People actually think that way

I know I tend to get peevish about bad biology and reductionism and equating human beings with their gametes, but it’s a real problem.

The debate about Margot Robbie being mid or hot, whatever — ignores her important eugenic quality — she has a powerful jawline. She was designed to birth Jocks. Women have aesthetic purpose, but their main purpose is to birth the next generation.

Oh sure, she’s pretty, but her main reason for existence is to have babies, and Rægenhere can tell from her physiognomy what kind of children she’ll have. Riiight. So many things wrong with that claim.

These people actually exist.


  1. ethicsgradient says

    Plus there’s a reduction of “desirable” (or “fulfilled-design”) men to “a powerful jawline”. In Rægenhere’s utopia, there are men with powerful jawlines, and women who will give birth to men with powerful jawlines. All else is detail.

  2. jeanmeslier says

    “powerful jawline” must be the stupidest evopsych nonsense I have ever heard. First I thought it was a meme by imbecile whatever pillers, now I think they are genuinely serious. These people are more than regressive, they are comatose

  3. raven says

    This is just wrong.

    I looked it up.
    Margot Robbie is only 5 foot 6 inches tall.

    It’s just too short to birth Viking warriors, NFL football players, basketball players, or MLB players. It’s barely adequate for mid level soccer players.

    It’s not her fault.
    I put her photo through the, “Your Genetic Future” website ap and it says her children will be ballet dancers, lawyers, and rock stars.

  4. moarscienceplz says

    “it says her children will be ballet dancers, lawyers, and rock stars.”
    For the sake of the species, kill her now!

  5. cjcolucci says

    The number of men opining on the hotness of Margot Robbie is several orders of magnitude larger than the number of men who would have any kind of shot with her.

  6. seversky says

    It’s amazing what you can learn about women by sitting in a basement with a computer.

  7. jeanmeslier says

    @cjcolucci #6
    I would argue telling someone “hey you’ll have offspring with great jawiline” would flatter a very small amount of people no matter ther gender identity, sex , social standing, eye color etc etc.

  8. robro says

    As an old codger and non-TikToker, I had to look up “mid”. The world is moving so fast. It makes me tired sometimes. I guess I’m mid…or worse.

    What’s with this “designed” crap? While the Hollywood persona “Margot Robbie” is probably designed in the sense of a deliberate concoction of Ms. Robbie, her agents, and publicists, the person Margot Robbie is not designed at all, particularly in terms of her physical appearance.

  9. birgerjohansson says

    Margot Robbie has no ovipositor, so she cannot place her offspring in any host. Big fail.

  10. wajim says

    Well, given my semester of making Punnet squares and two failed attempts to get my lovely gay Biology prof drunk in his favorite bar (at 75 he was indeed a wiley coyote) I can clearly establish and support that Robbie’s fine sculpted nose clearly suggests she would never screw Tucker Carlson, and if she did, and gave birth to his child it would be born with assholitis as designated by the “bow tie” throat waddle all such poor damaged children exhibit. And they would certainly be admitted to Harvard, so there’s that

  11. StevoR says

    Eugenics? Seriously. That debunked, discredited psuedo-science still? This is 2023 not 1923 yeah?

    As for whether or not Margot Robbie is hot,; I’d say itdepedns onhow recently the photo was taken. Given the run of record breaking hottest days the planet has ever seen, if its a recnt pc then probly?

    The background vegetation looks coniferous and the sky looks overcast to me so .. maybe that says something? Anyhow .. just FFS!

  12. StevoR says

    @raven : “I put her photo through the, “Your Genetic Future” website ap and it says her children will be ballet dancers, lawyers, and rock stars.”

    Is.. is that an actual app that actually exists or satire?

  13. Dennis K says

    @10 robro —

    As an old codger and non-TikToker, I had to look up “mid”.

    I looked it up and I still don’t know. “Middle of the road” I guess?

  14. robro says

    Dennis K @ #15 — Per one of the Urban Dictionary definitions: “When the word mid is used it is used to describe something that is not good but not bad in the middle, hence the name Mid.” So, yeah, “Middle of the road” is as good as anything.

  15. wzrd1 says

    It is a fascinating viewpoint, an evaluation of the genetics of an individual, based exclusively upon the view of a jawline.
    Precisely what one would expect from a weapon of war, as Samson did defeat the entire Philistine army with only his jawbone.
    Even money, this tool also argues against germ theory. But then, it’s easily determined when a blunt tool is going to present itself as sharp, it begins with a Twitter moniker that starts with real and proving entirely false.
    Of course, intellect is utterly valueless to these people. So, in keeping with their sincerely held beliefs, I recommend prefrontal lobotomies for the lot of them.

  16. raven says

    Is.. is that an actual app that actually exists or satire?

    Not yet.
    It is however, a business opportunity.
    I heard Elon Musk is working on it.

    Margot Robbie is a Cancer zodiac sign, which belongs to the Water element of astrology, along with Pisces and Scorpio. The symbol of Cancer is a crab, which represents a protective nature. As a Cancer zodiac sign, Margot is engaging and charming.

    Really, predicting Margot Robbie’s genetic future from a photo isn’t going to be very accurate.

    You really need to look at her astrological sign. Her Zodiacal sign is Cancer the crab.
    Then you need to wait until her children are born and look under their Zodiacal signs.

  17. says

    If you look carefully, you will see a necklace bearing a symbol that signifies that she probably has no ability to engage in critical, objective, analytical thinking and that her main reason for existence is obviously to have babies. ‘merely a vessel for the pestle?’

  18. says

    for @13 StevoR: let me repeat my sarcasm from the PZ article on the trans agenda:
    News flash: the Moms for Liability raised 1.3 million dollars for a plane to drop a bomb and destroy that evil ‘trans agenda’ city in Oregon – Eugene. Because everybody knows that’s where eugenics was invented.
    AND then I’d add to it, ‘fortunately the wind shifted and the bomb fell on Salt Lake City destroying the temple there, so no real damage was done.’

  19. says

    Eugenics? Seriously. That debunked, discredited psuedo-science still? This is 2023 not 1923 yeah?

    It’s the centennial revival!

  20. wzrd1 says

    @ 23, that makes sense, as the prehensile tongue requires both the jawbone and hyoid bone to function properly.

  21. silvrhalide says

    @5 Hey now, what do you have against ballet dancers?!

    @7 What are the odds that Rægenhere has ever been within arm’s length of a woman (other than his mother… maybe) longer than it took for her to scream/run away/call the police/obtain a restraining order/all of the above? Are we starting a betting pool?

    @ 11 Well now I’m just sad that she can’t use Rægenhere in the same way that tarantula wasps use tarantulas.
    Or at the very least, the way queen honeybees use drones on their one and only nuptial flight. Heh.

  22. wzrd1 says

    Or perhaps, find a variant of massospora cicadina that infects whatever species Rægenhere is.

  23. silvrhalide says

    @18 Samson defeated the Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. Sadly, not the jawbone of the ass Rægenhere. Who, in all likelihood, is a bigger ass than the one whose jawbone Samson used to commit homicide.

  24. gijoel says

    Why didn’t he just come out and say she’s “good Aryan breeding stock.”


  25. Tethys says

    Why didn’t he just come out and say she’s “good Aryan breeding stock.”

    It’s implied in the name Rægenhere. It’s sadly very common for fascist skin-head idiots to give themselves fake Viking names. Ræger is a real name, with the same root and meaning as English “ wrack and ruin”.
    Of course douchebro has turned the noun into an adjective. It translates as slander-soldier or ruin-army.

    Obviously a troll name.

  26. jrkrideau says

    Has Rægenhere realized that basically he is a model sperm device and of really no use after he impregnates someone. I believe “drone’ is the term I am after. And since there are lots of other drones around he may be useful but hardly essential.

  27. chrislawson says

    @30– a dash of good aryan breeding stock really brings out the flavours in sauteed mushrooms.

  28. chrislawson says

    If Raegenhere wants to select mates by the most powerful jawbone, he’ll find himself screwing an ass.

  29. StevoR says

    @19 raven :

    “Is.. is that an actual app that actually exists or satire?” – me. (ed.)

    Not yet.
    It is however, a business opportunity.
    I heard Elon Musk is working on it.

    Honestly wouldn’t surprise me. Thanks. It is kinda hard to tell these days.

  30. John Morales says

    People have, like forever, imagined that people have some purpose or reason for existing.

  31. jimfoley says

    Skipping past their ‘main’ purpose, their secondary purpose seems to be aesthetic, so I guess that means that having a life and career comes in at third place, or maybe fourth?

  32. John Morales says

    jimfoley, life and career are way below that.

    More important they look after the cooking and the cleaning and the shopping and the household management and the social affairs (and so forth).
    And, of course, they are to be sluttish with their husband but chaste otherwise.

    After all that, then maybe the life and the career. Within reason.

    [Hopefully, the obvious sarcasm there is apparent — but it’s the milieu I knew as a child]

  33. wzrd1 says

    John Morales @ 37, I do indeed have a purpose. I’m directly responsible for oxygen consumption and foodstuff depletion. I’m quite proficient at both.

  34. birgerjohansson says

    Robro @ 16
    For terms about quality rather than quality the Swedish word “lagom” means approx. the optimal balance/size/amount.
    Something can be mid- or average something but if it is lagom something, it is just right.

    The lagom amount of “eugenics” is zero.

  35. birgerjohansson says

    The powerful jaws are important for tearing apart rivals during the mating rituals. Duh.

  36. Grace says


    Margot Robbie has no ovipositor, so she cannot place her offspring in any host. Big fail.

    Um… how do you know?
