I am burdened by pessimism

I care about all the things the guy in this cartoon doesn’t.

I do not want to live in the hellscape a Republican victory would produce. I fervently want Harris to win. However…I feel a prophecy coming on.

I prophesy that even if we get the best possible result, a clean sweep by the Democrats capturing the White House, the Senate, and the Representatives, November will be a nightmare. There will be contested elections. There will be false electors. There will be lawsuits. Elections will linger unresolved until Spring. And that’s the gentle stuff.

There will be riots. There will be assassinations. The Capitol will be assaulted. Gangs will roam the streets, attacking anyone not wearing a MAGA hat. Congress will be in chaos, while the Supreme Court looks on in approval, and the NY Times opines on the virtues of fascism.

Mind you, that is the best result to expect.

I don’t own any weapons of war. Maybe I should take some time in early November to sharpen the kitchen knives? Having America wiped clean by a series of climate catastrophes would be a positive outcome.


  1. Robbo says

    No need to worry:

    “And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.” Kevin Roberts, Heritage Foundation President

    See! When Kamala wins, all we have to do is let the magats take over. easy peasy.

  2. rorschach says

    You should take some time in November to go overseas. These things will happen, as this is not an election but a coup 2.0. Democrats don’t seem to understand this.

  3. says

    PZ, in my considered opinion, you are not a pessimist. Your fears are real and we share them. Your assessment is based on proven past behavior and observed valid trends and we feel it is accurate. Most of human society is sliding into another dark ages. Violence and ignorance are seen proliferating all around us here in scarizona and elsewhere.

    Well, that won’t cheer you up. But, I hope you are at least comforted by the fact that you are not alone. You should know that there are still some of us (many I hope) that are trying to stem the tide of violence and ignorance with whatever legal, ethical means we have available. We will not support the xtian terrorists, war mongers or ignorant violent rtwingnuts. There are still some of us who work to create works of beauty, of artistic intellectual value and promote peace and rationality.

  4. Tethys says

    Yeah, no, cowards are well known for making empty threats. I’m sure they will attempt to claim that the election results are somehow fraudulent when trumpleskilskin gets his stinky incontinent ass beaten.

    Harris is +5 when you exclude the various sketchy polling data. That’s not a sure bet, but it’s an excellent indicator of public opinion. The vast majority of voters hate everything about the maga-party, despite the media’s collusion in pretending that fraud is anything but a criminal.

    The people registering to vote in droves are overwhelmingly of the young female demographic, and they aren’t going to be voting for a lying rapist who has deprived them of their right to modern healthcare and self-determination.

  5. Dennis K says

    Yeah, sure, there will likely be some stochastic problems here and there. There won’t be anything coordinated (although the best possible outcome here would be a seceding Texas) because as Tethys pointed out, on the whole these people are cowards. Watch videos of Jan 6 and see the way these larpers acted at the sound of a single gunshot. And piece-of-shit Kevin Roberts’ statement about “bloodless if the left will allow it” is correct. I know a good many Democrats who are both armed and exhausted of the bullshit. Good luck on your battlefield there, Mister Roberts, you rotten bastard.

  6. Ed Seedhouse says

    One difference is that this time the sitting President is not the one behind the plot.

    I think Joe will not hesitate to mobilize the National Guards if asked, or even if not asked. And he does have an actual army at his command, not a ragtag group of seditionists. The Secret Service is already treating January 6 as a major security incident, so the Capitol should be safe.

    The main threat is sedition movements in the states which might lead to storming some state capitols, but I think the planning to deal with that is already underway. Once burned, twice shy…

    So I’m still pessimistic, but not as pessimistic as P.Z.

  7. Captain Kendrick says

    I have no optimism at all.
    I’ve been saying since 2016 that Trump is not the problem, he is only a symptom.
    I’ve known since the 80’s what kind of person he was and is.
    Since 2016, we’ve learned nothing about Trump. We’ve only learned about what kind of person would support him and how many of those people exist.
    Trump could disappear tomorrow, and his supporters will still be with us, walking among us.
    They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They do not feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop… ever, until they get what they want!

  8. Dennis K says

    @8 Ed Seedhouse — Yes. And the Capitol Building in Jan 2025 will be an impenetrable fortress. Too bad it had to come to this, but let’s remind ourselves the night is always darkest before the dawn.

  9. stuffin says

    Excellent how the author captured to positive view of the people on the other side. In doing so he highlights the fears of the more pragmatic.

    My gut feelings based on what I been reading and seeing is Harris will dominate even in many of the battleground states. Feel there are too many people catching on to Trumps schtick and are growing weary of it. Hope I didn’t jinx things with that.

    @#7 Dennis K
    Agree, the other side has just as many guns, much more reason and enthusiasm should the confrontation go that far.

  10. garnetstar says

    Yeah, I’ve been thinking that for a while too.

    Whoever wins, the other side will contest it. If the electoral college is able to meet and vote on the designated day, on Jan. 6 chances may be that the MAGA House Speaker will not even call a meeting of the House to confirm the vote. Then, he will be acting president! I’m just hoping that there is even a president to inaugurate on Jan. 20, because Biden’s term ends on that day, and he’ll no longer be able to suppress riots and such.

    Most of the gun nuts who jabber about watering the tree of liberty are nothing but talk, but some aren’t. There will be bloodshed, I think.

    I think that, for example, Dr. Fauci should take a long vacation in another country, leaving before the election and not coming back until some months afterwards.

  11. Walter Solomon says

    Whoever wins, the other side will contest it.

    Bullshit. The Democrats aren’t going to contest it even if evidence suggest that they should. The only person likely to contest the results if he loses is Trump.

  12. Tethys says

    Captain Kendrick ~ Trump could disappear tomorrow, and his supporters will still be with us, walking among us.
    They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They do not feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop… ever, until they get what they want!

    Braaiiinnnzz! 😄

    Seriously though, yes, the greedy, corrupt, biased nature of humans is nothing new.
    I wouldn’t call rump a symptom, but rather an exemplar of a society built on subjugation, manifest destiny, and white male supremacy.

    Many bigots and chauvinists were thrilled to have him tell them it was okay to be openly racist and hear him brag about sexually assaulting women.

    The result has been a rerun of the original civil rights movements, with modern American society having to confront the fact that it only pays lip service to things like feminism and racism.

    Most humans aren’t stunted narcissists, and the majority of the population has evolved socially over the past 8 years to a much better understanding of how sexism and racism and othering are hurting our country as a whole. Too bad it took a murder by cop/ riots/ and half the population being deprived of their civil rights before some of the people believed in societal oppression, but the broader arc is still upward.


  13. Robbo says

    @ captain kendrick

    sounds familiar

    “Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead!”– kyle Reese

  14. davetheresurrector says

    @Tethys, Kendrick was paraphrasing from The Terminator, not a zombie flick.

    And yes, Forward! Still, I keep my knives sharp even out here in safe city-blue western Oregon.

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