Other than the +5 disease resistance, I’ve observed no significant side effects.
That is, other than my voice acquiring a new resonance — I sound like a Decepticon now — and I occasionally emit a kind of warbling screech, like a 1990s modem, which I’m sure will clear up once the nanobots have sufficiently matured and manage to make a connection to my peers. If you’ve got the shot, we ought to try to make a borg-like hookup.
I’ve been tripple vaxxed for a month now, and the only side effect is, apparently, smugness.
I’ll hook up with you any way you like, Paul Zachary
Resistance, as they say, is futile.
One of the lucky ones. After virtually zero side effects from the original two jabs, the booster made my arm so sore and stiff I couldn’t lift it unassisted. It had worn off by the following morning.
From the experiences of my friends, the side-effects often hit the hardest the day after the booster shot. I had a sudden bout of nausea about 36 hours after the shot, though I can’t be sure if the booster was the cause since it passed very quickly.
I’m part of the ongoing Texas Cares antibody study, and just got a text saying it’s time to get my second blood test (you get three, three months apart). It will be interesting to see what difference the booster makes to the result. Was 600 last time.
Did you get the Apple chip, or the Microsoft chip?
And did it improve your 5G coverage also, too?
I was thinking of getting a booster tomorrow after work. I didn’t have a reaction when I got my initial J&J jab back in March, but I want to give myself the weekend to recover on the off-chance I have one this time.
Do you even know whether you got the ferromagnetic bots, or the aluminocarbon aliens? And, aren’t there any other choices available yet? What about designer colours?
Sigh… I should have held out for a Silicon/Oxygen (Silicone) chain based life form…
Got my booster a couple weeks ago. Like the initial two injections, there was absolutely no side effects of any discernible type. I don’t know how I should feel about that. On one hand, there was no discomfort or pain but, on the other, I don’t get to whine to friends and family about how much I suffered.
After a sh*tty day, I listened to the angry diatribe at the beginning of Scathing Atheist 457, and it sure boosted my spirits.
Also I read at Phys.org that there is promising work on creating better vaccines to people with waning immunity who respond poorly to previous vaccines.
And vaccines that can be freeze- dried and stored safely at room temperature.
Boosted is the new fully vaccinated. Uggh!!!
The only difference now between us is our sit rep. I feel less scared for the nonce. It’s a fluke that I have that convenience for the short term. Enjoying it while it lasts. Watching the water retreat from the beach before the next tsunami?
Quite possibly our governor’s sicko sociopathy led to excessive tragic burn of sadly willing kindling. I feel scarred for life even for thinking that thought. His reelection.
The next fast burn here could be around the corner. I hope not. We’ve fried enough. Damn!
Got the third shot (Pfizer) several weeks ago since I work in medicine. It hit me harder than the first two but apparently that’s a good thing? Still no 5G yet though…
I’m due my third dose in January, but since I had the malady du jour a month ago I am probably as protected as if I had been boosted already.
Still trying to get my unconcerned, Pollyannaish brother to get his first one though. Currently I’m toying with a plan to engineer a little accident and then conveniently be on hand for a blood transfusion. Or I could just hire a hit-man to vaccinate him by force: they have useful skills in this regard.
Life would be so much less stressful for me if he hadn’t married a blithering idiot and took some vague interest in what’s happing in the world outside.
Dear PZ, you may like this cartoon. There are some spiders in it.
best wishes (while impatiently awaiting booster appointment in just over a week)
PS the arachnid living in the ceiling-to-shelf corner above my desk appears to be thriving. Sometimes I am lucky enough to watch her snag a tiny fly.
@13- cartomancer
Your situation does present an interesting question I’ve pondered. If a vaccinated person gets exposed to SARS-CoV-2, what happens with their subsequent immunity? And does this vary with length of time since last booster? With severity of breakthrough symptoms?
Would their immune system reply by having variable antibody regions in B-cells hypermutate to better match viral variants on the spike protein and other antigens? Or does the immune system stay stuck with the memory generated by the most recent booster? Would severity of symptoms of a breakthrough infection correlate with a better response to future variants? If recently boosted would sterilization response via neutralizing antibodies reduce chances of variant antigen signatures updating the immune memory?
There was no need for you to get a booster, the government got the chip into you with the first shot. The other shots are just cover.
Did you pair your booster with the flu shot? If not, they may explain your lack of side effects. The twofer wrecked me for four days. Or, maybe, it’s just that you’re different than me. My wife is now eligible for the booster, and after watching me drag myself around the house in my meditation robes for 96 hours, being the big baby that I am when I feel sick, she’s decided to skip the flu shot for the time being.
Got my booster as planned. No I’ll effects so far.
Edit: … no ill effects…
@17 I got the booster ,and the flu shot this morning ,no side affects so far.
Household update…
I got my booster shot (and the annual flu shot) on 11-12 at the pharmacy that handles my prescriptions. We were looking at how to arrange for my wife to get her booster (there are mobility issues) and our son-in-law discovered that the county vaccination clinic was open (a) open on Saturday and (b) walk-ins were okay. So we all piled into a car and drove out to fairgrounds for my wife, our daughter and our son-in-law to get boosters. Turns out, they were also offering flu shots, so all three of them got that as well.
In chatting with one of the post-shot waiting area minders, I was somewhat surprised to be told that our 13-year-old grandson will be eligible to get a booster shot once it’s been 6 months since his second shot (he got Phizer…in fact, everyone in the household except me got Phizer; I got Moderna). I don’t think boosters are approved for the 11 to 15 year olds by the FDA and CDC. It might be a State of California decision. Mind you I expect that the Feds will authorize that within the next month or two, but I haven’t seen that they’ve do so yet.
Kind of crazy it took so long. I got my third dose over a month ago in CA. But I guess we actually take the pandemic seriously unlike other blue states.
Re: rydan @ #22…
For the “middle generation” (daughter and son-in-law) it was very nearly as soon as they could, since they only got their second shot of the original series in early May. So 6 months on…November. the grandson got his second shot in mid-June, so even if I’ve been informed correctly, he needs to wait until mid-December to complete the 6 month interval.