It was a killer weekend, but I got a pile of work done, and now I’ve got a brief respite ahead of me. Very brief. My plans now are:
- Spider feeding! They hunger.
- More egg sacs hatched over the weekend, so I’ve got a lot of babies to sort out.
- We’ve been collecting time-lapse recordings of nocturnal web construction. I’ve got to sort out a few gigabytes of images.
- Class! Today I’m talking about basic chemistry of small molecules as a prelude to macromolecules the rest of the week.
- My students have been submitting lab schedule preferences, this afternoon I have to sort them into sections before the first lab tomorrow.
- Yeah, first lab tomorrow. This one is online, so I’m still not bumping into students, yet. Two more weeks until we’re physically rubbing elbows. I’m terrified.
As usual, it’s busy busy busy.
“They hunger” -Did Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sharandon show up?
(compulsory “The Hunger” reference)
Class: Check if you can find one of those goddamn antiquated diving suits on eBay, where air is constantly pumped in. Bill the university for expenses.
Preparations: be careful when you copy and paste earlier material. The Republican platform is copied from 2016 and states ‘the president has exceeded his constitutional authority”
The quality of this platform perfectly reflects the quality of everything else Republican.
I am so sorry we are where we are in this pandemic.
You are wise to have planned your semester so that there is no in-person contact for the first 2 weeks. By then the campus may have shut down.