Hallowe’en used to be a fun holiday

Something has sucked all the fun out of Hallowe’en. I wonder what it is?

Oh, yeah, goddamit.

You know what else it’s going to ruin? The echoes are going to wreck Thanksgiving, and also Christmas. Everyone, just go vote next week and then stay the fuck home.


  1. robro says

    About a third of my therapy session yesterday was talking about the level of anxiety I’m experiencing over this frigging election. I can’t say my therapist offered a lot of help…mostly just try to disconnect from the media circus around it. But then, what am I doing here!?

    I just realized that Pharyngula is the closest replacement to a “third space” that I have since my old third spaces are either far away or closed by 5pm.

  2. raven says

    Yeah, even the War on Halloween hasn’t been seen yet this year.

    The fundie xians hate Halloween for their usual deluded reasons.
    Something about demons, witches, Zombies, and ghosts being real.
    Plus children and adults have fun on Halloween.

    No point in throwing a temper tantrum over imaginary horrors when you are living in a real dystopia full of real horrors.
    Imaginary beings can’t hurt you but real MAGA fascists and a failing USA can definitely make your life a whole lot worse.

  3. cjmitchell says

    Already mailed in my ballot. Found out yesterday morning terrorists are setting fire to drop boxes and actively planning more chaos.
    So the question is, how much water do I set aside in my bathtub?

  4. submoron says

    Thursday’s also Reformation Festival so at least there’s some first class Bach to enjoy.
    I don’t suppose that we’ll have a result by bonfire night but we will have an appropriate choice for the mask on the Guy whether he wins or loses.
    Is anyone from Lewes in Sussex here please?

  5. Hemidactylus says

    A certain blogger who calls it a website spends an inordinate amount of time bellyaching about the shortfalls of Kamala Harris and wokeness, while citing right wing sources on his various pet peeves. He feigns being of the Left but says very little about the existential threat Trump represents to US democracy. Nary a peep about Project 2025/Agenda 47. Tons about the college protests and other slights against beloved Israel. If Trump wins this bozo’s conscience won’t bother him one bit. He’ll probably blame it on the Left and carry on fighting woke bogeys alongside Rufo, Boghossian, and Triggernometry as democracy goes down in flames.

  6. stuffin says

    Halloween has been ruined. It the old days I would put up decorations I had to travel far and wide to collect, it took me years to get this stuff. Spiders, webbing, black lights, red lights, rats, fog machines, realistic body parts and conglomeration of items of just weird scary stuff. I had a hidden cassette player (boombox) running on loop with scary sounds. My walkway was setup so frightening some of the children wouldn’t come to my door. I remember two young’uns running and locking themselves is their mother’s car and refused to get out. But there was reward for the brave. I would hand out those small Halloween bags stuffed with multiple bars chocolate and other sweets. I would purposely put 4 or 5 atomic balls in several bags and in others I would put $5 bills. Now-a-days it is all it is all about getting the latest blow-up lawn decorations or those giant figures sold at the big box stores. OH, I want to mention Trunk or Treat. Yes, we have managed to take the Trick out of Halloween.

    The most frightening part about Halloween this year is if Trump wins. And even worse, if the Republicans capture both houses of Congress. Now that would be the most terrifying event in the history of civilizations.

  7. CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says

    [Comic]: Half the country is ready to vote for a fascist

    There there. /s It’s only half the voters.
    Voter turnout among 18+ citizens in 2020 was 67%.

    So 1/3 is ready to vote fascist.
    1/3 isn’t.
    And another 1/3 doesn’t care or cannot vote.

  8. says

    I asked one of our cohorts, “what are you going to be for halloween?”
    Her reply, “I’m going as a thing of unspeakable horror and stupidity: a human being!”

  9. says

    @3 cjmitchell wrote: Already mailed in my ballot. Found out yesterday morning terrorists are setting fire to drop boxes and actively planning more chaos.
    Our answer (to those who can do this): All of us took our completed ballots inside the county office and put them in the guarded drop box there.
    It is a true sign that we are now in the new Dark Ages when arsonists attack ballot boxes and magats want to ‘slaughter anyone who doesn’t support tRUMP’.

  10. StevoR says

    I don’t know if anyone is going to dress up as a Climate graph but right now those are truly terrifying at least if you understand them and their implications..that & polls with Trump in front and the rise of fascists globally generally – but, yeah, seriously do NOT dress up as the latter!