Racists think they’re being sneaky

Offhand, I know about a dozen interracial couples — some of them are in my family. Republican Senator Mike Braun thinks it would be fine to dissolve their marriages.

In a media call on Tuesday, U.S Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind) said that the U.S. Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage in a ruling that stretches back to Loving v. Virginia in 1967.

According to Braun, the decision should not have been made by the country’s highest court and instead been left to individual states. Even though some states had made interracial marriage illegal prior to the Supreme Court ruling.

They’ve discovered this handy circumlocution. They aren’t going to come right out and say that interracial marriage is wrong…oh no, they’re just going to say that we ought to permit states (that is, Republican lawmakers in some states) the right to destroy marriages, if they want. They’re playing the same game with abortion.

Come on, no one is fooled. Braun is a closet racist who has found a not-so-cunning way to signal to other racists that he’s on their side.


  1. StevoR says

    These regressive douchebags really do want to take the USA backwards and remove every last skerrick of social progress made since the Civil War and even before don’t they?

  2. weylguy says

    “According to Braun, the decision should not have been made by the country’s highest court and instead been left to individual states.”

    Again with the “states’ rights” dodge. If that’s the desire of the Republican Party, then the U.S. Supreme Court should be dissolved, with America devolving into an enormous city-state system in which slavery is reintroduced and the Hand Maid’s Tale becomes the rule book for women.

  3. says

    Oh, he’s threatening me with a good time, because that would affect dear Clearance Thomas! Poor dear Clearance would be ever so confused, because he thinks that he’s not a token and he won’t get spent….

  4. John Harshman says

    That story is two years old, and he walked it back immediately. Nothing to see here, folks.

  5. Tethys says

    I wonder if he is related to Eva Braun?

    Civil rights are not subject to state law for good reason, but it’s not surprising that a maga infested white man is openly spouting Christo-fascist nonsense about race mixing.

    Under this logic, Mitch McConnell, trumpelstiltskin, and Shady Pants are all getting their marriages annulled and their wives deported, though I suppose that the bigot from Illinois merely intended to denigrate the marriage of Vice President Harris.

  6. Tethys says

    Argh, I do hate the modern technology that changes Indiana into Illinois.

    I doubt that walking back this statement means that the Senator isn’t really a white male supremacist who is doing his best to empower fascists. He also loves banning women’s reproductive rights, stacking SCOTUS with corrupt judges, and tried to help steal the White House for rump.

    The old white men of this country are an active threat to democracy.

    I hope he doesn’t become Governor

  7. raven says

    Strangely enough, that would affect two of the candidates running for president of the USA today.

    .1. JD Vance can say good bye to his wife and kids. He is married to an Indian American woman and his kids are half Indian.

    .2. Kamala Harris is half Indian and half Black.
    She isn’t a childless cat lady but Senator Braun would make her into one.

    .3. Former president Obama is now illegal, being half white and half Kenyan.
    So are his kids.


    According to the 2020 United States census, 33.8 million people, or 10.2% of the population, identified as multiracial. This is a 276% increase from 2010, when 9 million people identified as multiracial.
    The multiracial population is the fastest-growing demographic in the country.
    Nearly a Third Reporting Two or More Races Were Under 18 in 2020

    Braun wants to make 10% of the US population into an illegal under class. I guess.
    Who knows, maybe he wants to set up camps and kill them all with Xyklon B gas.
    With someone that twisted and filled with hate, anything is possible.

    He is running out of time here.
    The mixed race population is the fastest growing demographic in the USA. In a few decades or maybe more, mixes will be the majority of the population.

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