Happy International Workers’ Day!

It’s time to go read about the Haymarket Affair and the Great Upheaval.

Unfortunately, what I’ll do instead today is go to work…the US hasn’t quite figured out what May Day should be about, or more likely has been actively covering up the meaning of the day. Also, I have to pay bills today. I don’t think I’m quite in the right spirit for the holiday.


  1. birgerjohansson says

    Reagan marked the end of the New Deal era and started forty years of suppressed debates about societal issues that were seen as threatening to status quo, like the widening economic gaps or the immoral foreign policies aimed at propping up puppet regimes.
    USA is slowly getting back to an openness in media western European countries have retained. But it will take many decades to repair the damage in the health sector and reducing the grotesque income gap. Don’t get me started on ‘law enforcement’.

  2. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 2

    But it will take many decades to repair the damage in the health sector and reducing the grotesque income gap.

    Many decades we don’t have, due to global warming and environmental destruction.

  3. Jazzlet says

    Akira MacKenzie @#1
    Thank you for bringing back a memory, on holiday in Scotland with a couple of my brothers, minding our own business walking along a (public) footpath while quietly chatting. We were accosted by a tweed wearing middle aged woman who admonished us for making a noise, saying we would scare of the fish – trout fishing is a lucrative business for the wealthy landowners who rent out stretches of river their rivers for significant sums of money, and you aren’t allowed to fish if you haven’t paid. We made the only response we could, walking on singing the Red Flag at the top of our voices. Which was fair louder than our quiet chatting ;-)

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