As numerous commentators have already pointed out, the reason Trump hasn’t released the medical report of his injury is obviously because there wasn’t anything to report. He called it a mosquito bite when talking to RFK Jr. He probably wasn’t actually even hit by a bullet and the injury is from a shard of broken glass or something similar.
Are they wearing the ear diapers to filter the shit going through them?
It’s no more virtue-signaling than this blogpost is. Nice job projecting, though!
I’d call the ear bandages more of a signal of solidarity. But I think that word is on the no-no list for conservatives.
Reginald Selkirksays
@2: He probably wasn’t actually even hit by a bullet and the injury is from a shard of broken glass or something similar.
I’d call the ear bandages more of a signal of solidarity.
For sure. Sorta like the Sieg Heil.
Snarki, child of Lokisays
Reminds anyone of “Purple Heart” band-aids at the 2003 RNC convention?
Dennis K @ 6
Or the patriotic Bellamy Salute.
-If you get a migraine from listening to the BS from the meeting I recommend the humoristic summaries for each day, made by Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert or Seth Meyers.
I must give the Repub politicians kudos for staying consistent about lying.
I mean, each and every claim is easily debunked but when you have several hundred false claims it is like holding back the Soviet Army – it isn’t very good, but it has numbers.
If a high-velocity bullet had passed through the ear I would have expected it to be quite ruined. It may have been grazing the skin, or maybe the shock wave from a supersonic bullet passing a fraction of an inch away caused the blood to burst through the skin.
Bullet wounds are BAD.
@5. Reginald Selkirk : Thanks. I’d heard that idea albeit just glass not teleprompter specifically and now stand corrected and know better.
@ drew : You use the word ‘projection’ there, I do not think you know what it means..
Better tosignla virtue than vice albiet yeah, that’s gunna be subjective i ‘spose.
@9: some say it’s shattered glass and I believe that more than a bullet.
@drew: the problem is these people feel “solidarity” only with the powerful.
For the powerless, there’s only cruelty.
I do think The Orange Greaseball is milking for as much sympathy as he can get, because that is who he is. However, I do not think it is unjustified for his orcs to want to amplify it. The fact is that Trump could very well have died that day, and America should lean into that. If Biden was the one with the bloodied ear, we Progressives would be shouting it from the rooftops.
The part that sticks in my craw, though, is that the walking dead of the GOP have done everything in their power to make such assassination attempts MORE LIKELY!
So don’t go looking for any sympathy from me, GOP. This was an ‘own goal’ of the Conservatives, by the Conservatives, for the Conservatives.
FFS, the Zuck must have led a pretty sheltered life. As soon as Trump realized he was being shot at, he went down and allowed Secret Service* agents, including women, to shield him with their bodies. He did not get up again and make useless gestures until the shooting had stopped and he was assured it was safe to flee.
* Someone should tell Elon Musk this is never abbreviated as “SS” for reasons that would be obvious to a normal person.
Hey PZ I know you are busy with life and family affairs, but just wanted to let you know that your posts about anything political really helps me deal with the anxiety that accompanies each election year. Even if you don’t feel very optimistic know that it helps reassure some of us.
@11: yes, and I think that “conservative” is too good a word for them. This boomer can remember when there were principled conservatives, decent folks with whom one could have rational discussions. Their Republican party no longer exists, but is now a cult with a charismatic leader. It’s not the party of fiscal conservatism; it’s the party of Donald Trump. It’s not the party of family values; it’s the party of Donald Trump. (I could go on at some length, but you get the idea.)
I wish they’d just drink the Kool-Aid and leave decent people alone.
“You look like you have a teabag on your ear.”
“What was that? I can’t hear you- I have a teabag on my ear.”
Re my comment @17:
On reflection, I think that “drink the Kool-Aid” is over the top, and I take it back. I stand by the rest of the comment.
At Jonestown, the poison was not served in Kool-Aid but in a different, generic brand (I forgot which).
And the Trump populism is just another generic populism, it has no more substance than the Berlusconi brand or the Boris Johnson brand.
Reginald – I’m quite agnostic about where Trump’s injuries come from, but evidence that quotes Trump’s statements, is not evidence. Almost everything Trump says is a lie.
John Moralessays
It’s no more virtue-signaling than this blogpost is. Nice job projecting, though!
Such incomprehension!
I’d call the ear bandages more of a signal of solidarity.
Right, right… solidarity-signaling is not a mode of virtue-signaling.
Nothing at all like it.
johnson catmansays
I doubt that the oversized bandage is even necessary at this point, but it is an attention grabber. I would say that the crowd with their “solidarity” bandages are pikers. If they really wanted to show solidarity, they would get themselves shot in the ear and attach a real bloody bandage. Matter of fact, I think that there should have been a booth at the convention where his devoted followers could pay for the privilege of being shot in the ear and bandaged up.
Responding to @20 birgerjohansson:
I reply: It’s tired and I’m getting late, but I remember a recent cartoon that had photos of two similar scary faces and the caption was ‘the difference between Jim Jones and tRUMP is that tRUMP would make you pay for the koolaid!’
@ moarscienceplz : “So don’t go looking for any sympathy from me, GOP. This was an ‘own goal’ of the Conservatives, by the Conservatives, for the Conservatives.
With the almost assassin actually being a “conservative” too.
@drew: the problem is these people feel “solidarity” only with the powerful.
For the powerless, there’s only cruelty.
I’ve started entertaining the idea that the MAGA crowd doesn’t care about the quality of their own lives, only that of their idol. They’re only interested in their vicarious life through the “strong” man.
@29 It would certainly explain why they fall, over and over and over again, for the, “You don’t need to pay attention to facts or evidence about how the country is doing, or how badly it always does under conservatives, just keep believing that Trump will save you and make things better!”, delusion. It doesn’t matter to the GOP, and kind of hasn’t since Reaganomics failed, and they doubled down instead of admitting it didn’t work, what happens to real people, and those voting for them have proven, over and over again, that they will drag themselves through literal sewage to vote for more of it, while blaming everyone but their party for the sewage being there, just for the false promises and simple answers the GOP is giving them.
I recently came across a video talking about the story of “Those who walk away from Omelas.”, and couldn’t help but think about how you don’t even need, for the cult minded, to actually “create” a paradise, just promise that one day you will give them one, and they will literally throw other people under the bus to get to it, as long as its people they know nothing about other than they are different and they don’t know them. I also find it a disturbing echo of certain religion – which promise paradise for the people that follow unfollowable rules, as long as you are willing to condemn everyone that doesn’t to eternal torture. – Again, its not real paradise they are embracing, and some walk away from when they decide they can’t accept the horror of what is needed to be there, but the promise of one. And.. maybe that is the whole problem – they have already bought into this sort of insanity, so some madman promising to create something similar in real life, and all you need to do is condemn everyone that isn’t you to poverty, prison, torture, or death doesn’t seem so “bad”?
Well, sorry, but I find both “visions” of paradise horrifying and equally delusional.
@Recursive Rabbit #29
No need to “start entertaining”.
I am convinced that xenophobes and authoritarians don’t care about morals, integrity or hypocrisy, realty or indeed their material conditions.
They care only about power or, absent that, feeling vicariously powerful, feeling like they are together with something powerful: literally “com-passion” for the powerful.
For them, that is more important that anything.
(And BTW, what is the most pure demonstration of power over someone? Cruelty. If you wonder where all the hate comes from.)
When I started reading their actions in that light, they started to make a lot of sense.
@ 17, 19 No you were right the first time around. Trumpists did drink the bright orange kool aid. It’s slower acting but just as lethal.
And they did it willingly and knowingly.
@12 If it had been shattered glass, it should have appeared on the video and also in the still shots of the aftermath. No photo or video I have seen shows shattered glass on the ground. And no video of the actual time of the shots shows shattered glass flying through the air either and it should have been pretty easy to see. It was a bright sunny day and the shattered glass flying through the air would have glittered from its trajectory through the air and the sunlight reflecting off the glass. Glass shatters into a lot of separate pieces. If it had been glass that gave Trump a bloody ear, there would have been more than one or two impact points and there wasn’t. Also, if it was glass, why weren’t any other people hit by the other glass shards that would have certainly been propelled from the point of impact from the bullet? Because the only other explanation defies the laws of physics, ie., there was only one glass shard and it made it’s way straight to Trump. Unlikely, to say the least.
Honestly, it looks like a bullet graze creased his ear. Draw a straight line between the two points of contact on his ear and it looks like the line a bullet would have made if the shooter was shooting from a higher point than the target and creased the ear.
Basically, Trump was extremely lucky that he keeps moving around as he speaks, and the shooter decided to try for a headshot versus a more effective but less glamorous shot to the chest.
The War of Trump’s Ear didn’t stop him lying through his teeth in his RNC speech as usual, though.
As numerous commentators have already pointed out, the reason Trump hasn’t released the medical report of his injury is obviously because there wasn’t anything to report. He called it a mosquito bite when talking to RFK Jr. He probably wasn’t actually even hit by a bullet and the injury is from a shard of broken glass or something similar.
Are they wearing the ear diapers to filter the shit going through them?
It’s no more virtue-signaling than this blogpost is. Nice job projecting, though!
I’d call the ear bandages more of a signal of solidarity. But I think that word is on the no-no list for conservatives.
Stop it.
Rumor That Shards of Glass, Not Bullet, Injured Trump in Assassination Attempt Is False
For sure. Sorta like the Sieg Heil.
Reminds anyone of “Purple Heart” band-aids at the 2003 RNC convention?
Dennis K @ 6
Or the patriotic Bellamy Salute.
-If you get a migraine from listening to the BS from the meeting I recommend the humoristic summaries for each day, made by Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert or Seth Meyers.
I must give the Repub politicians kudos for staying consistent about lying.
I mean, each and every claim is easily debunked but when you have several hundred false claims it is like holding back the Soviet Army – it isn’t very good, but it has numbers.
If a high-velocity bullet had passed through the ear I would have expected it to be quite ruined. It may have been grazing the skin, or maybe the shock wave from a supersonic bullet passing a fraction of an inch away caused the blood to burst through the skin.
Bullet wounds are BAD.
@5. Reginald Selkirk : Thanks. I’d heard that idea albeit just glass not teleprompter specifically and now stand corrected and know better.
@ drew : You use the word ‘projection’ there, I do not think you know what it means..
Better tosignla virtue than vice albiet yeah, that’s gunna be subjective i ‘spose.
Oh and da comrade.
They’re in a fucking cult.
@9: some say it’s shattered glass and I believe that more than a bullet.
@drew: the problem is these people feel “solidarity” only with the powerful.
For the powerless, there’s only cruelty.
I do think The Orange Greaseball is milking for as much sympathy as he can get, because that is who he is. However, I do not think it is unjustified for his orcs to want to amplify it. The fact is that Trump could very well have died that day, and America should lean into that. If Biden was the one with the bloodied ear, we Progressives would be shouting it from the rooftops.
The part that sticks in my craw, though, is that the walking dead of the GOP have done everything in their power to make such assassination attempts MORE LIKELY!
So don’t go looking for any sympathy from me, GOP. This was an ‘own goal’ of the Conservatives, by the Conservatives, for the Conservatives.
Mark Zuckerberg says Trump’s fist pump was ‘one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen in my life’
FFS, the Zuck must have led a pretty sheltered life. As soon as Trump realized he was being shot at, he went down and allowed Secret Service* agents, including women, to shield him with their bodies. He did not get up again and make useless gestures until the shooting had stopped and he was assured it was safe to flee.
* Someone should tell Elon Musk this is never abbreviated as “SS” for reasons that would be obvious to a normal person.
Hey PZ I know you are busy with life and family affairs, but just wanted to let you know that your posts about anything political really helps me deal with the anxiety that accompanies each election year. Even if you don’t feel very optimistic know that it helps reassure some of us.
@11: yes, and I think that “conservative” is too good a word for them. This boomer can remember when there were principled conservatives, decent folks with whom one could have rational discussions. Their Republican party no longer exists, but is now a cult with a charismatic leader. It’s not the party of fiscal conservatism; it’s the party of Donald Trump. It’s not the party of family values; it’s the party of Donald Trump. (I could go on at some length, but you get the idea.)
I wish they’d just drink the Kool-Aid and leave decent people alone.
“You look like you have a teabag on your ear.”
“What was that? I can’t hear you- I have a teabag on my ear.”
Re my comment @17:
On reflection, I think that “drink the Kool-Aid” is over the top, and I take it back. I stand by the rest of the comment.
At Jonestown, the poison was not served in Kool-Aid but in a different, generic brand (I forgot which).
And the Trump populism is just another generic populism, it has no more substance than the Berlusconi brand or the Boris Johnson brand.
@17,19-20 It was Flavor Aid
Reginald – I’m quite agnostic about where Trump’s injuries come from, but evidence that quotes Trump’s statements, is not evidence. Almost everything Trump says is a lie.
Right, right… solidarity-signaling is not a mode of virtue-signaling.
Nothing at all like it.
I doubt that the oversized bandage is even necessary at this point, but it is an attention grabber. I would say that the crowd with their “solidarity” bandages are pikers. If they really wanted to show solidarity, they would get themselves shot in the ear and attach a real bloody bandage. Matter of fact, I think that there should have been a booth at the convention where his devoted followers could pay for the privilege of being shot in the ear and bandaged up.
Crypto CEO resigns after posting about ‘literal war’ against Trump opponents
Responding to @20 birgerjohansson:
I reply: It’s tired and I’m getting late, but I remember a recent cartoon that had photos of two similar scary faces and the caption was ‘the difference between Jim Jones and tRUMP is that tRUMP would make you pay for the koolaid!’
@ moarscienceplz : “So don’t go looking for any sympathy from me, GOP. This was an ‘own goal’ of the Conservatives, by the Conservatives, for the Conservatives.
With the almost assassin actually being a “conservative” too.
It’s to muffle the rattling. Empty vessels make the most noise.
F.O. @13:
I’ve started entertaining the idea that the MAGA crowd doesn’t care about the quality of their own lives, only that of their idol. They’re only interested in their vicarious life through the “strong” man.
@29 It would certainly explain why they fall, over and over and over again, for the, “You don’t need to pay attention to facts or evidence about how the country is doing, or how badly it always does under conservatives, just keep believing that Trump will save you and make things better!”, delusion. It doesn’t matter to the GOP, and kind of hasn’t since Reaganomics failed, and they doubled down instead of admitting it didn’t work, what happens to real people, and those voting for them have proven, over and over again, that they will drag themselves through literal sewage to vote for more of it, while blaming everyone but their party for the sewage being there, just for the false promises and simple answers the GOP is giving them.
I recently came across a video talking about the story of “Those who walk away from Omelas.”, and couldn’t help but think about how you don’t even need, for the cult minded, to actually “create” a paradise, just promise that one day you will give them one, and they will literally throw other people under the bus to get to it, as long as its people they know nothing about other than they are different and they don’t know them. I also find it a disturbing echo of certain religion – which promise paradise for the people that follow unfollowable rules, as long as you are willing to condemn everyone that doesn’t to eternal torture. – Again, its not real paradise they are embracing, and some walk away from when they decide they can’t accept the horror of what is needed to be there, but the promise of one. And.. maybe that is the whole problem – they have already bought into this sort of insanity, so some madman promising to create something similar in real life, and all you need to do is condemn everyone that isn’t you to poverty, prison, torture, or death doesn’t seem so “bad”?
Well, sorry, but I find both “visions” of paradise horrifying and equally delusional.
@Recursive Rabbit #29
No need to “start entertaining”.
I am convinced that xenophobes and authoritarians don’t care about morals, integrity or hypocrisy, realty or indeed their material conditions.
They care only about power or, absent that, feeling vicariously powerful, feeling like they are together with something powerful: literally “com-passion” for the powerful.
For them, that is more important that anything.
(And BTW, what is the most pure demonstration of power over someone? Cruelty. If you wonder where all the hate comes from.)
When I started reading their actions in that light, they started to make a lot of sense.
@ 17, 19 No you were right the first time around. Trumpists did drink the bright orange kool aid. It’s slower acting but just as lethal.
And they did it willingly and knowingly.
@12 If it had been shattered glass, it should have appeared on the video and also in the still shots of the aftermath. No photo or video I have seen shows shattered glass on the ground. And no video of the actual time of the shots shows shattered glass flying through the air either and it should have been pretty easy to see. It was a bright sunny day and the shattered glass flying through the air would have glittered from its trajectory through the air and the sunlight reflecting off the glass. Glass shatters into a lot of separate pieces. If it had been glass that gave Trump a bloody ear, there would have been more than one or two impact points and there wasn’t. Also, if it was glass, why weren’t any other people hit by the other glass shards that would have certainly been propelled from the point of impact from the bullet? Because the only other explanation defies the laws of physics, ie., there was only one glass shard and it made it’s way straight to Trump. Unlikely, to say the least.
Honestly, it looks like a bullet graze creased his ear. Draw a straight line between the two points of contact on his ear and it looks like the line a bullet would have made if the shooter was shooting from a higher point than the target and creased the ear.
Basically, Trump was extremely lucky that he keeps moving around as he speaks, and the shooter decided to try for a headshot versus a more effective but less glamorous shot to the chest.