bottom of the barrel scumbags enabled only by white privledge and the very low bar created by social media.