But what about Free Speech?

You better not mention Hans Kristian Graebener on Twitter — Elon Musk doesn’t like it when you expose one of his favorite Nazis.

Twitter is nuking every single post that mentions the name Hans Kristian Graebener, even in quotes. Everyone that posts it is getting hit. I’ve never seen sitewide censorship like this done specifically on behalf of a neo nazi.

Gosh. He’ll suspend his support for free speech to help conceal a notorious creep? Maybe his support isn’t that deep.

Have they tried calling him Gräbener? It might sneak past some of the automated blocking.


  1. gijoel says

    Can’t wait to hear Elon whine about cancel culture (I know, the irony) as more advertisers pull out of Twitter, and people stop buying Tesla cars.

  2. robro says

    They could have a slew of aliases for HKG. They could get creative with it. How much fun to se if they sneak past Mustoxic’s censors and drive the algorithm wack-o-looney. I don’t twit so I’m useless.

  3. says

    Kind of explains why FaceBook, when they remove a post or a comment, say something like “Your post was removed. We can’t show it to you. If you’d like to appeal our decision, tell us why you wrote the post that we won’t tell you about.”

    If censorship is so complete that you can’t even know what was censored, it makes complaining about censorship a lot more difficult. Imagine if FaceBook took the logical next step and simply didn’t notify users that it was removing posts.

  4. rorschach says

    Bluesky is still suffering from a lack of participation esp. of media orgs, I think they now have around 4 million members. It’s still also lacking essential features like DMs or bookmarks. I do go there, but I can catch up with my timeline in about 5 mins.

  5. imback says

    I see there that Alejandra got her account restored by appealing to them with the magic words that she was targeted by antifa.

  6. Kagehi says

    @4 Helge

    Sadly this is probably shear accident. Unlike Youtube, when you post via something like X there is no “local copy” that you had to upload to the site. If there was then Youtube’s policy wouldn’t be that much different, in as much as their insanity is that they won’t tell you what you did wrong, where in the video you did it, exactly why it was a problem, or especially give you any clue as to who demanded that they block it. It is, imho, purely the fact that it is “video” that prevents them from not letting you see the video. Now.. if they had started out as a, “stream and record, like twitch”, sort of thing, I have no problem imagining them treating video the same way as “posts” on a chat system. And, I have seen any number of others with similar issues, where you literally cannot go back and look at something you previously posted, if the “owner/moderator” of a channel decides they want to nuke those posts. Its practically the #1 standard thing for right wing websites, creationist websites, or any other group that wants to be able to a) delete a comment that they find annoying, so no one can know what it was, and b) then lie about what it was, and slander the original poster.

  7. Kent Reniche says

    Twitter said that posting private info was not allowed and locked my account. I had to delete the tweet to get unlocked. I don’t think that this info about HKB is private anymore.