They just keep tumbling out. It doesn’t do any good to tell him to shut up because, for a young politician, he has spoken volumes of bullshit in his past, and it’s all coming to light. In particular, he does not like women.
In 2021, he was interviewed by The Federalist (big red flag right there).
“To be a little stark about this, I think we have to go to war against the anti-child ideology that exists in our country,” said Vance, who is currently the Republican senator from Ohio.
Though he generally didn’t specify the gender of the childless people he was criticizing, the context of his remarks made it seem he was primarily speaking to women.
Citing a conversation that had recently unfolded on Twitter, Vance described a “ridiculous effort by millennial feminist writers” to talk about why there are good reasons not to have children and how some of them were glad they didn’t have kids and even to encourage “people who had had children to talk about why they regretted having children.”
He ripped these unnamed “mediocre millennial journalists” and suggested that if they’re advocating for women to focus on advancing their careers over making babies, they are “pathetic.”
“Not enough people have accepted that if they put their entire life’s meaning into their credential, into where they went to school, into what kind of job they have ― if you put all of your life’s meaning into that, you’re going to be the sort of person who asks women to talk about how they regret having children,” Vance said.
He added, “You’re going to be a sad, lonely, pathetic person and you’re going to know it internally.”
I don’t need to say anything in response. I’ll just quote the early 20th century Japanese feminist and political radical, Kanno Sugako.
“Among the many annoying things in the world, I think men are the most annoying. When I hear them carrying on interminably about female chastity, I burst out laughing…. I greet with utmost cynicism and unbridled hatred the debauched male of today who rattles on about good wives and wise mothers. Where do all of these depraved men get the right to emphasize chastity? Before they begin stressing women’s chastity, they ought to perfect their own male chastity, and concentrate on becoming wise fathers and good husbands!”
Kanno Sugako was later hanged for threatening the Emperor. Vance probably thinks that was righteous.
The complete erasure of humanity, the distain, that these people have towards women or anyone different…
I don’t get it. And I’m not sure I even want to be able to understand it intellectually.
Thank you PZ for the link to Kanno Sugako. Had not known about her, now I have a new rabbit hole.
The Guardian has another article on JD Vance’s misogyny and racism. They summarize one of his YouTube podcats from 2021.
Vance has repeatedly and often explained in great detail how much he hates women.
He goes on like this for pages and pages.
There is so much wrong with Vance’s mind that it would also take pages and pages to explain.
.1. “…professional women “choose a path to misery” when they prioritize careers over having children…”
He doesn’t know this.
He is just making stuff up and pretending it is true.
Where is the data here? It is an assertion without proof or data and may be dismissed without proof or data. He is just wrong here.
Women are just as capable as any humans of making their own decisions and running their own lives. The last person they need to ask about anything is a dumb, mindless hater like JD Vance.
.2. “…he also claimed men in America were “suppressed” in their masculinity.” Cthulhu, how stupid is this guy.
There is no such thing as “masculinity”.
We aren’t genetically programmed meat robots.
It’s largely culturally determined and changes rapidly in time and space.
Vance’s ideas about so called masculinity are shared by radical Trad Catholics and fundie xians, and undoubtedly considered toxic garbage by large segments of the rest of the American people.
Vance is a stupid guy who is obsessed with controlling women.
He wants to take us back to some mythical Good Old Days that never, ever existed.
JD Vance is at heart a provincial hillbilly. Girls on trampolines is the height of culture for this guy. What I find ironic is that JD rails against “the left,” whatever that is, as being anti-family when it is liberals who promote family leave, equal pay for women, child care, family health care, child tax benefits, school lunch programs and all of the social support that helps families get along, especially those with small children.
It’s the so-called conservatives who want to take that all away.
But, back to JD Vance, here you have a guy with essentially zero life experience. He’s not at home helping his wife raise the kids. No, he’s focused on pure ambition to be President-by-succession betting on the brief longevity of Tangerine Palpatine.
As Steve Schmdt says, This is the Warning. We have 60 days until the nation decides to end this nightmare, this Star Wars cantina of creeps and goons, or commits national suicide.
There is no anti-child ideology in the USA.
Vance is flat out lying here.
What is anti-child and anti-family is the GOP and…JD Vance.
Their perennial hobby is destroying the social safety net so poor families and poor children can live in even deeper poverty and go hungry often.
They also spend a lot of time trying to destroy public education.
The levels of people’s education are highly correlated with how much money their earn in their lives.
Vance is cosmically stupid and a compulsive liar.
.1. He doesn’t know this.
He is pretending to read the minds of millions of people and I doubt if he can even read his own mind. He doesn’t seem to have much in the way of self awareness.
.2. The childless run around 20% of the population.
Most of them are childless not by choice but by external circumstances. Half of them are infertile and might have wanted children but were unable to. Some have serious genetic diseases in their family history. Some just never found a partner who also wanted children.
Claiming there is something wrong with the childless when it is due to facts beyond their control is mean and cruel.
We know JD Vance is dumb and lies a lot.
We also know JD Vance is a mean and cruel guy.
What we don’t know is what is wrong with the people in Ohio who elected him senator.
A Dorothy Thompson classic, “Who Goes Nazi?” is appropriate here.
JD Vance is “Mr. C.”
It’s funny because I kinda agree, although I doubt we mean the same thing by “anti-child”.
To my mind, it’s anti-child to consider children as little slaves whose only worth lies in how they can be brainwashed into whatever cult their parents were captured by; to reduce their learning opportunities, remove safeguards against exploitation, and generally treat them as property rather than people. That ideology should be ruthlessly fought, by any and all means, at home and abroad, now and forever.
On the other hand, simply choosing to personally not be a parent is hardly comparable. I don’t intend to ever have children and I regularly volunteer at a homework cafe at my local library. My choice not to be a parent has nothing to do with being “anti-child” and everything to do with not wanting to inflict this horror show of a so-called civilization on more innocent people. I think we should focus on supporting the ones that are already born rather than mindlessly creating more innocent victims. It’s not as if we’re running out of children anytime soon, anyway, despite what various raving racists might tell you.
Honestly, the push to constantly procreate is a very solid argument against humans being different from the rest of the natural world. Despite all our supposed sophistication, we don’t really act any different from mold growing on a piece of old bread.
Except mold can set spores and wait for better times, whereas we’ll simply die off. I guess we’re actually dumber than mold.
@4 raven
“He doesn’t seem to have much in the way of self awareness.”
“He added, “You’re going to be a sad, lonely, pathetic person and you’re going to know it internally.””
Maybe he isn’t self aware, but that looks a lot like projection.
nor do we know what makes the supporters of him and that despicable orange blimp continue to do so, except, of course, if they agree with them.
Strange creature, that Vance guy. Many skeletons but no spine!
Both he and Dumpf look like insecure, angry teenagers to me. Hate women, hate everyone telling them what to do… and there seems to be no chance they will ever grow up.
I seriously hope you get a better election result than Thuringia and Saxony today. Looks like in both German states the fascist AfD will be the strongest or nearly strongest party in the state parliament. Eighty years after WW2 the brown cockroaches are growing strong again in Germany.
As Zippy says this morning, “If I can be gluten free, why can’t I be J. D. Vance free?” Sums up my position, except for also being Trump free along with his fellow travelers.
In any case, there’s nothing “anti-child” about being for women or women’s health choices, as we all recognize. In fact, the women’s movement has always taken strong positions in support of children. It’s my understanding that the early feminists are one reason we have child labor laws at all.
@6 LykeX
Of course he has to use “anti-child” instead of the more accurate terminology, such as “anti-breeding”, which will definitely sound much more creepy and weird.
“JD Vance has so many skeletons in his closets.”
His whole house is full plus a couple of storage units.
I’m childfree but not antinatalist, at least not to the extent of Schopenhauer or David Benatar. I think there are arguments to be made to reduce one’s carbon footprint and I mostly enjoy the extra freedom I get from not having kids. Having a pet dog for over 17 years was enough stress. I was a helicopter parent in that sense.
I do admit admiring this antinatalist guy’s epitaph:
“This is my father’s crime against me, which I myself committed against none.”
Why aren’t the Quiverfull freaks being scrutinized instead?
I’m kinda allergic to cats so won’t be accumulating them. I knew a woman who had way too many cats but was an empty nester who had a daughter, so I don’t assume too many cats and being childfree go hand in hand.
The neighborhood cats do love my yard, which is fine if they are killing neighborhood rats. They’re not mine.
This is rich, since conservatives HATE children. They find kids acceptable when they’re carbon copies of their parents (if they approve of said parents) but the moment those children show some independence of thought, conservatives go on full attack. Partly, this is the almost-instinctual bullying inherent to conservatism, which drive adherents to attack anyone perceived as vulnerable, but it’s also a fear response. They’re afraid that the next generations will be better than them, and undo all that they’ve accomplished. Which, in the case of things like slavery, systemic racism, genocide, mass incarceration, and so on, is exactly what should happen.
It’s extremely difficult to imagine a more mediocre millennial than JD Vance, a man who has failed upwards his entire life by having no moral compass and a willingness to debase himself to become whatever his rich paymasters desired.
JD Vance’s entire life has been spent in pursuit of empty status. He achieved his credentials, bank account, office, and candidacy because he thinks that life is a game of king of the hill. He wants to stand at the top and make everyone acknowledge that he “won.”
But there’s a reason that one of the main things anyone thinks of him is a Twitter joke about him having fucked a couch, and that’s that there’s nothing in him. He’s just a howling void of empty ambition. He has no goals for the power he seeks, no plans to do or be anything. He just wants to be #1 for its own sake, because he seems to believe that will fill up the hollowness in his soul.
It won’t. When he says this-
-he’s describing himself. None of what he’s doing now will ever change that. That void inside him is ever hungry and, by feeding it, it will only grow larger. It cannot be filled by empty pursuits. He’s adding emptiness to emptiness and expecting that it will make him full.
“Having a pet dog for over 17 years was enough stress. I was a helicopter parent in that sense.”
I am like that with my adopted cats. Having children would drive me insane.
@15: SAME.
In other news: Couchfucker says something else stupid. Film at whenever.
This guy is such a tool. A single Twitter thread is a war, and a “anti-child ideology” pushed by “millennial feminists”. Sexist drivel from a red-pilled gamerbro.
Nobody needs another bog-standard chauvinist opinion bloviating and insulting women for merely discussing why they might choose to not have a child.
It isn’t as if humans are some rare endangered species.
Women have every right to bodily autonomy, and are the authority on their own desire to reproduce. Shadypants can shove his eyeliner and his fascist opinions about women’s rights to self- determination right up his misogynist hilly-billy arse.
I’ve been wondering where the excreable congresswoman MTG has disappeared to in these last couple of months. I see she has been replaced by an even bigger Fool in the pantheon of the white male supremacist party.
I’ve long noticed that attitude among many people. For me, the first encounters were alternative medicine advocates, especially those who thing autism is a thing that needs to be “cured.” They talk of their own children as guinea pigs, because the kid isn’t real to them: Only their fantasy of a neurotypical multiclass doctor/lawyer/president revealed by the snake oil matters.
I’m tempted to label some of these people as “anti-parents,” because they’re not interested in the goal of parenting: To raise the kid to be their own individual. They want clones.
Vance is a hillbully.
Conservative Columnist Tells Bemused CNN Host Vance ‘Has Not Had One Misstep’
The planet is 7 billion humans and growing, an unsustainable number, and these clowns say we need to breed MORE?
Oh! They’re talking about WHITE people.
Reginald: So Lowry is explicitly saying Vance is indeed speaking for their ticket. Got it.
@21 — Not just white people, but white fascists.
elly@5, hemidactylus@13– thanks for those great links
Ohio Rizz? Something something Ohio Jizz
elly@5: and Trump is Mr. D.
It took me 14 hours to get why there is a photo with lots of flags…
BTW do not diss Appalachian people. Most of the are poor, and did not afford much of an education. And most of them are probably more down to earth than this weird opportunist.
birgerjohansson @ # 27: … do not diss Appalachian people.
Not all of them, no.
But have you taken a hard look at, e.g., West Virginia’s Senate delegation?
JD Vance Epically Fails to Understand How Inflation Works
“I know what’s best for you better than you do” is the core tenet of any authoritarian.
All of JD Vance’s quotes on childless women and the need for more (white) children show what he really wishes for is just superficially disguised neo-eugenics and Lebensborn program.
I thought you meant her ideas “threatened” the emperor by opposing the patriarchy. I read in the link that she ran a group that was plotting to kill the emperor and got to the step of producing bombs! Bit of a different nuance.
JD Vance opposes coming down hard on people trying to overthrow the government through violence, but he might make an exception for a childless cat lady.